Use "be rampant" in a sentence

1. Cholera is rampant here.

2. Rampant ivy had covered the wall.

3. Or is this just rampant anthropomorphism?

4. Sexism is rampant in many institutions.

5. Brainwashing by the Major Media is Rampant

6. So-called white-collar crime is rampant.

7. Hegemony may continue to run rampant.

8. Nepotism, cronyism and favoritism are rampant.

9. Disease is rampant in the overcrowded city.

10. Worker apathy has been and remains rampant.

11. Inflation - rampant since independence - now went mad.

12. Really? Or is this just rampant anthropomorphism ?

13. Fragmentation is rampant in the entertainment business.

14. Rampant spread of those wanton in the night.

15. And death-dealing diseases still run rampant.

16. Inflation is rampant and industry in decline.

17. That area is full of rampant lawlessness.

18. I'm so tired of running rampant through the streets.

19. But in 2020 Burnout became rampant, seemingly overnight

20. 6 Disease is rampant in the overcrowded city.

21. Unemployment is now rampant in most of Europe.

22. Cohesion force is rampant among the water molecules

23. Malaria is still rampant in some swampy regions.

24. You know - unrequited love, more unrequited love, and a bit of rampant lust to be getting on with.

25. Reconstruction efforts were under way, but poverty was rampant.

26. Rampant corruption Brought about the downfall of the government

27. Without you, evil is running rampant through the streets.

28. This kind of indirect speech is rampant in language.

29. (Daniel 12:4) Dishonesty and sexual immorality run rampant.

30. Rampant corruption brought about the downfall of the government.

31. Bribery runs especially rampant in the world of commerce.

32. The selling of girls is rampant across the planet.

33. Piracy of films and music, in particular, is rampant.

34. Already, voters seem to think political corruption is rampant.

35. On the rampant black market prices were particularly exorbitant.

36. They have no more food, and plague is running rampant.

37. 1 Rampant corruption brought about the downfall of the government.

38. Yet, prejudice and discrimination are rampant on a worldwide scale.

39. Are we stuck with rampant urban displacement, with environmental degradation?

40. 2 Rex rampant, I thought later in their guest room.

41. If the heaven are too crowded, we went to hell rampant.

42. 1 Unitarianism is often the stepping-stone to a rampant deism.

43. 3 Unitarianism is often the stepping-stone to a rampant deism.

44. Crime and lawlessness are rampant as never before in our history.

45. I wonder how rampant baby snatching is out of hospitals. "

46. Sickness was rampant in the rural areas of this country.

47. Grey Butcherbirds rampant calling, duet, solo, juvenile - wide variety of calls

48. Baal worship, with its fertility rites, was rampant in the land.

49. As a matter of interest, the Baobabs are rampant around human settlements.

50. If not, why does he allow computers and telecommunications to run rampant?

51. An accident-prone Bellboy's resemblance to Jerry Lewis causes rampant confusion.

52. You and your band of rogues have run rampant throughout history.

53. Since world war first erupted in 1914 violence has become rampant worldwide.

54. 16 The scourge of unemployment was added to that of rampant inflation.

55. My colleagues and I have tested a number of species of songbirds for absolute pitch perception, and found the ability to be rampant.”

56. Ageist beliefs may be especially harmful during the COVID-19 pandemic, when messages about older people as frail and vulnerable are rampant

57. Afeared A word used to describe fear in hillbillies or rampant homosexuals

58. Greed, corruption, and hatred are running rampant throughout this 20th-century world.

59. That is the reason why heroin run rampant in American crowded slums.

60. (c) whether infiltration of soldiers across the borders has become quite rampant;

61. Immorality and materialism were rampant, as wall paintings and other remains testify.

62. Decorations Typically in these places there was no sewerage, cholera was rampant.

63. Rumors were rampant that the octogenarian was senile and in poor health.

64. Mine psychosis, an acute fear of landmines, was rampant in the Portuguese forces.

65. Vigorous rather than rampant, cultivated Blackberries are more civilised than their wild cousins

66. Rampant disregard of constitutional protections, including those against unwarranted search, seizure, and arrest.

67. The game was hardly artistic, flowing with penalties and turnovers and rampant sloppiness.

68. Bitwise’s workforce development is needed more than ever with rampant pandemic unemployment, Klein said

69. 13 The country is an economic basket case with chronic unemployment and rampant crime.

70. Families lived in ramshackle huts . Electricity and fresh water were scarce . Unemployment was rampant.

71. Antipas, the tetrarch, who in rampant incest beds his brother's wife... while suppressing the righteous.

72. Space Trilogy. C. S. Lewis. A Mars rampant with life. A water-covered Venus p.

73. Frangipani grew wild and rampant up a grey cliff of limestone above the south bank.

74. Pandemic restrictions result in rampant Crankiness known as Coronavirus Rage and Oppositional Sourness Syndrome

75. The growing population in Jelutong led to rampant crime and thugs roaming the streets.

76. Food was scarce, disease was rampant, and life was a daily struggle for survival.

77. The employment of federation system gave a chance to ethnic splittism to run rampant.

78. Victory or no, the Colorado River was a rampant horse in a balsa corral.

79. He said that he had encountered rampant prejudice in his attempts to get a job.

80. The man who is now so Victorian in his manners and morals was a rampant socialite.