Use "categorical imperative" in a sentence

1. 12 Murder violates the categorical imperative.

2. 13 There is, therefore, only one categorical imperative.

3. Kant gives three versions three formulations of the categorical imperative.

4. The overarching principle of special and differential treatment remains a categorical imperative.

5. 8 Perhaps the exemplar of this surrealist categorical imperative was Antonin Artaud.

6. 21 To pass unscathed into the inner sanctum of the wave is the categorical imperative of surfing.

7. 14 Kant's categorical imperative procedure, Adam Smith's impartial spectator, and Rousseau's general will are primary examples of representations of a moral point of view.

8. Imperative!

9. 11 The judgement was harsh and categorical.

10. What does Categorically mean? In a categorical manner

11. Convinced: See: affirmative , categorical , certain , definite , indubious , inexorable , positive , secure

12. He has gone wiggle - waggle and cannot be persuaded to categorical.

13. Areg fits a linear regression absorbing one categorical factor

14. 'Go!' is an imperative.

15. 29 He has gone wiggle - waggle and cannot be persuaded to categorical.

16. Adjusted for the categorical aggregation, the intra-industry trade index becomes:

17. In the phrase 'Leave him alone!', the verb 'leave' is an imperative/is in the imperative.

18. Congestionner - Imperative (Commands) Positive Negative

19. Survival is our first imperative.

20. 'Go away!' is an imperative.

21. So let’s interpret the Coefficients of a continuous and a categorical variable

22. Dimensional and categorical Anhedonias predicted independently severe cardiac events and clinical events after ACS

23. Second-person singular imperative of Annoncer.

24. Versatility was declared a political imperative.

25. The imperative was to raise dividends.

26. Correlation is commonly used to test associations between quantitative variables or categorical variables

27. Nouns for Categorise include categorical, categoricalness, categoricals, categoricity, categories, categorisation, categorisations, Categoriser, Categorisers

28. Is the left hemisphere Androcentric? Evidence of the learned categorical perception of gender

29. 2 The counselor would then electronically graze the 70 categorical pots of money.

30. The independent variables in Anova must be categorical (nominal or ordinal) variables

31. Affirmez /a.fiʁ.me/ — compound — simple imperative of avoir + past participle — simple imperative of avoir + past participle simple imperative of avoir + past participle — 1 The French gerund is only usable with the preposition en.

32. It is imperative that we do so.

33. Caressez /ka.ʁɛ.se/ — compound — simple imperative of avoir + past participle — simple imperative of avoir + past participle simple imperative of avoir + past participle — 1 The French gerund is only usable with the preposition en.

34. Adornez /a.dɔʁ.ne/ — compound — simple imperative of avoir + past participle — simple imperative of avoir + past participle simple imperative of avoir + past participle — 1 The French gerund is only usable with the preposition en

35. Can you give us a categorical assurance that no jobs will be lost?

36. But it is also a moral imperative.

37. Reducing air pollution has become an imperative.

38. 10 But how can I know what the categorical imperatives binding on me are?

39. Categorical Propositions Conversion, Obversion, and Contraposition Conversion, Obversion and Contraposition The inferences discussed so far have been concerned only with statements that contain identical subjects a also make an inference from a categorical statement to one that does not have exactly the same subject a categorical statements are logically equivalent.

40. 1 Can you give us a categorical assurance that no jobs will be lost?

41. 4 Weber's agent issued a categorical denial that the incident had ever happened.

42. Brusque /bʁysk/ — brusquons /bʁys.kɔ̃/ Brusquez /bʁ — compound — simple imperative of avoir + past participle — simple imperative of avoir + past participle simple imperative of avoir + past participle — 1 The French gerund is only usable with the preposition en.

43. Imperative (Command) Conjugation of Callar – Imperativo de Callar

44. Nelder (1990) described continuous counts, continuous ratios, count ratios, and categorical modes of data.

45. You are the categorical uncatogrerised, thinking out of the box is your modus operandi.

46. 16 But Whitehall sources dismissed the call and underlined Sir Patrick's own categorical statement.

47. 7 Can the Minister give us a categorical assurance that that will not happen?

48. Imperative (Command) Conjugation of Comer – Imperativo de Comer

49. Effective restructuring of public investment is an imperative.

50. Therefore, reform and consummation increment duty system imperative.

51. What does Antitheism mean? The categorical opposition to the belief in any and all deities

52. 5 Evolution of ordered categorical data in each group was assessed by the Wilcoxon rank sum test.

53. Afflue / — affluons /ɔ̃/ Affluez / — compound — simple imperative of avoir + past participle — simple imperative of avoir + past participle simple imperative of avoir + past participle — 1 The French gerund is only usable with the preposition en.

54. Atteste /a.tɛst/ — attestons /a.tɛs.tɔ̃/ Attestez /a.tɛs.te/ — compound — simple imperative of avoir + past participle — simple imperative of avoir + past participle simple imperative of avoir + past participle — 1 The French gerund is only usable with the preposition en.

55. 20 There was nothing between rhetoric and imperative.

56. Affirme /a.fiʁm/ — affirmons /a.fiʁ.mɔ̃/ Affirmez /a.fiʁ.me/ — compound — simple imperative of avoir + past participle — simple imperative of avoir + past participle simple imperative of avoir + past participle — 1 The French gerund is only usable with the preposition en.

57. The adventuresome, intrepid promiscuity of this poetry dissolves categorical difference, leaving a Steinian world Ashimmer

58. Authoritative: See: absolute , arbitrary and capricious , assertive , authentic , categorical , certain , clear , cogent , compelling , compulsory , consequential

59. Synonyms for Apodictic include complete, absolute, total, unmitigated, categorical, extreme, utter, downright, outright and sheer

60. 26 To classify ( a book or publication, for example ) according to a categorical system.

61. 6 Where deviance has a categorical, unproblematic quality,[] a penal response is triggered.

62. Connote /kɔ.nɔt/ — connotons /kɔ.nɔ.tɔ̃/ Connotez /kɔ.nɔ.te/ — compound — simple imperative of avoir + past participle — simple imperative of avoir + past participle simple imperative of avoir + past participle — 1 The French gerund is only usable with the preposition en.

63. Bluffe /blœf/ — bluffons /blœ.fɔ̃/ Bluffez /blœ.fe/ — compound — simple imperative of avoir + past participle — simple imperative of avoir + past participle simple imperative of avoir + past participle — 1 The French gerund is only usable with the preposition en.

64. It is imperative to maintain Boxfish with peaceful tankmates.

65. Informal second-person singular affirmative imperative form of Alhajar

66. Imperative programming focuses on describing how a program operates.

67. Job creation has become an imperative for the government.

68. 18 The Senate plan thus anticipated simplifying the review process characteristic of the categorical grants.

69. The acronym CAML originally stood for Categorical Abstract Machine Language, but OCaml omits this abstract machine.

70. Third-person singular ( você) affirmative imperative of Apostemar

71. It is even more imperative to keep good records.

72. But be imperative, shilly-shally heart going to tomorrow.

73. In Keynes's view, the great imperative was public works.

74. In 'Go away!' the verb is in the imperative.

75. The problem of categorical aggregation is explicitly addressed and a method to overcome is suggested.

76. 9 Categorical outcomes, such as prevalence rates, were initially compared by 2 with Yates' correction.

77. It is absolutely imperative that we finish by next week.

78. 11 It is imperative to effectively beef up international cooperation.

79. Define X as categorical array, and call the reordercats function to specify the order for the Bars

80. In The Creedal Imperative (Crossway), Westminster Theological Seminary's Carl R