Use "chief of state" in a sentence

1. The President is the chief of state.

2. The ensign of a chief of state, nation, or city.

3. After 10 years apart, the chief of state of China visits Japan again.

4. The president is the chief of state as well as the head of government.

5. The Chief of State did not heed the warnings, and found herself kidnapped by Ashgad.

6. The chief of the United States, serving as both chief of state and chief political executive.

7. Leia became one of the foremost leaders of the New Republic, eventually serving as Chief of State.

8. Formally a constitutional monarchy, its chief of state is the British monarch, represented by the governor - general.

9. Although Gorbachev was the nominal chief of state, Boris Yeltsin now had immense popular support and wielded more substantial power.

10. Lying on her deathbed, Mothma tendered her resignation as Chief of State, and passed on the leadership to Leia Organa Solo.

11. They were asserting themselves as individuals having rights and duties, refusing to be regarded as subjects of the chief of state.

12. The Galactic Alliance is still in power, but a new Chief of State has been installed: a former Imperial, Natasi Daala.

13. Backing a pro-Jedi candidate, Luke saw Cal Omas elected Chief of State of the newly formed Galactic Federation of Free Alliances.

14. In fact, Jacen lived a happy, adventure-filled childhood of privilege, being the son of the Chief of State of the New Republic.

15. The People's Republic of Bangladesh is a parliamentary democracy, with the president as chief of state and prime minister as head of government

16. When Mon Mothma stepped down from her position of Chief of State of the New Republic due to health issues, she passed on the mantle of leadership to Leia.

17. The 77-year-old ceremonial but deeply revered chief of state underlined Prime Minister Naoto Kan's earlier assertion that Japan is going through its worst crisis since World War II.

18. When Seti Ashgad, leader of the anti-Theran Rationalist Party contacted Chief of State Leia Organa Solo for diplomatic relations, Callista attempted to warn Leia to stay away from the world.

19. With the rise of the New Republic, the droids became separated, as Threepio stayed on Coruscant to assist Chief of State Leia Organa Solo in her diplomatic duties and in raising her children.

20. 21 With the rise of the New Republic, the droids became separated, as Threepio stayed on Coruscant to assist Chief of State Leia Organa Solo in her diplomatic duties and in raising her children.

21. This would be a remarkable end to a 42-year reign as Libya's chief governing authority and a first opportunity for the court to try a chief of state, even if he did not claim that title.

22. The chief of state Phan Khắc Sửu, an elderly figure appointed by the military to give a semblance of civilian rule, did not want to sign the decree without the agreement of the HNC, which mostly consisted of old men.