Use "ce" in a sentence

1. CE marking || No alignment, CE marking replaced by a wheelmark || · No alignment, CE marking replaced by a wheelmark

2. Aidez - la afin qu'elle finisse ce travail avant ce soir.

3. Qu'est - ce qui est vrai et qu'est - ce qui est faux?

4. Abbasid (750-1258 CE, 1261-1517 CE) - The Abbasids overthrew the Umayyads and established the Abbasid Caliphate in 750 CE.

5. Your CE Biennium period: Your CE Biennium is a two-year period during which you must complete your CE activities

6. Bombarderi ce biti prebrzi za njih i naci ce se u zamci

7. "That Day (Ce jour-là)".

8. The period between 250 CE and 650 CE was a time of intense flourishing of Maya civilized accomplishments.

9. Braes On Fait Quoi Ce Soir? Shampoo

10. Cu toate acestea, ceea ce obținem este să avem o echipă mai potrivită pentru ceea ce căutăm, în timp ce câștigăm productivitate.Este ceva ce poate fi extins la multe secțiuni de Windows, atât funcționale, cât și Aspectuale.

11. Din Ajunul tinereței pân’ ce

12. ANORGÁNIC, -Ă, Anorganici, -ce, adj

13. Considerings of machinery directive 1998/37/CE

14. Ce patron Accable les ouvriers de travail

15. High-quality CE targeted at Pathologists’ Assistants

16. Augustus Augustus (63 bce – 14 ce), Roman emperor

17. Ce que le maire fait, c’est Bureaucratiser ce mode d’action politique qu’est la manifestation et, du coup, contribuer à sa normalisation, …

18. Campaigns of Germanicus and A. Caecina Severus in the years 14-16 CE Military action in 14 CE Campaigns in 15 CE Operations in 16 CE Germanicus' campaign had been taken to avenge the Teutoburg slaughter and also partially in reaction to indications of mutinous intent amongst his troops.

19. Grammaticalement, ce mot "Advantageouser" est un …

20. A theatrical spiritualist beyond compare, n'est-ce pas?

21. Conversely: ce qui raccourcit la longueur de la trame

22. 16 Lithium - ion battery. CE compliant. Made in China.

23. Découvrez Des Produits En Promo Profitez de la réduction chez Bebloom grâce à ce code promo

24. Ce site propose près de 10 000 Blagues, ce qui en fait l'un des sites de Blagues les plus complets du web

25. Partial List of Approved CE Providers Offering Bioterrorism Courses

26. Français : L'espèce Brassica oleracea L

27. Mako-neexu a reblogué ce billet depuis Avereas

28. Décidons de Cesser toutes relations avec ce pays, que ce soit en matière d'investissements, de commerce ou de tourisme

29. Tous ce que vous recherchez se trouve chez Basalia

30. The Abbasids overthrew the Umayyad dynasty in 750 CE, supporting the mawali, or non-Arab Muslims, by moving the capital to Baghdad in 762 CE

31. Rejoignez-moi pour ce partage des leçons que j'ai Apprises en organisant ce sommet.Join me as I share the lessons organising this summit.

32. Bandino JP, Perry DM, Clarke CE, Marchell RM, Elston DM

33. Boudicca, also spelled Boadicea or Boudica, (died 60 or 61 ce), ancient British queen who in 60 ce led a revolt against Roman rule.

34. Amperages fixing agent Asuka period (550-710 CE) puff!; v

35. Des mutations de cecepteur conduisent au Cryptorchidisme

36. Ancylite-(Ce) and bastnaesite associated with “metaloparite” and TiO2 (anatase?)

37. Nous avons reçu plusieurs Candidatures pour ce poste pronunciation Pronunciation by Pat91 (Male from France); Nous avons reçu plusieurs Candidatures pour ce poste

38. Nous avons reçu plusieurs Candidatures pour ce poste

39. 7th century CE) advanced arguments against the existence of God.

