Use "campaigned" in a sentence

1. They campaigned for nuclear disarmament.

2. They never campaigned for military preparedness.

3. They campaigned alongside the friendly forces.

4. We actively campaigned for animal rights.

5. They campaigned on behalf of asylum seekers.

6. Louisa Twining campaigned Ceaselessly for trained nurses

7. We have campaigned for better rural transport.

8. Parents campaigned in vain for her reinstatement.

9. We campaigned on a platform of low taxation.

10. They had campaigned vigorously for unilateral nuclear disarmament .

11. Sylvia Pankhurst campaigned tirelessly for votes for women.

12. The transplant community has actively campaigned in organ donation.

13. The newspaper has campaigned vigorously for the nationalist cause.

14. (verb) An army that Campaigned across the entire continent;

15. They have campaigned strongly for compulsory registration of dogs.

16. The party campaigned vigorously in the north of the country.

17. She has campaigned relentlessly for her husband's release from prison.

18. The second wave campaigned for legal and social equality for women.

19. In 1948 Harry Truman had campaigned to cries of " Give'em hell. "

20. 11 She has campaigned relentlessly for her husband's release from prison.

21. In order to help sb - They campaigned on Behalf of asylum seekers

22. On the other hand, Ryti had campaigned as a "Finnish peasant's son."

23. In 1906 he campaigned to preserve Grant Park as a public park.

24. While in Paris, she campaigned for the French Union for Women's Suffrage.

25. Thousands of people worldwide campaigned for the release of Nelson Mandela.

26. With a presidential election nearing, Republican challenger Ronald Reagan campaigned against the sale.

27. His family and supporters have campaigned for many years for a posthumous pardon.

28. Moore campaigned unsuccessfully against the closure of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich in 1998.

29. The suffragette movement campaigned for votes for women in Britain and the US.

30. He once campaigned under the slogan "a wealthy president is a safeguard against corruption."

31. 7 He stoutly resisted these demands and campaigned for the retention of the tramways.

32. He campaigned relentlessly to bring charges of corruption against former members of the government.

33. The former general campaigned on two policies: cracking down on crime and tackling corruption.

34. Last year he campaigned for governor with the promise to shake up state government.

35. However, Club Director Javier Subirats recognised the potential of Benítez and campaigned for his appointment.

36. 10 She never lost her youthful idealism and campaigned for just causes all her life.

37. Synonyms for Crusaded include campaigned, fought, pushed, battled, struggled, worked, wrought, agitated, lobbied and pressed

38. Castellanos has campaigned against violence in Honduras, focusing on both drug cartels and police corruption.

39. His announcement was welcomed by pensioner groups, which had campaigned against the initial compensation package.

40. In parliament, he campaigned for free education, prohibition by referendum and the interests of railway workers.

41. The newspaper also campaigned for Bashir to be granted a visa for entry into the United States.

42. From the 1980s, Stephenson campaigned to raise awareness of food additives and colors, particularly in children's confectionery.

43. We campaigned ferociously to ban the stuff that could kill people in minutes with its toxic fumes.

44. 她 在 积极 找 工作 。 《牛津词典》 They Actively campaigned for the vote

45. In early 1142 John campaigned against the Seljuqs of Iconium to secure his lines of communication through Antalya.

46. Jayme Illien authored UN resolution 66/281 and campaigned for its adoption by consensus of all 193 member states.

47. The paper also campaigned for the introduction of Sarah's Law to allow public access to the sex offender registry.

48. 29 He campaigned for economic growth through direct government help to industry, financial discipline, individual rights and environmental protection.

49. Synonyms for Barnstormed include canvassed, campaigned, travelled, traveled, went on tour, gone on tour, trouped, journeyed, went and gone

50. He has compared the Quran to Mein Kampf and has campaigned to have the book banned in the Netherlands.

51. Nguyen Van Minh is an independent Hoa Hao Buddhist activist who has campaigned for freedom of religion and conscience.

52. IN THE late 1950s Chancellor Konrad Adenauer campaigned by reminding West German voters of their growing, but fragile, prosperity.

53. She campaigned on a platform of national reconciliation, poverty eradication, and corporate income tax reduction and won a landslide victory.

54. 23 The media magnate's air of invincibility evaporated on Monday when voters decisively rejected candidates who campaigned under his banner.

55. 8 Dewey himself campaigned with the portly dignity of an incumbent,[] while Truman screeched and kicked like an outsider.

