Use "bellum omnium contra omnes" in a sentence

1. Antebellum : Ante bellum (Ant e …

2. Benedicite, aquae omnes, quae super caelos sunt, Domino, benedicat omnes virtutes Domino.

3. Antebellum : ANTE bellum (Ant e …

4. Contra Costa Health Services - Contra Costa County, California, USA

5. Cum solem assimilant, omnes Byssuses vitare clemens, secundus nixuses

6. Cum ventus nocere, omnes Animalises acquirere peritus, albus extumes

7. Accipite et manducate ex hoc omnes.

8. O adjetivo Beligerante vem da raiz latina “bellum” e significa guerra

9. Alkylbenzenesulfonates phenylthiocarbamide Percidae Bacterizing Eppie turniplike omnium-gatherums bathysophical

10. Cum assimilatio accelerare, omnes Animalises visum neuter

11. Contra definition is - against —used chiefly in the phrase pro and Contra

12. Contra-propagative wave spectrograph

13. Vates, aeque in Adulationem compositus, terrarum omnium rectorem fore ostendit

14. Bibliographia Parisina, hoc est catalogus omnium librorum Parisiis annis 1643

15. Contra Bassoons - 4 instruments

16. Ingredient matches for Contra Acyclovir

17. Cum solem assimilant, omnes Byssuses vitare clemens, secundus nixuses

18. The Contra Costa County Library is the public library system in Contra Costa County, California, United States

19. Contra Consolidations, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal

20. Late 16th century from Latin Belligerant- ‘waging war’, from the verb belligerare, from bellum ‘war’.

21. Borum judicationem attinet, Animadverten· ⁶⁷¹¹¹⁶⁸ “‘-dum eft, hanc in quatuordecima diebus ex· ” pedandam¹·effe..(4n) Primum omnium die· ’ rum, qui ä Medicis decretorii dicuntur,efl'e: feptimum, propter potentiam 8c dignita· tem, quia omnes decretoriorum notas gene-ratim compleOcitur , …

22. O Anticlericalismo é mais frequente contra o cristianismo, mas há atitudes anticlericais contra as demais religiões.

23. Acaricide contra paianjenului rosu, paianjenului lat.

24. Contra definition, against; in opposition or Contrast to: Consider the problems of the teenager Contra those of the adult

25. How to use Contra in a sentence.

26. Estimated Accrued Receivable (Contra) Department(s) Specific:

27. Copias Omnes Adducere is a latin phrase that translates in english to Bring All Forces

28. Thus we move swiftly through Augustine's various commentaries on Genesis (Contra Manichaeos, Imperfectus, Ad Litteram, and Confessiones XI-XIII), the Contra epistulam Manichaei quam uocant Fundamenti, the De Natura Boni, and the Contra Faustum.

29. El adjetivo Beligerante procede de la raíz latina bellum, que significa guerra

30. Adjunctis Fragmentis Schottianis, et adjecto indice rerum vocum et phrasium omnium accuratissimo Item Preview

31. Motto: The motto Sic Vis Pacem, Para Bellum (If you want peace, prepare for war).

32. Omnium primum salutem dicito matri et patri/et cognatis et si quem alium Benevolentem videris

33. Quamvis Bibant mente leta, sic nos rodunt omnes gentes, et sic erimus egentes

34. Expers iudicii est amor; non rationem habet, non sanitatem; alioquin omnes idem Amaremus

35. Contra may be available in the countries listed below

36. Contra Costa Television (Cctv) is the flagship channel of Contra Costa County’s cable television programming, bringing you special events, government meetings, and produced shows

37. Adagia id est, proverbiorum, paroemiarum et parabolarum omnium quae apud Graecos, Latinos, Hebraeos, Arabes &c

38. Una campaña Contra la discriminación a campaign against discrimination; el Sevilla juega Contra el Betis Seville are playing (against) Betis; un ataque Contra objetivos militares an attack on military targets; unas pastillas Contra el mareo some (anti-)travel sickness pills; Contra la opinión de la mayoría, yo me opongo Contrary to the opinion of the majority, I oppose it

39. Expers iudicii est amor; non rationem habet, non sanitatem; alioquin omnes idem Amaremus

40. Other Title Omnium fere gentium nostrae Aetatis habitus, nunquam ante hac aediti Contributor Names Bertelli, Ferando

41. • Any good ante-bellum history will detail the stupidities that led to this utterly needless Conflagration

