Use "bulgarians" in a sentence

1. Yes, we Bulgarians are definitely Slavic

2. BONUS The Language of Proto-Bulgarians

3. The Bulgarians is a squad within theCentral PowersinTannenberg

4. Modern day Bulgarians are proudly taking forward the

5. Bulgarians Elect New Parliament Amid COVID Fears, Anger Over Graft SOFIA (Reuters) - Bulgarians vote in a parliamentary election on Sunday that will …

6. 1) a nickname for any Bulgarians in the states

7. The organization serves the interests of Bulgarians living in

8. Bulgarians like to spend their leisure time in practical ways

9. The Bulgarians speak the Bulgarian language and most of them live in Bulgaria.There is also a large diaspora of Bulgarians in Germany, Ukraine, Spain, UK and USA

10. Fears of low turnout as Bulgarians prepare to vote in pandemic

11. Another conflict between the Byzantines and Bulgarians started in 855–856.

12. Many Bulgarians are skeptical: According to a AlphaResearch poll published on February 18, a mere 10% of Bulgarians are willing to inoculated, while a staggering 52% have refused.

13. The Bulgarians used Caltrop to increase libido and to treat infertility.

14. Based on that date Bulgarians celebrate Bulgaria's national day each year.

15. Beira is the slightly modified name of BaRa Godess Creator of Ancient Bulgarians

16. Bulgarians voted for a new parliament on Sunday after months of anti-government protests

17. Bulgarians initially formed a distinct community centered on Adams Street, just east of Halsted

18. The Bulgarians also are a Turkish people, but they have acquired an Aryan speech.

19. In Brasov a total of 1,056 Bulgarians enjoyed the complete program in their own language.

20. Bulgarians are a South Slavic people from southeast Europe.There are around 7.3 million Bulgarian nationals

21. Bulgarian (countable and uncountable, plural Bulgarians) (countable) A native of Bulgaria. (uncountable) The official language of Bulgaria.

22. Bulgarians are also famed for their artistic abilities, especially in the creation of frescoes, murals and icons

23. The database includes not only Bulgarians but also other Balkan peoples and members of many other ethnic groups

24. The number of Bulgarians outside Bulgaria has sharply increased since 1989, following the Revolutions of 1989 in Central and Eastern Europe.Over one million Bulgarians have left the country, either permanently or as a temporary workforce, leading to a marked decline in its population.

25. The Byzantines and the Bulgarians first clashed when Khan Kubrat's youngest son Asparukh moved westward, occupying today's southern Bessarabia.

26. Most Bulgarians are very homophobic, lazy and xenophobic and many are very cruel with those who are weaker and defenceless

27. The Bulgarians produced higher-quality tiles than the Byzantines and exported them to the Byzantine Empire and Kievan Rus'

28. Bulgarians in Texas is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and popularization of Bulgarian culture in Texas, USA

29. The Bulgarians’ archers are 25% cheaper, an important advantage especially in the beginning of the game when resources are scarce

30. Bulgarians are voting for a new parliament after months of anti-government protests and amid a surge in coronavirus infections

31. Among the eight thousand to ten thousand Bulgarians living in the tri-cities in 1905, only four family units were recorded

32. Bulgarians began voting in a parliamentary election on Sunday that will decide whether long-serving Prime Minister Boyko Borissov wins a new …

33. Bulgarians began voting in a parliamentary election on Sunday that will decide whether long-serving Prime Minister Boyko Borissov wins a new …

34. Suffering from bad health, the emperor had to leave the army, which allowed itself to panic and be defeated by the Bulgarians.

35. The Bulgarians who settled in the tri-city area were overwhelmingly male and had come predominately from the Bulgarian speaking parts of Macedonia

36. ‘On Monday, the second day of Easter, the six Bulgarians attended a specially-organised Easter mass, led by the Archimandrite of Tripoli, Makarios.’

