Use "by reason of" in a sentence

1. He was excused by reason of his age.

2. Hodge was found not guilty by reason of insanity.

3. He was found not guilty, by reason of insanity.

4. By reason of Breakings — By reason of their great danger and distress; which is expressed by this very word, Psalm 60:2; Jonah 1:4

5. Abstinence from sexual intercourse, especially by reason of religious vows.

6. The boss retains enormous influence by reason of his position.

7. * By reason of transgression cometh the Fall, Moses 6:59.

8. He was found not guilty of murder by reason of insanity.

9. He's always asked to these occasions by reason of his position.

10. By reason of his lameness the boy could not play games.

11. Now even these, by reason of their frequency, were beginning to pall.

12. b) Vehicles not allowed on shunting humps by reason of their length

13. That list should be amended by reason of the accession of Cyprus

14. when the amount of tax due by reason of the importation is insignificant.

15. By reason of alliteration or being unusual, these names are distinguishable from others.

16. Cloying definition is - disgusting or distasteful by reason of excess; also : excessively sweet or sentimental

17. So of creditor'sright are deferent by reason of the deferent of the object of creditorright.

18. By reason of placenta senility, fetal distresses even intrauterine death are frequently encountered in postdate pregnancies.

19. He escaped a prison sentence by reason of unsound mind at the time the crime was committed.

20. 12 By reason of placenta senility, fetal distresses even intrauterine death are frequently encountered in postdate pregnancies.

21. By Reason of Breakings is the work of one of our most gifted young American poets.-- Susan Howe

22. By reason of the Union’s operations the postal rates are within the ability of most persons to pay.

23. The East Anglians stood out from the local people, both by reason of their speech and their dress.

24. For this they were peculiarly well suited by reason of their durability, portability, uniformity and ease of recognition.

25. adapting certain directives in the field of environment, by reason of the accession of the Republic of Croatia

26. Antiquated definition is - outmoded or discredited by reason of age : old and no longer useful, popular, or accepted

27. By reason of using graphical programming power, customer can unify layout,[Sentencedict] service and control with Virtual Instrument standard.

28. Job 41:25 When he raiseth up himself, the mighty are afraid: by reason of Breakings they purify themselves

29. Covetousness is numbered together with mortal sins, by reason of the aspect under which it is a mortal sin

30. The question could well be asked, Is the world’s population happier by reason of science’s “advances” under human administration?

31. are, by reason of the segregation complained of, deprived of the equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment.

32. The individual management by reason of the good credit, the fine service and many commercial partners has established the long-term cooperation.

33. But Christ, by reason of the body which He took from the Virgin, is said simply to be born of the Virgin.

34. Accordingly, without the need for further comment, the "Internal instructions" must be annulled by reason of the Commission' s absolute lack of powers .

35. E – Protected landscapes These are specific locations in the natural environment which merit special protection by reason of their aesthetic and cultural value.

36. The results of measurement provide a major premise for the research of structure stability of tunnel by reason of the raising speed of train.

37. I discovered afterwards that Miss Lavinia was an authority in affairs of the heart, by reason of there having Anciently existed a certain Mr

38. An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it. Mahatma Gandhi 

39. flat-rate allowance for officials who, by reason of their duties, regularly incur entertainment expenses and, in special cases, part of the cost of accommodation

40. Accordingly: adverb a fortiori , a priori , agreeably, as a matter of course , as a result , because of this , by reason of that, compatibly, compliantly, conformably

41. 10 synonyms for Because: since, as, in that, seeing as, BK, as a result of, on account of, by reason of, thanks to, owing to

42. 10 synonyms for Because: since, as, in that, seeing as, BK, as a result of, on account of, by reason of, thanks to, owing to

43. By reason of loyalty to his covenant made with Israel, however, he would not abhor them to the point of bringing about their complete extermination.

44. No profits shall be attributed to a permanent establishment by reason of the mere purchase by that permanent establishment of goods or merchandise for the enterprise.

45. At the same time, by reason of increasing returns to scale and positive external-economic effects, high-tech industrial agglomeration often leads to further the industrial centralization.

46. Contemning quotes from YourDictionary: Too often, Contemning the external order as unspiritual, [the Puritan] has made it, and ultimately himself, less spiritual by reason of his contempt.

