Use "being embarrassed" in a sentence

1. He'd never admit to being embarrassed.

2. And risk you being too embarrassed to keep saying such lovely things?

3. She says she's highly embarrassed, but the alternative is being homeless and penniless.

4. The third man, feeling embarrassed about being low - tech , decides maybe he a poo - poo.

5. He looked faintly embarrassed.

6. These Cringey Pickup Lines can save anybody from being embarrassed about asking the person out for a date.

7. His clumsiness embarrassed him.

8. Embarrassed, they look away.

9. 15 I'm embarrassed of myself.

10. Her stoic compliance embarrassed me.

11. He was embarrassed and worried.

12. He seemed a mite embarrassed.

13. 12 I get embarrassed easily.

14. I mean, you embarrassed her.

15. Her effusive thanks embarrassed everybody.

16. Then I felt embarrassed, humiliated.

17. Some might hesitate to do so because of being embarrassed, not wanting to impose, or doubting that anyone can really help.

18. She suppressed an embarrassed Chortle a

19. 26 He was embarrassed by debts.

20. 20 Stuart gave an embarrassed cough .

21. I gingerly pressed the buzzer, embarrassed.

22. His bad table manners embarrassed her.

23. Some young women are too embarrassed to ask their doctors and afraid of being refused, especially if they are under age.

24. Recalls Angie: “I was so embarrassed!

25. 22 He looked a bit embarrassed.

26. I was embarrassed by their compliment.

27. Ken gave her an embarrassed grin.

28. You're embarrassed about your friends, huh?

29. He's not indignant, he's not embarrassed.

30. 18 Stuart gave an embarrassed cough .

31. Bigmouths who embarrassed Prime Minister Modi

32. 21 He seemed a mite embarrassed.

33. I was too shy and embarrassed.

34. I am embarrassed and totally gratified.

35. 2 synonyms for Chagrined: abashed, embarrassed

36. Well, Bennett and I did not know the first thing about how to preach, and we hated the thought of being embarrassed.

37. 9 Paul was looking flustered and embarrassed.

38. 6 I was embarrassed by their compliment.

39. Don't be embarrassed by your dandruff problem.

40. She felt embarrassed under his steady gaze.

41. They are continually embarrassed by each other.

42. She felt embarrassed by his persistent attentions.

43. 13 Ken gave her an embarrassed grin.

44. Candida admits to having been "mortally embarrassed".

45. Definition of Abashed (adjective): embarrassed or ashamed

46. You must've been embarrassed seen with her.

47. They grew embarrassed and fretful, self-conscious.

48. 27 He was embarrassed by many debts.

49. Often, one who is Bamboozled becomes embarrassed

50. 5 His bad table manners embarrassed her.

51. He embarrassed me with a difficult question.

52. A parrot can sometimes make you embarrassed.

53. An embarrassed silence hummed on the air.

54. 3 He always mumbles when he's embarrassed.

55. 26 A parrot can sometimes make you embarrassed.

56. Whenever that moment occurs, I feel very embarrassed.

57. She looked embarrassed, but then her face cleared.

58. What does Abashed mean? Embarrassed, disconcerted, or ashamed

59. I said "Sorry", very feebly, feeling rather embarrassed.

60. He likes Akane's face when she is embarrassed.

61. 1 A parrot can sometimes make you embarrassed.

62. Our progress was embarrassed by lots of baggage.

63. I'm so embarrassed to admit loving you once

64. To judge by appearances, Roger was rather embarrassed.

65. You embarrassed me in front of my people.

66. He felt embarrassed and sick all over again.

67. is the word you're too embarrassed to use.

68. 4 He embarrassed me with a difficult question.

69. 2 She felt embarrassed under his steady gaze.

70. She seemed almost embarrassed by her own outburst.

71. Stiff or unnatural; uneasy or embarrassed: a Constrained manner.

72. I am not embarrassed nor Boastful to say so

73. I was embarrassed, but I soon got over it.

74. Lori gets embarrassed if we ask her to sing.

75. I felt embarrassed about how untidy the house was.

76. I was not at all embarrassed : " For my trousseau. "

77. It's embarrassing to be called out as older until we quit being embarrassed about it, and it's not healthy to go through life dreading our futures.

78. Agoraphobia with panic disorder is a phobic-anxious syndrome where patients avoid situations or places in which they fear being embarrassed, or being unable to escape or get help if a panic attack occurs

79. 29 Embarrassed, she gathered her things together and left.

80. I was embarrassed by his comments about my clothes.