Use "campaigners" in a sentence

1. As The Economist explains, it was only later that religious “publicists appropriated ‘this festival of light [the birthday of the unconquered sun], for Christ is the world’s light’, and pretended (with a lack of evidence that would not be approved by Truth in Advertising campaigners) that baby Jesus was born in December.

「이코노미스트」지가 설명한 바와 같이, 세월이 더 흐른 뒤에야 종교를 “선전하는 사람들이 ‘그리스도가 세상의 빛이라는 이유로, 그러한 빛의 축제[무적 태양의 탄생일]’를 받아들이고 (진리를 광고하는 운동가들로부터 승인받지 못할 만큼 증거가 부족한데도) 아기 예수가 12월에 탄생한 것처럼 꾸미게 되었다.