37. A branch of this people was one of the primary three ethnic ancestors of modern Bulgarians (the other two were Thracians and Slavs)

38. Bulgarians are warm and friendly Sothern Europeans capable of a wide spectrum of feelings and facial expressions, just like any other ethnos or nation

39. SOFIA, Bugaria (AP) — Bulgarians are heading to the polls on Sunday to cast ballots for a new parliament after months of anti-government protests …

40. The Bulgars (also Bulghars, Bulgari, Bolgars, Bolghars, Bolgari, Proto-Bulgarians) were Turkic semi-nomadic warrior tribes that flourished in the Pontic–Caspian steppe and …

41. More than 6.7 million Bulgarians are eligible to vote, but pollsters expect a low turnout due to voters' fears of the coronavirus and a slow vaccine rollout

42. The original homeland of the Proto-Bulgarians, called Balhara by Indians and Bactria by Greeks, was situated in the foothills of the Pamir and Hindu Kush Mountains

43. Bulgarians are heading to the polls on Sunday to cast ballots for a new parliament after months of anti-government protests and amid a surge of coronavirus infections.

44. Bulgarians are heading to the polls on Sunday to cast ballots for a new parliament after months of anti-government protests and amid a surge of coronavirus infections.

45. In antiquity and the early Middle Ages, Proto-Bulgarians founded three large and stable states in Europe: the first one was called Old Great Bulgaria (Η Παλαιά Μεγάλη

46. Bulgarians are heading to the polls on Sunday to cast ballots for a new parliament after months of anti-government protests and amid a surge of coronavirus infections.

47. After months of nationwide anti-government protests over corruption, stalled reforms and a stagnating economy in the EU's poorest member state, Bulgarians are gearing up for a parliamentary

48. Bulgarian resistance revived under the leadership of the Cometopuli dynasty, but the new emperor Basil II (reigned 976–1025 AD) made the submission of the Bulgarians his primary goal.

49. Bulgarians are heading to the polls on Sunday to cast ballots for a new parliament after months of anti-government protests and amid a surge in coronavirus infections.

50. Radev, a strong critic of Prime Minister Boyko Borissov, supported the anti-government protests, which he said on Thursday clearly showed Bulgarians wanted a change, adding the the parliamentary

51. Bulgarians are voting in a parliamentary election widely seen as a referendum on the country’s center-right prime minister after months of anti-government protests and amid a surge in

52. Simeon, who took for himself the title Tsar of All the Bulgarians, also promoted learning and managed to create a cultural center at his capital of Preslav (present-day Veliki Preslav)

53. The literate Bulgarians must have been informed that in Europe, “race” was already equal to “nation” [нapoδ] in many cases when the press referred to “French race,” “German race,” “English race,” etc

54. Bulgarians had high mobilization capabilities (of about 500.000 people out of 4.000.000 population), experienced and with military tradition from the two Balkan Wars, WWI and long guerrilla wars for the mixed population neighbouring areas

55. In his first campaign in 756, Constantine V was successful and managed to defeat the Bulgarians twice, but in 759, Vinekh, the Bulgarian Khan, defeated the Byzantine army comprehensively in the Battle of the Rishki Pass.

56. Bulgarian Studies Association (BSA) Statement of Purpose: "The Bulgarian Studies Association is a non-profit scholarly organization which promotes the study of and exchange of knowledge about all aspects of Bulgaria and Bulgarians: language, literature, culture, history,

57. In the aftermath of the disastrous Byzantine defeat at the Battle of Acheloos in 917 by the Bulgarians, Romanos sailed to Constantinople, where he gradually overcame the discredited regency of Empress Zoe Karvounopsina and her supporter Leo Phokas.

58. The following types of foreigners would not be accepted very well by the Bulgarians a) Muslims - between the end of the 14th century and the end of the 19th century, Bulgaria was under rule of the Ottoman Empire (Isl

59. Buggery: a pejorative vernacular term and a legal term for anal copulation, chiefly between males, or with animals [from French, bougre, a corruption of Bulgarian derived from the medieval belief that Bulgarians were Manichean heretics who practiced anal copulation]

60. The Bulgarians built ditches along the frontier and fortified many of the valleys and passes with walls and towers, especially the pass of Kleidion on the Struma River which Basil would need to pass through to reach the heart of Bulgaria.