Use "campaigners" in a sentence

1. Campaigners have expressed outrage at the decision.

2. This proposal will incense conservation campaigners.

3. Medical campaigners say they're fighting for quality of life.

4. Campaigners were demonstrating against the slaughter of dolphins.

5. Assaults on Bloggers and Democracy Campaigners in Vietnam

6. Aid campaigners have their new mantra well honed.

7. Campaigners handed out leaflets on passive smoking.

8. Police often subject rights campaigners to lengthy, bullying interrogation sessions.

9. 16 Athletics'anti - dope campaigners are faced with a credibility problem.

10. Campaigners insist that abortion should be available on demand.

11. Athletics'anti - dope campaigners are faced with a credibility problem.

12. Campaigners have challenged the safety of genetically-modified foods.

13. Their analyses provided vital ammunition to the antinuclear campaigners.

14. The decision prompted an outcry among prominent US campaigners.

15. 2 Campaigners handed out leaflets on passive smoking.

16. The peace campaigners were probably out of tune with most Britons.

17. Women's rights campaigners described the urinals as sexist and misogynist.

18. The campaigners held a sit-in outside the Supreme Court.

19. Campaigners have enlisted the support of their local MP.

20. Campaigners are challenging the safety of genetically-modified food.

21. But for aborigine campaigners gestures have not been enough.

22. Campaigners have won a reprieve for the hospital threatened with closure.

23. The campaigners' angry words were formed by torches, lights and sparklers.

24. The more radical campaigners focus on poverty eradication and debt cancellation.

25. Campaigners vowed to carry on the struggle to the bitter end.

26. 2 The campaigners held a sit-in outside the Supreme Court.

27. 5 Campaigners insist that abortion should be available on demand.

28. Anti-alcohol campaigners deliberately seek to confuse alcohol with narcotic drugs.

29. Delays in implementation deadlines have, however, produced a lukewarm response from campaigners.

30. Campaigners claim that the animals are not being kept in humane conditions.

31. Campaigners round the world are waking up to the threat of Gats.

32. Campaigners fighting to kill off the proposed Darlington Cross Town Route have welcomed the news.

33. 25 Delays in implementation deadlines have, however,[] produced a lukewarm response from campaigners.

34. 27 Campaigners are calling for a worldwide ban on the use of land mines.

35. The Home Office is seriously considering the plans, while campaigners are condemning the moves.

36. The coronavirus pandemic has brought Spanish Bullfighting, long reviled by animal rights campaigners, to a standstill

37. Fizzy drinks, the scourge of healthy diet campaigners , can improve your memory, according to experts today.

38. Campaigners have said that they are prepared to defy the law in order to achieve their aims.

39. The government’s apparent use of thugs to assault rights campaigners is on the rise in Vietnam.

40. 10 The government was accused of being subservient to the interests of the pro-Europe campaigners.

41. 12 But the campaigners say they want to see even more promotion of non-alcoholic drinks for drivers.

42. Public campaigners fear that Celera's control of the code, legally secured with patents, could impede breakthroughs by other researchers.

43. Eugenicists, social purity campaigners and imperialists felt that strict schedules and regular habits would breed character in the child.

44. Chuffed is providing a fantastic service, start to finish, and they don’t charge their crowdfunding campaigners for it either

45. But campaigners say that South African lesbians are now being targeted by homophobic men—and sometimes even gang-raped.

46. Vietnam’s donors should issue public statements calling on the government to end harassment and prosecution of critics and rights campaigners.

47. Containing nuclear waste Anti-nuclear campaigners sometimes claim that nuclear fission and its dangerous products are a purely manmade phenomenon.

48. As the campaigners attempted to confiscate her knives and meat hooks, I asked what she felt as she butchered the cats.

49. Campaigners along the 50-mile proposed route also fear the 400,000-volt cable could endanger health, spoil the landscape and devalue property.

50. They include a nonagenarian war-hero, Vo Nguyen Giap, a dissident monk, Thich Quang Do, and a slew of leading scientists and environmental campaigners.

51. Green campaigners and Scots politicians have also criticised Shell for being slow to publicise the problem and release sufficient information on containing the oil.

52. Streets and monuments named after Colonialists and British monarchs can be found throughout Uganda, a former British colony, according to campaigners, who say …

53. Police often subject rights campaigners to lengthy, bullying interrogation sessions and detain them for long periods without access to legal counsel and family visits.

54. It also meant that the Belarussian dictator was given a handy list of all the pro- democracy campaigners in that country who had spoken to the U. S. government.

55. The death of anti-fascist activist Blair Peach during a protest in 1979 has always been a cause celebre for campaigners against police use of excessive force.

56. There was criticism of his conduct from MPs and women's rights campaigners when the plea bargain was reached and he appeared ready to admit sexual harassment charges.

57. It also meant that the Belarussian dictator was given a handy list of all the pro-democracy campaigners in that country who had spoken to the U.S. government.

58. Perhaps they can imitate Steve Bell’s buses, trains and tractors (Sci-fi sounds to make electric buses safer hit wrong note for campaigners, 2 July), and go “Boggler, Boggler”

59. Sudan has Criminalised female genital mutilation (FGM), making it punishable by three years in jail, a move campaigners have said will usher in a “new era” for girls’ rights in the country

60. A racist, Belligerent press doesn’t just hurt its targets, it’s bad for all of us Nesrine Malik Whether it’s EU migrants or Black Lives Matter campaigners, enemies are singled out to keep

61. Greenpeace climate campaigners and Sipson village resident Linda McCutcheon presented Airplot's legal Deed of Trust at 10 Downing Street this morning, to say thank you to the new Cameron/Clegg government following its move to officially scrap Heathrow

62. Brexiters seek to raise £1m to set up 'neutral' Museum of Brexit 6 shares The Guardian - Andrew Sparrow • 56m Leave campaigners have begun raising funds to open a Museum of Brexit after the long-awaited project was granted charitable status.

63. These decisions are extremely serious because they undermine more than 20 years of work by campaigners of linguistic causes such as Breton and Alsatian. I reiterate that, here in Alsace for example, there are bilingual schools which are called community schools (ABCM).

64. As The Economist explains, it was only later that religious “publicists appropriated ‘this festival of light [the birthday of the unconquered sun], for Christ is the world’s light’, and pretended (with a lack of evidence that would not be approved by Truth in Advertising campaigners) that baby Jesus was born in December.

65. The walk through districts residents Adversely Co-organiser Mike Forster said: "The day-long sponsored walk will see the #HandsOffHRI campaigners pass through many Kirklees districts where local residents would be Adversely affected - should the unpopular proposals to downband Huddersfield's only remaining NHS hospital go ahead - as they walk along the local Colne Valley cycle path and canal."