Use "capitalist" in a sentence

1. Capitalist " failures "

2. Our economy is predominantly capitalist.

3. Bureaucrat - capitalist enterprises were nationalized.

4. He is an unabashed capitalist.

5. We live in a capitalist society.

6. I'm a capitalist, and they pay.

7. By day, I'm a venture capitalist.

8. Anarchists are by definition anti-capitalist, anti-racist

9. Capitalist society is by its very nature unstable.

10. Socialist and capitalist countries coexist in the world.

11. What happened in the 1970s was capitalist greed.

12. The new capitalist order is changing people’s lives.

13. The capitalist can give them nothing that they need.

14. The capitalist system is based on the profit motive.

15. Firstly capitalist society is by its very nature unstable.

16. One of the principal capitalist exploiters of the West, sir.

17. An incentive mechanism is established to the venture capitalist.

18. So what is a compassionate capitalist to think?

19. Byres This is a contribution to a long-standing ‘conversation’ between Henry Bernstein and Terry Byres on capitalist agrarian transition, encompassing the development of capitalist

20. The East India Company displayed a lively appreciation of the value of capitalist organisation and initially encouraged capitalist production to undo the middleman ' s mischief .

21. In a capitalist society there will always be winners and losers .

22. 13 synonyms for Businessman: executive, director, manager, merchant, capitalist, administrator

23. Taken together, these measures would constitute a post-capitalist economy.

24. The financial oligarchy is the real ruler of capitalist monopolies.

25. Skepticism is part and parcel of the capitalist ideology.

26. The profit motive is at the core of the capitalist system.

27. For Marx, it was an increasingly devastating fact of capitalist life.

28. Within a free enterprise capitalist society, resources are very unevenly distributed.

29. Profit is generally the apple of discord among the capitalist nations.

30. Some inequality is necessary for a high-functioning capitalist democracy.

31. With unification, East Germany was subsumed by capitalist West Germany.

32. It was the capitalist who gave us the steam engine.

33. Elliott B. Broidy (born 1956/1957) is an American venture capitalist and businessman

34. But in a capitalist system, the power distribution sphere of influence " iron rule. "

35. He met, and was backed by , an Indian - American venture capitalist , Vish Mishra.

36. As a venture capitalist, Mr Romney created jobs as well as destroying them.

37. Taylor, the capitalist, used to play down to most of his employees.

38. Some cynics say that sport is a mere instrument of capitalist domination.

39. Most modern capitalist economies are defined as "mixed economies" to some degree.

40. Arnie has just presented his business plan to Sabine, a venture capitalist.

41. Remember what venture capitalist Tam said about China the electric - vehicle industry.

42. Essentially, capital accumulation comes to define economic rationality in capitalist production.

43. Such a seemingly paradoxical phenomenon is well known in capitalist countries.

44. The venture capitalist plays a key role in the venture investment.

45. 17 Funnily enough, some out - and - out capitalist economists would agree.

46. A capitalist will not stick at any meanness in making money.

47. Non-voting observers came from Voix Ouvrière and a state capitalist tendency in Japan.

48. Hitler, without understanding it or desiring it, is shaking and undermining the capitalist system ...

49. The predominance of the United States in the world capitalist system received fresh confirmation.

50. 7 Mercantilism period is sex of capitalist production plan set sth afoot period.

51. The relationship between capitalist and wage labourer is defined as an equal exchange.

52. In capitalist society, big enterprises always try to freeze out the smaller ones.

53. Capitalist economies began their rise, beginning in northern Italian republics such as Genoa.

54. 11 The capitalist powers want to snuff out socialism in the Soviet Union.

55. The most elusive culprit remains the built-in contradictions of the capitalist system.

56. The reason is the increasing emphasis on individualism that industrial capitalist society imposes.

57. In February 1967 he was denounced as a counterrevolutionary and capitalist roader.

58. Johann Fust , a local venture capitalist, loaned him 800 guilders in 14

59. Not all of the practices of the transnational capitalist class are transnational.

60. Absorbing theories of main capitalist economy with a Animadvert attitude values to understand capitalism well

61. The institutional separation of the state from the capitalist class is not simply a charade.

62. Settlement and land reform schemes have to be administered in the interest of capitalist agriculture.

63. Angell's central argument was a simple restatement of the interdependence of modern capitalist economies.

64. Is China's authoritarian capitalist model in a position to supplant the west's democratic one?

65. It presupposes that the functionally optimal capitalist state is in some senses class-neutral.

66. ― The Rational Argumentator Exploring Capitalist Fiction may not sound like a page-turner

67. We work in whatever ways we can toward the end of capitalist patriarchy.

68. 10 Assimilation worked, especially for a nationalistic capitalist who could write hit songs.

69. Western experts view much of terrorism as another weapon being used to destabilize the capitalist system.

70. They were not likely to live to see the ultimate overthrow of the capitalist system.

71. Marx knew that wage labour existed on a modest scale for centuries before capitalist industry.

72. Most modern Communist parties now focus on reform of capitalist societies, rather than on revolution.

73. My maternal grandfather is a capitalist, who is a famous "furrier" in the Tianjin bazaar.

74. 4 It presupposes that the functionally optimal capitalist state is in some senses class-neutral.

75. Many economic historians regard the Netherlands as the first thoroughly capitalist country in the world.

76. Blockchains: building blocks of a post-capitalist future? November 6, 2020; Tools & Technology

77. Maurice Allais compared it to a cancer which relentlessly eats away the capitalist economy.

78. The Warsaw Pact was formed to counterbalance the NATO formed by the capitalist bloc.

79. By the 1950s some sociologists were confident that they had identified the key characteristics of capitalist society.

80. The actual and potential economic surplus generated exceeds the existing outlets for investment and capitalist consumption.