Use "buchenwald concentration camp" in a sentence

1. Later they visited the remains of the Nazi death camp at Buchenwald.

2. Later, they visited the remains of the Naci Nazi death camp at Buchenwald.

3. Later they visited the remains of the Nazi death camp in death campat Buchenwald.

4. Later they visited the remains of the note sea dies Nazi death camp at Buchenwald.

5. First sent to Esterwegen concentration camp; kept preaching in the camp.

6. Central to the case against Rose were typhus experiments in the concentration camps Buchenwald and Natzweiler.

7. Concentration Camp Kaiserwald and the Barrackings

8. 12 Dachau, 1st concentration camp, completed.

9. Concentration Camp Kaiserwald and the Barrackings

10. Concentration Camp Kaiserwald and the Barrackings

11. Pile of boots at Auschwitz concentration camp.

12. Entrance to the concentration camp at Gusen.

13. (13) Woman forgives a concentration camp guard

14. 4 It's not like a concentration camp.

15. In fact, Bergen-Belsen concentration camp was …

16. The camp was the first Nazi concentration camp liberated by the U.S. Army.

17. As well as the one built at Belsen, concentration camps were also built at Dachau and Buchenwald (Germany), Mautausen (Austria

18. Hwasong concentration camp, at 549 km2 (212 sq mi) the largest North Korean concentration camp, is located between Mantapsan and Myŏnggan (Hwasŏng).

19. The Auschwitz concentration camp was located on the …

20. Nazi closes those war criminals inside their concentration camp.

21. Auschwitz, Polish Oświęcim, also called Auschwitz-Birkenau, Nazi Germany’s largest concentration camp and extermination camp.

22. They liberated all war prisoners from the concentration camp.

23. Except who'd send their kid to a concentration camp?

24. Bergen-Belsen was established as a concentration camp in 1943

25. 1945 – Dachau concentration camp is liberated by United States troops.

26. 5 To join or be sent to a concentration camp.

27. 11 Nazi closes those war criminals inside their concentration camp.

28. 1 They liberated all war prisoners from the concentration camp.

29. 3 I felt like a guard in a concentration camp.

30. Bergen-Belsen concentration camp was located in the area of Belsen.

31. The Auschwitz concentration camp always remind the world of the holocaust.

32. 10 I see him being led handcuffed into a concentration camp.

33. Left: Entrance gate to Buchenwald.

34. Rudolf Hoess (1900-1947) was the Commandant of Auschwitz concentration camp

35. 15 The prisoners of war were led in to the concentration camp.

36. 2 The Auschwitz concentration camp always remind the world of the holocaust.

37. Bergen-Belsen was the first main concentration camp which fell into British hands

38. 17 In 1944 the woman was betrayed and imprisoned in a concentration camp.

39. 28 They smuggled in some food for the comrades in the concentration camp.

40. Belsen (also known as Bergen-Belsen) was a concentration camp in north-west Germany

41. 24 What really struck me was that I looked like a concentration camp prisoner.

42. 14 The Nazi concentration camp and Kafka s penal colony bears a striking resemblance.

43. 26 German prisoners of war are lead along Majdanek, a German Nazi concentration camp.

44. 27 After the self-study class at night, I opened the computer. I sorted out the male net friends to the Frog Concentration Camp and several unlovely girls I've seen to the Dinosaur Concentration Camp.

45. The Auschwitz concentration camp (German: Konzentrationslager Auschwitz) was a complex of over 40 concentration and extermination camps operated by Nazi Germany in occupied Poland during World War II and the Holocaust.It consisted of Auschwitz I, the main camp (Stammlager) in Oświęcim; Auschwitz II-Birkenau, a concentration and extermination camp with gas chambers; Auschwitz III …

46. More than 20,000 victims of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp are buried in mass graves.

47. Belsen definition, locality in NW Germany: site of Nazi concentration camp during World War II

48. 23 Would you eat that, unless you were starving to death in a concentration camp?

49. No female guards were permanently stationed at Buchenwald.

50. 6 Anybody who was in a concentration camp as a guard could use that argument.

51. Belsen, near Hanover in Germany, is the first concentration camp to be liberated by the British

52. The Auschwitz concentration camp complex was the largest of its kind established by the Nazi regime

53. Auschwitz definition, a town in SW Poland: site of Nazi concentration camp during World War II

54. 16 May — World War II: Alderney camps, an annex of the concentration camp Neuengamme, is liberated.

55. This is a novel depicting the bitter sufferings of the inmates in a Nazi concentration camp.

56. AT THE age of 20, Aleksey was sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp in Nazi Germany.

57. Tuesday 27 January is the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi concentration camp at Auschwitz

58. 16 This is a novel depicting the bitter sufferings of the inmates in a Nazi concentration camp.

59. 25 On September 19 a beautiful Indian princess lay dead on the floor at Dachau concentration camp.

60. After our release from Ravensbrück concentration camp, my mother and I reached our home on a Friday.

61. 8 You look as if you've been in a concentration camp you do! and that's the truth.

62. More than 150 Antisemitic comments have taken space on Google Maps website for the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp

63. 20 April Had that lousy dream about packing up for the concentration camp and the clock going dead.

64. 18 The idea was to talk to survivors of life's hardships, from concentration camp victims to cancer sufferers.

65. The reasons for the epidemics and contagious diseases that prevailed in Auschwitz concentration camp included the dreadful living Conditions, which varied during the years that the camp operated, and were different in each part of the camp

66. 9 Alexander Schweidler, a former concentration camp guard who settled in Britain,[] died after a heart attack.

67. The reasons for the epidemics and contagious diseases that prevailed in Auschwitz concentration camp included the dreadful living conditions, which varied during the years that the camp operated, and were different in each part of the camp

68. Only 22 women served/trained in Buchenwald, compared to over 15,500 men.

69. The dilapidated buildings were used as a concentration camp during the dictatorship of the Colonels between 1967 and 19

70. During World War II the Nazis sent Elsa Abt’s husband to Sachsenhausen concentration camp because of his Christian preaching.

71. The sentence was carried out on 16 April next to the crematorium of the former Auschwitz I concentration camp.

72. One character is in the Resistance, another witnesses Hiroshima, another goes to a concentration camp, others stay at home.

73. Bergen-Belsen was a concentration camp near Hanover in northwest Germany, located between the villages of Bergen and Belsen

74. 7 The dilapidated buildings were used as a concentration camp during the dictatorship of the Colonels between 1967 and 19

75. 27 marks International Holocaust Remembrance Day, commemorating the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp by Soviet forces in WWII

76. 29 Willy Brandt, then the mayor of West Berlin, feared the wall would turn his city into "a concentration camp."

77. 21 One character is in the Resistance, another witnesses Hiroshima, another goes to a concentration camp, others stay at home.

78. With the liberation of the Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp, safety did not come to its 60, 000 prisoners right away

79. The "Dachau massacre" involved the killing of German prisoners of war and surrendering SS soldiers at the Dachau concentration camp.

80. Auschwitz concentration camp was constructed in the suburbs of the Polish city Oświęcim, near the modern nation's southern border, in 1940