Use "calmed" in a sentence

1. They calmed down.

2. Presently he calmed a little.

3. This Comforted us and calmed us

4. 10 The roaring sea gradually calmed down.

5. Such diffidence calmed rather than alerted us.

6. The situation then calmed down temporarily.

7. At last the wild wind calmed down.

8. Jesus calmed a storm on the Sea of Galilee.

9. Miss Poole calmed herself by stroking the cat's fur.

10. Do I really believe He calmed the waters that day?

11. Christened and heathen, must be Beleed and calmed

12. The sea gradually calmed down as we steamed out.

13. Jesus also calmed the wind, perhaps saving his disciples from shipwreck.

14. He calmed a stormy sea and quieted strong winds. —MARK 4:39-41.

15. Astonishment and curiosity calmed for a moment the impure Ardor of the Crusaders

16. 3 There was a time when we waved our scepters and calmed the storms.

17. After I’d calmed down, I saw that the girls were having trouble with their sewing machine.

18. During the trial, an onshore gale produced heavy seas, but Robert's Bombardons calmed the waves effectively

19. (Matthew 15:35-38) He calmed a storm that threatened the safety of his friends.

20. It enveloped Sylvie, chilled the dampness of her forehead, calmed the fever which had brought her here.

21. 12 The peace that Jesus gave his disciples calmed their hearts and minds and allayed their fears.

22. Angry boys needed to be calmed and hurt feelings soothed before we could return to the classroom .

23. 27 He calmed secessionist sentiment by dealing constructively with the regional parties of Kashmir, Assam and Punjab.

24. There was a loud cheer that calmed me and then our rhythm section kicked off a hard-driving beat.

25. I began to visit the churches, and they calmed my impatience, though I did not attend any services.

26. “After one argument, when my feelings had calmed down, I apologized to my son for my emotional outburst.

27. 11 The relentless throb of the pop music soothed David and calmed the panic that seized his heart.

28. Then I calmed down and asked a safe-looking lady with children to show me the way to the bus station.

29. WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: “I have calmed and quieted my soul like a weaned child with its mother.” —Psalm 131:2.

30. Synonyms for Chillaxed include behaved, calmed down, chilled, chilled out, cooled it, relaxed, unwound, simmered down, cooled off and decompressed

31. However, she has a certain weakness for cakes and can be calmed down rather easily, sometimes by just being petted.

32. In survivors, the Amygdala can become extra-sensitive to potential threats, 1 and it may also have a harder time being calmed

33. But her host's calm demeanour as he scribbled a few notes and went on to the next call calmed her fears.

34. The pilgrim calmed down and admonished the two riders to keep calm and be cautious, so as to avoid an accident.

35. Today, the ghost is said to haunt Corks, and it is believed that she can only be calmed down by an exorcism.

36. As I recall, Dad flushed a little bit, and then he calmed down and quietly told me, “Tommy, coal sheds are for coal.

37. I know that I was very hot-tempered and this has really calmed me down. It lets me see other things than the walls.

38. When the Prophet spoke outdoors, he often began his talks by asking the Saints to pray for the wind or rain to be calmed until he got through speaking.

39. In Anbar, home to a virulent insurgence, the region had yet to be calmed by the alliance of tribes and American forces, later reinforced by the surge of United States troops in 200

40. Clove's founder, Joe Ammon was at his wife Tamara’s side while she went through nursing school, calmed the jitters she felt before her first clinical, celebrated when she landed her …

41. When Saul was seized with anguish and mental agitation, David came to him and produced on his harp the melodious and restful refrains that calmed the heart of the king.

42. The words of the lyrics make use of archaic English terms: kith and kin means countrymen and family; (be)gyved means shackeled; immane - monstrous; anon - soon; Accoyed - calmed or subdued; eyne - eyes

43. * Calmatives might be considered to deal with otherwise difficult situations in which neutralizing individuals could enable ultimate mission success * The principle technical issue is the balance between effectiveness (i.e., the targets are truly “calmed”) and margins of safety (i.e., avoiding overexposure and resulting fatalities of

44. M.Monier - Williams explains the word nirvâòa as Blownor put out, extinguished, calmed, quieted, tamed, lost, disappeared, blowing out, extinction ofthe flame of life, final emancipation from matter and reunion with the supreme spirit,absolute extinction or annihilation of individual existence or of all desires and passions,highest bliss or

45. 1 History 2 Abilities 3 Gallery 4 Trivia 5 References Bola and his brother-in-law Klaymoor are veteran air-pirates that used to be wild and rowdy partners for 19 years, but have calmed down as they aged.1 Bola is carefree and considers leaving the pirate business as he is aged and saved enough money to have a good life for a …