Use "better off" in a sentence

1. She's better off without him.

2. No, he's better off here.

3. You're better off without the thing.

4. I think she's better off without him.

5. “I AM better off dead than alive.”

6. Better off with débridement and primary closure.

7. She said you'd be better off dead.

8. Financially, I'm much better off than before.

9. Are we better off with fewer medical products?

10. We must be better off together than that.

11. You're better off shaking a Magic 8 ball.

12. Obviously we're better off now we're both working.

13. Well, we're better off concentrating on ambient background sound.

14. Her promotion means she's $100 a week better off.

15. If a dog is vicious, he's better off dead.

16. Might people be better off if they acted independently?

17. I'd be better off if she had died out -

18. Sometimes I think we'd be better off without them.

19. 6 Are you better off paying your poll tax?

20. Would Britain be better off as a theme park?

21. If you've got bags you're better off taking a taxi.

22. You're better off without that jerk Good riddance, I say.

23. Peter would be better off without her tagging along anyway.

24. Carrotwoods Raptor (TRI) X Better Off Reds Utah (RED) $50

25. Bondholders are better off when the yield to maturity A

26. If incorporations occur, Pima County will be better off financially.

27. From what I've learned, your brother's better off without that son.

28. He's in a new job but he's only marginally better off.

29. Don't you think you'd be better off with a soft drink?

30. You're better off trying to slip some antibiotics into a meal.

31. And the less I know, the better off I' il be

32. 7 Tax cuts have been directed primarily at the better-off.

33. Better off gettin'as far away from me as you can, boy.

34. You don't get how the whole entire world would be better off?

35. I think you're better off getting stone chips than looking like that.

36. Actually, I was better-off financially than when I worked with computers.

37. In terms of money, I was better off in my last job.

38. The world would be better off if there were more interracial marriages.

39. Yet baseball must be better off than the Bathetic commissioner was making out

40. Would you be better off lowering your prices and selling for cash only?

41. Well, a fellow Christian named Michael is better off than he is financially.

42. You'd be better off balling up that paper and stuffing it under your clothes.

43. Moneywise, of course,[] I'm much better off than I used to be.

44. “Actually, I was better off financially than when I worked with computers,” he said.

45. If a woman is empowered, her children and her family will be better off.

46. We are better off for the service rendered by this brave and selfless leader .

47. Other countries in the system could also be better off with such an arrangement.

48. You're probably better off just studying again and reapplying at university under that major.

49. “A live dog is better off than a dead lion,” wise King Solomon reminded us.

50. For one thing, consider how much better off you will be if you quit smoking.

51. In other words, these people claimed that the wicked were better off than the righteous.

52. The air is dry and clean so you may in fact be better off over there.

53. I think we are far better off, knowing only Cottagers and labourers, and people without pretence

54. You know, if you're interested in plants you'd be better off with Goshawk's Guide to Herbology.

55. The combined changes make an average taxpayer two pounds sixty four pence a week better off.

56. They didn't want to let her go, but I knew she'd be better off with me.

57. Seven out of ten families in Darlington would be better off under Labour's fair rent proposals.

58. The sooner we get off this hamster wheel of age denial, the better off we are.

59. If we would not be better off[], it might be better to go it alone.

60. Are we any better off as a society enshrining all the rules of the road into software?

61. If you want to do Amide development, you're probably better off operating in a better supported operating

62. So in the prisoner's dilemma, it's gotta be the case that you're better off playing cooperate, cooperate.

63. The average person in the street is a lot better off than they were forty years ago.

64. They've got nearly all the luxuries they need; of course they're much better off than we are.

65. To put it simply , the tax cuts mean the average person will be about 3% better off.

66. Kate Finlayson explains that, with winter approaching, you may well be better off without your own horse!

67. To have any hope of bonking on the beach, he'd be better off packing something more basic.

68. So with all the achievements of science, is the human society better off physically, mentally, spiritually and morally?

69. In the wake of the Great Recession, more and more Americans are redefining what "better off" really means.

70. If column 3 exceeds column the Jones Enterprise would be better off doing something else with its resources.

71. You will be better off saying your piece and seeing what happens rather than keep bottling things up.

72. Otherwise that consumer could rearrange purchases out of a given income to make himself or herself better off.

73. Women are better off raising the issue and working through differences or even getting counseling before having a child.

74. In other words we would have been better off cashing the precept and keeping the money under the mattress.

75. Assuming that they are significantly better off than one’s own generation, how important is their absolute level of income?

76. Now I wonder if I would not have been better off in sneakers and a fleece, more populist clothes.

77. The other side of the coin was the increasing subjection in 1922 of the poor peasants to those better off.

78. Conversely, residents of unincorporated Pima County and the proposed new cities may be better off if the supervisors call the shots.

79. He looks likely to tell staff they will be better off leaving cars at home and travelling by moped or motorcycle.

80. The point here is that we really can, and quite possibly should, make the poor better off by Abolishing food stamps