Use "by surprise" in a sentence

1. Caught them by surprise.

2. His frankness took her by surprise.

3. The question took her by surprise.

4. His arrival caught me by surprise.

5. Her suggestion fairly took me by surprise.

6. The storm took us completely by surprise.

7. The enemy attack took us by surprise.

8. His sudden entrance took everyone by surprise.

9. Our raid took the enemy by surprise.

10. The police took the burglars by surprise.

11. His question took his two companions by surprise.

12. He was rooted to the spot by surprise.

13. Her sudden resignation took us all by surprise.

14. I think we caught Fire-wind by surprise.

15. He rolled towards Lily, taking her by surprise.

16. She suddenly changed tack, taking him by surprise.

17. The Allied landings took the Japanese by surprise.

18. Such cheery jobless numbers have taken everybody by surprise.

19. Sue was overcome by surprise when Peter walked in.

20. Ambushing: to lie in wait for and attack by surprise.

21. Ambushed: to lie in wait for and attack by surprise.

22. The movement took him by surprise, and he pitched forward.

23. This whole matter of Spirit has taken us by surprise.

24. The doctor, taken by surprise , awkward and sheepish, knelt too.

25. Our fusillade from the left flank caught them by surprise.

26. The revolutionaries' assumption of power took the army by surprise.

27. The band's sudden rise to fame took everyone by surprise.

28. The guerrillas were killed when army troops took them by surprise.

29. The coldness and distance in her voice took me by surprise.

30. She looked as if the photographer had caught her by surprise.

31. 16 The drop in inflation took every City commentator by surprise.

32. This winning streak caught a lot of chess players by surprise.

33. They were constantly on the alert not to be taken by surprise.

34. 17 Those who heeded that warning were not taken by surprise.

35. The policeman took the burglar by surprise as he opened the window.

36. White-out conditions take the penguins and the film crew by surprise.

37. But the vehemence and anger of this response take her by surprise.

38. A wolf leaped out of the bushes and took the hunter by surprise.

39. The Armies were constantly on the alert not to be taken by surprise.

40. 12 The policeman took the burglar by surprise as he opened the window.

41. + 9 Joshua came against them by surprise after marching all night long from Gilʹgal.

42. A large part of the population was reportedly taken by surprise by the storm.

43. The town was well defended so there was little chance of taking it by surprise.

44. 28 A wolf leaped out of the bushes and took the hunter by surprise.

45. The dizzying pace of political change in the country caught many people by surprise.

46. Some volcanoes simply ooze lava, which seldom moves fast enough to catch people by surprise.

47. October 22: China intervenes in Korea with 300,000 soldiers, catching the United Nations by surprise.

48. The suddenness and ferocity of the downpour had caught all three of them by surprise.

49. Those hiding in order to attack by surprise: The captain stationed an Ambush near the harbor.

50. The employers, initially taken by surprise at the pace of developments, regained their second wind.

51. The defenders did not possess radar, however, and so were caught by surprise when the Swordfishes arrived.

52. Just how boundless that feeling of love is catches a lot of parents , especially mothers , by surprise .

53. Those hiding in order to attack by surprise: The captain stationed an Ambush near the harbor

54. The philanthropic family's largesse was echoed by surprise announcements from both the Federal and provincial governments.

55. And so I want to show you one other thing that may catch you a little bit by surprise.

56. Thus, when the Austrians decamped from Alessandria and crossed the River Bormida, the French were caught by surprise

57. It had been a while since she'd fired a pistol and the initial retort took even her by surprise.

58. To all Appearances, Daren seemed a very happy, outgoing fellow, so his nervous breakdown took many people by surprise

59. Kaga contributed 27 B5Ns (carrying bombs), 18 D3A, and 9 Zeros to the attack, which caught the defenders by surprise.

60. Chimneys are common, and we all know how they work, but chimney effects in plants often take us by surprise

61. Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future. Adolf Hitler 

62. 28 They are triggered by surprise in a safe situation (think peek-a-boo), and don't just endear babies to their parents.

63. Barbarians, Netflix’s answer to Vikings, took everyone by surprise and has already become one of the most popular Originals of 2020

64. But each time it was a sudden sortie and took Trondur by surprise so he was not ready to spear them.

65. On 15 August, the Yan forces assaulted Xiongxian and Zhengzhou by surprise and captured both of the cities while annexing its forces.

66. 15 Welch and I had a rather heated exchange about the appropriateness of his editorial interference, which had caught me by surprise.

67. Blitzkrieg definition: A Blitzkrieg is a fast and intense military attack that takes the enemy by surprise and Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

68. To lie in ambush: as, “Ambuscading ways,” noun A lying in wait and concealment for the purpose of attacking by surprise; an ambush

69. The attack took many by surprise, because few had anticipated that the major detractor of the faith would be one of our own.

70. Ambush definition, an act or instance of lying concealed so as to attack by surprise: The highwaymen waited in Ambush near the road

71. But Cyrus pursued the Lydian forces, took Croesus by surprise in the plain beside Sardis, defeated him, and captured him in the citadel a

72. But news of the Allegations took many by surprise around the NFL, because such behavior contrasts with the image Watson has portrayed in …

73. The Crocodilian then lunges out of the water, taking their prey by surprise and dragging it from the shoreline into deep water for the kill

74. Henry II's forces took Saintes by surprise and captured much of its garrison, although Richard was able to escape with a small group of soldiers.

75. Assassinated: 1 adj murdered by surprise attack for political reasons “the 20th century has seen too many Assassinated leaders” Synonyms: dead no longer having or …

76. 21 What will you do if your child does get into difficulty, makes a serious mistake or commits some wrong that takes you by surprise?

77. The turmoil has taken everyone by surprise and it does not seem that any Contingency plan was made for such an eventuality, which is not localised but widespread

78. "And kneeled and made the cheerless grate blaze up and the entire cottage warm..." the words, spoken by him in a quiet, toneless voice, took her by surprise.

79. Almost anything can change Abruptly, and it will always take you by surprise, whether it's the movement of a car, the mood of a movie, or the behavior of your dog

80. Synonyms of Ambuscaded to lie in wait for and attack by surprise marching to the rescue of the beseiged Fort Stanwix, 800 colonial militiamen were Ambuscaded by a force of …