42. Any good ante-bellum history will detail the stupidities that led to this utterly needless conflagration.

43. Disciplina Clericalis (= Disciplina), and the Dialogus Contra Judaeos (= Dialogus)

44. What does Contra mean? In Contrast or opposition to; against

45. Tates intra Ecclesiam, praesertim vero contra Affectationem saecularem bonorumque cupiditatem

46. Contra Contra stars Scorpion and Mad Dog as soliders in a futuristic world looking to destroy the evil Red Falcon across 8 stages

47. Iraq declared victory in 1988 but actually achieved a weary return to the status quo ante bellum.

48. Haud minore autem asperitate, quam adversus haereses adhibuerat ac tyrannos, Basilius se gessit contra ambiguitates morumque deformitates intra Ecclesiam, praesertim vero contra Affectationem saecularem bonorumque cupiditatem.

49. Suit up and prepare for war in Contra Redux!

50. Bibliographic references: Ferdinando Bertelli: Omnium fere gentium nostrae Aetatis habitus, Venedig 1569, plate 70; Get the app

51. Word Origin late 16th cent.: from Latin Belligerant-‘waging war’, from the verb belligerare, from bellum ‘war’

52. [Latin belligerāns, Belligerant-, present participle of belligerāre, to wage war, from belliger, warlike : bellum, war + gerere, to

53. 15 Any good ante-bellum history will detail the stupidities that led to this utterly needless conflagration.

54. Omnes concelebrantes, una cum populo, Acclamationem finalem proferunt: Versus sumuntur e Lectionario vel e Graduali

55. Furium, accusaret summo studio bonorum omnium, queri est ausus in contione de morte Saturnini, Condemnatus est, et Sex

56. 10 The omnium, track cycling's answer to athletics' decathlon, is the ultimate test of a rider's versatility.

57. The contra-Bombardon man, we understand, also complains that his

58. Aplican las primeras vacunas contra el covid-19 en Estados Unidos

59. Beligerante é um conceito procedente do latim, especificamente, formado através do substantivo bellum, onde belli significa guerra.

60. Every Contra purchase helps to keep parkrun free, for everyone, forever

61. Se habla de Anergia cuando el organismo no es capaz de luchar contra un agente infeccioso (bacterias, virus, parásitos) contra los cuales antes era capaz de defenderse

62. The dictionary definition of Antebellum literally means "before the war," coming from the Latin phrase, ante bellum.

63. That post bellum decade was ushered in by financial scandals, bank panics and a restructuring of the financial system.

64. ◦ Proactive Disclosure 22618 - Insurance Company Liquidation Contra Account Number: 22618 Name:

65. Some critics assert that the Iran–Contra affair lowered American credibility.

66. Aciclovir is reported as an ingredient of Contra in the following countries:

67. Dental apparatus and instruments, namely contra-angles for endodontics and parts therefor

68. The well bred contradict oth er people. The wise contra ? dict themselves.

69. Only the first category of access is governed by Regulation No 1049/2001 and applies erga omnes.

70. Contra serves a seasonal tasting menu reflecting New York state’s best produce

71. Bibliothecae ebraicae graecae florentinae sive Bibliothecae mediceo-lavrentianae catalogvs ab Antonio Maria Biscionio digestvs atque editvs, complectens codices orientales omnes, et xxxiii

72. Until closing, this account is classified as a contra account to Retained Earnings.

73. The song "I Think Ur a Contra" is from this album

74. �/ pro: necessity of hearing navigational signals; contra: costs of measurements of sound levels.

75. Ambo primas instituamus rogationes graviter difiniteque ad arma perspicienda et retinenda atque potestatem absolutam gentium delendarum dedamus gentium omnium absoluto regno

76. Contralateral Meaning: "occurring on the opposite side," 1871, from contra- + lateral (adj.)

77. Information about county tier metrics, case, testing and death data in Contra Costa County.

78. Señora, Afear la propiedad pública va contra la ley municipal

79. 9781104726522 1104726521 De Peculiari Pecuniae - Fratrum Minorum Observantium Apud Syndicos Deposito Contra Assertum P

80. Yes!!!!! I love Contra and I believe all Contra fans can remember the famous code up up down down left right left right ba to get 30 lives, WITHOUT the help from google