47. The Yutian County permanent advantage printing mechanism Limited company by reason of the good credit, the fine service and many enterprises has established the long-term cooperation.

48. Astrer definition is - one belonging to the hearth or home —used of various persons having certain rights or disabilities by reason of their residence or holding of tenements.

49. While genuine "Bumping" dismissals will be by reason of redundancy, employers must be sure that they can establish that the dismissal was caused by the redundancy situation

50. In nearly every human relationship, there are situations where one person has the advantage over others by reason of wealth, learning, physical strength, position, physical charm, and so forth.

51. Or do you feel as did righteous Lot, “who was greatly distressed by the indulgence of the law-defying people . . . tormenting his righteous soul by reason of their lawless deeds”?

52. Any domicile acquired solely by reason of the performance of duties in the service of other international organisations shall not be taken into consideration in applying the provisions of this Article.

53. Heart of Atlanta Motel, Inc. v. United States, 379 U.S. 241 (1964) The Civil Rights Act of 1964 applies to places of public accommodation patronized by interstate travelers by reason of the Commerce Clause.

54. Special Examination Accommodations Amp complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act and ensures that no disabled individual is deprived of the opportunity to take an examination solely by reason of that disability. Special examination arrangements …

55. Consequently, the apportionment provided for in Article 46(2)(b) must be applied even if it leads necessarily to a reduction in the final benefit, by reason of the fact that years were worked aborad.

56. If all plans or projects capable of having any effect whatsoever on the site were to be caught by Article 6(3), activities on or near the site would risk being impossible by reason of legislative overkill.

57. 35.13 Notwithstanding clause 35.12, an employee whose employment is terminated for cause pursuant to Section 11(2)(g) of the Financial Administration Act by reason of abandonment of his or her position is entitled to receive the

58. In this manner a symbol can very well become a mere ornament when, on account of its æsthetic value, or simply by reason of its originality, it is reproduced by artists who are unacquainted with its primitive acceptation.”

59. The best known of the French Accoucheurs was Francois Mauriceau (1637–1709), whose name is familiar to today's obstetricians by reason of the so-called “Mauriceau-Smellie-Veit manoeuvre” for dealing with the aftercoming head in a breech delivery

60. # countenance: Chaldee, Brightnesses 10 Now the queen, by reason of the words of the king and his lords, came into the banquet house: and the queen spake and said, O king, live for ever: let not thy thoughts trouble thee, nor let

61. ** Notwithstanding clause 29.16, an employee whose employment is terminated for cause pursuant to Section 12(1)(e) of the Financial Administration Act by reason of abandonment of his or her position is entitled to receive the payment referred to in clause 29.16.

62. Directive 71/304 requires Member States to abolish in particular restrictions which prevent persons covered by the Community provision (" beneficiaries ") from providing services under the same conditions and with the same rights as nationals, those existing by reason of administrative practices which result in treatment being applied to beneficiaries which is discriminatory by comparison with that applied to nationals, and those existing by reason of practices which, although applicable irrespective of nationality, none the less hinder exclusively or principally the professional or trade activities of nationals of other Member States ( see Article 3 of Directive 71/304 ).

63. 16 According to the applicant, by reason of the urgency arising from the seriousness of the food situation in Russia, it was decided, at Exportkhleb's request, that those modifications would be formalised by a simple rider to the initial contract (Addendum No 3), dated 23 February 1993.

64. It found, in paragraph 49 of the contested order, that the applicants had not demonstrated that Biogram and the members of FNAB and Setrab were adversely affected by the contested provision by reason of certain characteristics peculiar to them or a factual situation distinguishing them from all other persons.

65. As 2 Peter 2:7, 8 says: “Lot . . . was greatly distressed by the indulgence of the law-defying people in loose conduct —for that righteous man by what he saw and heard while dwelling among them from day to day was tormenting his righteous soul by reason of their lawless deeds.”