56. Members of those groups which had been left out of broadcasting altogether felt aggrieved and often campaigned vigorously for recognition.

57. 29 Members of those groups which had been left out of broadcasting altogether felt aggrieved and often campaigned vigorously for recognition.

58. He has campaigned on Behalf of Darfur and wrote about the plight of newly independent South Sudan for The Daily Beast

59. He campaigned for "another politics", based on the Socialist programme 110 Propositions for France, and denounced the performance of the incumbent president.

60. Despite the complex security environment and threats from terrorist groups, candidates have campaigned fearlessly and new voters registered themselves in large numbers.

61. Buck campaigned as an Antiestablishment candidate who would do whatever it took to rein in government, even if it meant bucking GOP leadership.

62. Victims, activists, and members of the public in Jammu and Kashmir and in the northeast have long campaigned for repeal of the AFSPA.

63. Chartism arose when the Northern Star, a newspaper that campaigned for better wages and conditions for workers, started to support The People's Charter

64. Huber was significantly involved in the founding of the Uetlibergbahn, where he campaigned, against great resistance, that this route be built as an adhesion railway.

65. Japan was accused on Monday of scare tactics at world talks on wildlife protection as it campaigned against a proposal to curb trade in bluefin tuna....

66. The American army officer George Crook (1828-1890) campaigned against Indians in the southwestern and northwestern United States, but he was also an outspoken champion of Indian rights.

67. And an early test concerns a goal for which the Global Ocean Commission actively campaigned: to “conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development.”

68. In Chongqing, Bo initiated a campaign against organized crime, increased spending on welfare programs, maintained consistent double-digit percentage GDP growth, and campaigned to revive Cultural Revolution-era "red culture".

69. Max Mauernbrecher, a Wilhelmine left liberal of middle-class background--and for many years a socialist--became a wartime Annexationist, a volkisch Pan-German, and eventually campaigned for the Nazi Party

70. Amnesty recently campaigned alongside other organisations for Prime Minister Bill English’s government to double the number of refugees being accepted into the country every year to 1,000, which was achieved in 2016.

71. ‘Blatant, provable lie’: President who campaigned on plan to ‘shut down’ the virus blames Trump for it taking so long Posted at 5:26 pm on February 11, 2021 by Doug P.

72. He campaigned against the activities of Formosa, a Taiwanese steel company that dumped toxic waste into the sea and caused a massive marine disaster along the central coast of Vietnam in April 2016.

73. In the spring of 1139, the emperor campaigned with success against Turks, probably nomadic Turkomans, who were raiding the regions along the Sangarios River, striking their means of subsistence by driving off their herds.

74. Definition of Aedile : an official in ancient Rome in charge of public works and games, police, and the grain supply Examples of Aedile in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web But Trump campaigned

75. Once completed, the depiction of Christ and the Virgin Mary naked was considered sacrilegious, and Cardinal Carafa and Monsignor Sernini (Mantua's ambassador) campaigned to have the fresco removed or censored, but the Pope resisted.

76. She voiced her support for fellow dissidents and publicly campaigned for the release of many political prisoners including Tran Huynh Duy Thuc, Nguyen Ngoc Gia, Nguyen Hoang Quoc Hung, and Nguyen Huu Vinh (known as Anh Ba Sam).

77. Spurred by a dispute with the university over who would pay for the ramp needed for him to enter his workplace, Hawking and his wife campaigned for improved access and support for those with disabilities in Cambridge, including adapted student housing at the university.

78. During the past three months, four candidates (Evaggelos Meϊmarakis, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Adonis Georgiadis, and Apostolos Tzitzikostas) have campaigned nearly everywhere imaginable, visiting cities and reaching through Greece's mainstream and social media to tell the public about their platforms and visions for the future of the party.

79. ‘But he was the first candidate I campaigned for as an adolescent, and I still admire his Articulateness and vigor.’ ‘I vehemently reject the equation of Articulateness with intelligence.’ ‘Everywhere except in the United States, millions of human beings, certainly the majority of those with any degree of political Articulateness

80. ‘But he was the first candidate I campaigned for as an adolescent, and I still admire his Articulateness and vigor.’ ‘I vehemently reject the equation of Articulateness with intelligence.’ ‘Everywhere except in the United States, millions of human beings, certainly the majority of those with any degree of political Articulateness