40. Note—your CE Biennium and your annual renewal deadlines are different.

41. Policy Attestations Quest CE 2021-08-18T18:26:07+00:00

42. Congruences : Dans ce module, étude de la notion de congruence

43. Boudicca (first century; died around 61 CE) was one tough lady

44. Apollonius of Tyana: charismatic teacher and miracle worker (first century CE)

45. Affirmez-vous grâce à des piercings qui vous ressemblent

46. Tu es sage de ne pas d' Acclimater à ce monde

47. Ce n'est pas en ceste maniere qu'il faut Allegoriser sur le …

48. Claudius, in full Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, original name (until 41 CE) Tiberius Claudius Nero Germanicus, (born August 1, 10 bce, Lugdunum [Lyon], Gaul—died October 13, 54 ce), Roman emperor (41–54 ce), who extended Roman rule in North Africa and made Britain a province.

49. (all manner of things) tout ce qui est possible, tout ce qui est en notre pouvoir : We need to do Anything and everything to stop global warming

50. The Nerva-Antonine Dynasty was a dynasty of seven Roman Emperors who ruled over the Roman Empire during a period of prosperity from 96 CE to 192 CE

51. Cautery Electro Cautery Electro Cautery Pencil Hot Sale CE ISO Marked.

52. Les températures Attendues ce mardi 6 avril 2021 - BFMTV

53. The Nerva-Antonine Dynasty was a dynasty of seven Roman Emperors who ruled over the Roman Empire during a period of prosperity from 96 CE to 192 CE

54. Where are you with the new stem ce * ll line, Aldous?

55. Catholicisme Retrouvez dans ce dossier tous les articles sur la religion catholique

56. Pont du Gard, France, a Roman Aqueduct built circa 40–60 CE

57. Les Adverbes sont des petits mots complexes qui font ce qu’ils veulent

58. The angle grinder bore CE marking, according to Directive 2006/42/EC.

59. Cerium is a chemical element with symbol Ce and atomic number 58

60. - Ce prince s’est rendu l’Arbitre de la paix et de la guerre.

61. At least two synagogues were also built in the 6th century CE.

62. Ces Boches voulaient l'Angleterre, et voilà tout ce qu'ils ont eu

63. At Carrier Enterprise our CE logo could also stand for Career Enhancement

64. I ce the Bruise with an ice pack wrapped in a towel

65. Sign in to CE Broker and access your official continuing education records.

66. Anxs 232 93 Fortaleza, CE/Brazil My Photos My Albums My Likes

67. Endoscope ø4x50mm 4MM Otoscope Auriscope Ear Mirror Speculum ENT Fast ship CE

68. Historical beginnings (to the 7th century ce) The Achaemenids and the Greeks

69. Definitia cuvantului Adoptant , explicatie, dex, online, ce inseamna, interpretare pentru acest cuvant.

70. – Enfin un site où ce sont les filles qui commandent

71. Les Adverbes donnent des informations sur ce que pense celui qui parle.

72. As such, Xu Gan (170–217 CE) discusses them in the Balanced Discourses.

73. Archived Webinars -- Eligible for TSLAC CE Credit The majority of our Archived Webinars exist as online courses on our TSLAC Online Training site and are eligible for TSLAC CE credit

74. Ce n'est pas là un motif suffisant pour justifier une Contestation constitutionnelle.

75. You’ll have one additional month beyond your Biennium to report your CE credits

76. Arabesquerie :La maison qui vous ouvre ses portes pour admirer ce qu'elle contient

77. Ce tout m'a permit de m'Acclimater facilement et me sentir comme chez moi

78. Roman Egypt produced the greatest astronomer of the era, Ptolemy (90–168 CE).

79. The New Testament was Compiled in 363 CE at the Council of Laodicea

80. Localitatea Conakry în primă fază ocupa dor insula Tambo ,insulă ce aparține