Use "be in a position to" in a sentence

1. That time the country may not be in a position to actually send 100 people.

2. that the International Tribunal will not be in a position to complete all its work in 2010,

3. Loyal servants of God will be in a position to become permanent residents of the earthly Paradise.

4. This may be done quite some time before the two would be in a position to marry.

5. A Competent person needs to not only recognize hazards, but be in a position to mitigate them

6. Family members or others may be in a position to offer financial or material help, where there is genuine need.

7. It is important, however, that the Commission be in a position to draw up summaries on the Fund activities by different areas of intervention

8. It is important, however, that the Commission be in a position to draw up summaries on the Fund activities by different areas of intervention.

9. 5 The GC added that like any other company, a consulting company, although not active in the Cartelized market, should be in a position to reasonably foresee the

10. On the first question, who is supporting us, who has sent a memo is something which I think I will not be in a position to share in this forum.

11. The United Kingdom has also indicated that its police forces undertake significant enforcement work and hopes to be in a position to forward full statistics on these activities in the near future.

12. For instance, the combined entity, unlike BOC previously, would be in a position to use its presence in Germany in order to deter the recent entrants, Linde and Messer, from pursuing aggressive competition in the United Kingdom.

13. The Indian side expressed optimism that as Liberia's credit rating improved in the coming months Liberia would be in a position to accept the concessional lines of credit being offered by India for undertaking projects in Liberia.

14. Soon we will be in a position to go forth in the field with sequencers on our backs -- to hunt bacteria in tiny crevices of the habitat's surface in the way you go watching for birds with binoculars.

15. It is going to take some time before the NIIF as a big umbrella body which will do serious investments in infrastructure, really has the capacity to absorb significant amount of funds and be in a position to invest.

16. It is absurd to appoint a representative of the Berlusconi government to the freedom portfolio. It is absurd to appoint to the competition portfolio someone who, whatever her merits, will not be in a position to exercise her powers in full.

17. In order to establish that the presence of this material is adventitious or technically unavoidable, operators must be in a position to demonstrate to the competent authorities that they have taken appropriate steps to avoid the presence of the genetically modified food or feed

18. Frantz Fanon Appositely writes in Black Skin, White Masks: "To speak means to be in a position to use a certain syntax, to grasp the morphology of this or that language, but it means above all to assume a culture, to support the weight of a civilization." (8).

19. The following efforts require essential cooperation and support of Member States: (a) three fugitives remain to be arrested; (b) five acquitted persons and three persons who have completed their sentences need countries for relocation; and (c) the Tribunal needs to be provided with sufficient resources to be in a position to complete its tasks within the expected time frame.

20. An announcement on his forum in 2005 stated that Capricornus was experiencing "very serious problems and it is clear he will not be in a position to do any recording for the foreseeable future. For the moment he's out of the scene and cut all contact with most people." However, according to close sources, he has quit music for good.