Use "blood donor" in a sentence

1. "World Blood Donor Day".

2. Take blood from the donor.

3. Bloodmobile, Blood Donor, & Vaccination Buses featuring up to four blood draw/vaccination chairs, independent power supplies, driver isolation Blood Donor Buses, aka …

4. Register to be a Blood donor, give Blood and save lives

5. When neither anti-A serum nor anti-B scrum Agglutinates on a blood plate with donor blood, then the blood is type ____ When only anti-A serum Agglutinates on a blood plate with donor blood, then the blood is type ____

6. When only anti-B serum Agglutinates on a blood plate with donor blood, then the blood is type _____.

7. This virus is already in the blood donor population and can be spread in blood.

8. She works in one of those blood donor centers where they use the blood themselves.

9. Agitation and measuring device for collecting blood from a donor into a blood collection bag

10. I just need a donor with the same blood type or something, right?

11. Beginning at day 7 posttransplantation, we prospectively measured weekly lineage-specific peripheral blood donor Chimerisms in patients undergoing myeloablative double-cord blood transplantation to evaluate whether the degree of early donor contribution to …

12. Apheresis is a medical procedure that involves a blood donor receiving their blood back once some component has been extracted

13. In 2010, she and fellow f(x) members were appointed ambassadors for a blood donation campaign for "World Blood Donor Day".

14. Homologous, or more correctly Allogenic, blood transfusions involves someone collecting and infusing the blood of a compatible donor into him/herself.

15. In a transfusion, donor and recipient should be of the same blood group to prevent agglutination.

16. Blood Donor Buses, aka Bloodmobiles, are potentially Life-Saving vehicles.They provide the ability to reach potential blood donors that brick & mortar centers cannot

17. The other method is to draw blood from the donor, separate it using a centrifuge or a filter, store the desired part, and return the rest to the donor.

18. Autoantibodies cause problems in blood bank compatibility testing because they tend to react against a wide array of donor red blood cells, and finding compatible blood may be very difficult

19. In this case, the blood is not stored, but is pumped directly from the donor into the recipient.

20. Autologous: In blood transfusion and transplantation, a situation in which the donor and recipient are the same person

21. In allogeneic transplantation, the destroyed bone marrow is replaced with blood stem cells obtained from a suitable donor.

22. The donor liver is Anastomosed at the vascular sites, with care taken to preserve hepatic arterial blood flow

23. Donor Apheresis takes longer than a whole blood donation, but is easy and painless, and has many benefits

24. Objective To investigate the effect of donor blood transfusion on inducing pancreatic allograft tolerance in outbre drat model.

25. Apheresis definition is - withdrawal of blood from a donor's body, removal of one or more blood components (such as plasma, platelets, or white blood cells), and transfusion of the remaining blood back into the donor —called also pheresis.

26. Transplanting only ABO-compatible grafts (matching blood groups between donor and recipient) helps prevent rejection mediated by humoral immunity.

27. • The proposed regulations will cover allogeneic designated, directed and walking donor donations as well as the collection and testing of whole blood and blood components for autologous use.

28. Question: If Your Blood Agglutinates With Both Anti-A And Anti-B Sera, Your ABO Blood Type Would Be To What ABO Blood Groups Could You Give Blood? From Which ABO Donor Types Could You Receive Blood? Which ABO Blood Type Is Most Common? Least Common? (If Necessary TuthenlinnatharvarARAR PATARI 113

29. This blood type has NO agglutinogens and anti-A and anti-B Agglutinins, so it cannot accept Type A, B, or AB blood, but can accept Type O blood (also called the "universal donor")

30. This blood type has NO Agglutinogens and anti-A and anti-B agglutinins, so it cannot accept Type A, B, or AB blood, but can accept Type O blood (also called the "universal donor")

31. Apheresis is a medical procedure that involves removing whole blood from a donor or patient and separating the blood into individual components so that one particular component can be removed

32. Super Junior are also spokesmodels for the "Donate Blood" (2007–present) campaign at the Republic of Korea National Red Cross and were appointed as goodwill ambassadors for World Blood Donor Day.

