Use "big grin" in a sentence

1. You had a big fucking grin.

2. She had a big grin on her face.

3. He gave the photographer a big grin.

4. And the big grin was back with a vengeance.

5. He had this great big grin on his face.

6. You're gonna have this big grin on your face.

7. I know she is joking because she has a big grin on her face.

8. Her son holding his head beside the big carved pumpkin, mimicking a wide, toothy grin.

9. There was a nigger in livery standing there with a big grin on his face.

10. • The jam around Samuel's mouth was like a big Cheery grin, but his eyes remained sullen

11. The jam around Samuel's mouth was like a big cheery grin, but his eyes remained sullen.

12. I assumed things had gone well for him as he had a big grin on his face.

13. Try holding baby close and sticking out your tongue , opening your mouth wide , or giving baby a big grin .

14. I remember when you got home from Croydon that weekend, and you had a big stupid grin on your face.

15. I had snapback, toothless grin,

16. His wry grin faded.

17. a jaunty grin/step.

18. Lose the grin, Jacob.

19. His face wrinkled in a grin.

20. When I grin, the stitches tauten.

21. He always had this inane grin.

22. She's got such a cheeky grin.

23. Martin gave her a cheeky grin.

24. " That's th'moor, " with a good- natured grin.

25. Edmund looked up with an impish grin.

26. Mary gave her a sheepish grin.

27. He grinned a wide, toothy grin.

28. He gave me a toothy grin.

29. Tommy shoots me a little grin.

30. Those shady little eyes, that phony grin.

31. Walsh bared his teeth in a grin.

32. The smile broadened to a grin.

33. Take that grin off your face!

34. Kirsty gave Willy a bashful grin.

35. A gleeful grin crossed his face.

36. He gave us a toothless grin.

37. She tried to stifle a grin.

38. Polly gave her a crooked grin.

39. She gave us a toothless grin.

40. Ken gave her an embarrassed grin.

41. His face broadened out into a grin.

42. A feline grin spread over his face.

43. Her face broke into a wide grin.

44. At seventy, he still retains his impish grin.

45. Wipe that smile/grin/expression off your face!

46. "Fooled you!" he said, with a cheeky grin.

47. An enormous grin spread across his face.

48. Radish and I grin at each other.

49. 4 Polly gave her a crooked grin.

50. 13 Ken gave her an embarrassed grin.

51. The mustache spread in Slote's old frigid grin.

52. Gabby looked at him with a mischievous grin.

53. At seventy(Sentencedict), he still retains his impish grin.

54. Bangor still has a lot to grin about

55. The old man's face broke into a grin.

56. She gave a cheesy grin to the cameras.

57. Bobby looked at her with a sheepish grin.

58. He looked at me with a feral grin .

59. She looked at me with an imbecile grin.

60. The public were titillated; they were already on the grin.

61. He kept silent, a feline grin spreading across his face.

62. All at once, Mick's serious expression softened into a grin.

63. His frown deepened, then transformed itself into a radiant grin.

64. 22 We grin at each other through forkfuls of spaghetti.

65. 1 He looked at me with a feral grin .

66. 6 Emily turned and threw her a suggestive grin.

67. 13 A grin was forming on my sweaty face.

68. I wiped that grin off your face, didn't I?

69. Passion-killers both, she thought with a mischievous grin.

70. A mischievous grin spread across the little girl's face.

71. He finally gave me a sheepish grin and shrugged his shoulders.

72. 20 She gave a cheesy grin to the cameras.

73. Brilliance is the kind of novel that makes you grin at its high-flying feats of imagination, and then grin harder because it sticks the landing

74. He is late middle-aged and wears an eerie grin.

75. Mortimer continued to shoot, a manic grin on his face.

76. Thugra Khotan's skull-like Countenance split in a mummy-like grin

77. " And the Lord did grin and the people did feast upon...

78. Although she was groggy, she managed to flash me a grin.

79. You permit yourself an almost inaudible sigh and grin to yourself.

80. Manu Brabo, a rangy Spanish photographer, also had a ready grin.