66. Under the Constitution, the following are grounds for suspending a citizen's rights of suffrage: being disqualified by reason of insanity; being charged with an offence carrying an Afflictive penalty or defined by law as a terrorist act; being charged with drug trafficking, a ground added by the constitutional amendment discussed below; being

67. 1975, Len O'Connor, Clout--Mayor Daley and His City‎[1], page 74: Having relinquished his Clout in City Council to run for a place on the county board, and having lost stature by reason of his failure to win the presidency, Duffy was in no position to seek the party chairmanship for himself 2011

68. The Abstracter bondobligation ensures payment of damages that may be sustained or accrue to any person, firm, corporation or body politic by reason of damage by mutilation, injury or destruction of any record or records of the several county offices to which the Abstracter may have access, and for the payment of any and all actual damages that

69. » Adjudging Deft Incompetent & MM Conditional Release » Adjudging Deft Incompetent & Place on Conditional Release » Declaring Deft Incompetent & Placing on Conditional Release » Find Deft Incompetent & Place on Conditional Rel to Apalachee Center & Auth Immediate Arrest for Violation » Order of Commit of Deft Found NG by Reason of Insanity

70. Derivative Claimant means any person asserting a Released Claim, independently or derivatively, by reason of their familial or personal relationship with a Dexatrim Product User and any estate, administrator, trust, special needs trust or other person or entity asserting a Released Claim as a representative for a Derivative Claimant.Derivative Claimants will be bound by all elections permitted

71. The members of the institutions of the Community, the members of committees, the officials and other servants of the Community and any other persons who by reason of their duties or their public or private relations with the institutions or installations of the Community or with Joint Undertakings are called upon to acquire or obtain Cognisance of any facts, information, knowledge, documents

72. 30 In its pleadings the Commission also objects that Case F‐75/08 is inadmissible by reason of lis alibi pendens inasmuch as it was brought by the applicants in Cases F‐20/08 and F‐34/08 who had already applied for the annulment of the same contested measures, on the basis of the same pleas, in those cases.

73. Blighted area means an area that, in its present condition and use and, by reason of the presence of at least four of the following factors, substantially impairs or arrests the sound growth of the municipality, retards the provision of housing accommodations, or constitutes an economic or social liability, and is a menace to the public health, safety, morals, or welfare:

74. We note with peculiar satisfaction that , by reason of your breadth of views on all questions affecting the progress of India , your appointment has been received with acclamation , not only by the Mohammedan subjects of Her Majesty in India , but by all classes of persons who do not belong to the community of which you are so distinguished a representative .

75. Contractually liable meansexpressly obligated to repay all debts arising on an account by reason of an agreement to that effect.(j) Credit means the right granted by a creditor to an applicant to deferpayment of a debt, incur debt and defer its payment, or purchase property or services and defer payment therefor.(k) Credit card means any card, plate, coupon book, or other single creditdevice

76. (1) A witness to a matter who failed to testify or report after hearing public adjuration; one who had unwittingly become unclean by reason of a dead body or another unclean person; one who rashly or thoughtlessly made an oath to do or not to do something (Le 5:1-4): He had to make confession concerning the way in which he had sinned.

77. (a) If the court has found that the minor is a person described by Section 601 or 602, by reason of the commission of an offense other than any of the offenses set forth in Section 654.3, it may, without Adjudging the minor a ward of the court, place the minor on probation, under the supervision of the probation officer, for a period not to

78. Subject to the non-disturbance provisions of Paragraph 30.3, Lessee agrees to Attorn to a Lender or any other party who acquires ownership of the Premises by reason of a foreclosure of a Security Device, and that in the event of such foreclosure, such new owner shall not: (i) be liable for any act or omission of any prior lessor or with respect to events occurring prior to

79. The journey begins with Haegeman, (6) confirmed by Demirel; (7) since then those mixed agreements have formed part of the interpretative jurisdiction of the Court of Justice, regarded as acts approved by Community institutions; (8) mixed agreements are also included, by reason of parallelism with the Community powers, as a reflection of the fundamental Community-law principle of conferred powers, laid down in Article 5 EC and alluded to Article 220 EC.

80. Is Article 4(2) of Directive 2000/78/EC (1) to be interpreted as meaning that an employer, such as the defendant in the present case, or the church on its behalf, may itself authoritatively determine whether adherence by an applicant to a specified religion, by reason of the nature of the activities or of the context in which they are carried out, constitutes a genuine, legitimate and justified occupational requirement, having regard to the employer/church’s ethos?