33. Apheresis [af″ĕ-re´sis] any procedure in which blood is withdrawn from a donor, a portion (such as plasma, leukocytes, or platelets) is separated and retained, and the remainder is retransfused into the donor

34. Our surgeons have successfully performed open-heart surgery, joint replacement surgery and other complex Bloodless procedures without the use of donor blood.

35. So Jehovah’s Witnesses do not accept transfusions of donor blood; nor do they permit their own blood to be withdrawn, stored and later transfused back into their veins. —Acts 15:28, 29.

36. Run the donor banks.

37. The donor gets a tax deduction for making contributions to the donor-Advised fund.

38. Transfers to donor accounts


40. Every donor, every political event.

41. Donor 1284 likes square dancing.

42. • There is the high success rate of transplant from a living donor than a Cadaveric donor

43. 3 Effect of adding donors and Acceptors; 4 Donor and Acceptor on Ethylene; Donor / Acceptor Defined

44. Apheresis is a broad term which is applicable to any procedure that involves removing whole blood from a donor or patient and separating the blood into individual components so that one particular component can be removed.

45. A machine Apheresis double-red-cell donation, for example, separates red blood cells and returns the remaining “non-targeted” plasma or platelets to the volunteer donor.

46. 37ft Bloodmobile With Four Donor Beds

47. The donor prefers to remain anonymous.

48. There's no donor base, no infrastructure.

49. See if there's a donor match.

50. Sources for Allografts vary, with donor

51. The BMC Blood Donor Center, which operates the Bloodmobile, and the American Red Cross are committed to increasing the supply of blood in the area, keeping donated blood in the Berkshires for use in local patients and aiding in ef forts to decrease the cost of

52. History of both donor and patient Apheresis

53. He must have signed a donor card.

54. “Even as society expends great resources on making the blood supply safer than ever,” says the magazine Transfusion, “we believe patients will still try to avoid allogeneic [donor] transfusions simply because the blood supply can never be completely safe.”

55. Our Bloodmobiles take to the road so people, who want to give blood but live too far for this to be convenient at our donor centers, can give

56. Soluble alternating donor-acceptor conjugated polymer electrochromes

57. Uh, was she on the donor list?

58. Finding a liver donor may be difficult.

59. Welcome to the Cfc Donor Pledging System

60. It's a donor from a sperm bank.

61. Accident victims, people that sign donor cards.

62. Dark quenchers for donor-acceptor energy transfer

63. Be the Match is a global leader in bone marrow transplantation and connects patients with their donor match for a life-saving marrow or blood stem cell transplant.

64. 26ft Bloodmobile With 2-3 Donor Beds

65. Donor list turned up a partial match.

66. Dr Ayersman performed the live-donor transplant.

67. A suitable transplant donor has been found.

68. Around 8,400 houses were built by donor agencies .

69. Could the donor have had two things wrong?

70. But those donor banks have thousands of names.

71. The museum received $000 from an anonymous donor.

72. One solution is to implant a donor cornea.

73. Doctors removed the healthy kidney from the donor.

74. CHRGB / Chimerism-Recipient Germline (Pre) CHIDB / Chimerism-Donor

75. (Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), donor-acceptor interaction).

76. Assignor: See: contributor , donor , feoffor , grantor , licensor , transferor

77. Alongside him were all of the donor organs'recipients.

78. Donor organs are constantly required for transplant operations.

79. Charge separation occurs at the donor-acceptor interface.

80. As a matter of principle, organ transplantation programmes should be based on the principle of voluntary and unpaid donation, altruism of the donor and solidarity between donor and recipient while ensuring anonymity of the deceased donor, the living donor (when relevant) and the recipient(s) and the protection of personal data.