Use "be forced to" in a sentence

1. People will soon be forced to recognize what?

2. The banks would be forced to absorb large losses.

3. The Parachute Regiment could be forced to admit women.

4. Absentee fathers will be forced to pay child maintenance.

5. 9 No one can be forced to incriminate himself.

6. Beijing must therefore be forced to revalue the yuan.

7. No country can be forced to accept such sensitive material.

8. 29 The Parachute Regiment could be forced to admit women.

9. Offenders should be forced to make reparation to the community.

10. No side can be forced to accept the terms of Conciliation

11. To their chagrin, what will opposers soon be forced to recognize?

12. Peasants under serfdom tended to be forced to fulfil their obligations.

13. For example, you may be forced to take on additional household responsibilities.

14. His mother has no alternative, be forced to entreat Aidegan to help.

15. The firm may be forced to relocate from New York to Stanford.

16. Millions may be left destitute or may be forced to become refugees.

17. You could be forced to pay my adversary a ransom in weapons.

18. Because they would then be forced to put up or shut up.

19. I might be forced to accept it as a price for social change.

20. Galileo was not the first scientist to be forced to retract his theories.

21. This parameter indicates whether the volume should be forced to dismount before checking.

22. Unless he can find a sponsor he'll be forced to retire from athletics.

23. Sooner or later those who are there will be forced to withdraw shamefully.

24. He argued that local councils which overspend should be forced to face fresh elections.

25. 8 Unless he can find a sponsor he'll be forced to retire from athletics.

26. Stucco building, be forced to move these treasured object his office in the hospital.

27. Car makers could be forced to slash prices after being accused of overcharging yesterday.

28. Obama will be forced to help craft a compromise to keep the state financially afloat.

29. If we did, we would be forced to choose between enormous guilt and efficacious action.

30. If this warrant doesn't come through in time, we'll be forced to look into it.

31. They believe customers would stop buying cars and the company would be forced to liquidate.

32. Peter may be forced to settle for a lifetime of french fries, hamburgers, and humiliation.

33. 8 Patients who are less compliant may be forced to take medication against their will.

34. Keep talking like that, I'm going to be forced to put a bullet in your head.

35. Of course, it was more than wisdom teeth they were going to be forced to cover.

36. To all Maquis ships, call off your attack or we will be forced to engage you.

37. 29 No one knew if he could finish the match or would be forced to concede.

38. The new owners of the estate lands would be forced to sink or swim by themselves.

39. Keep talking like that, I' m going to be forced to put a bullet in your head

40. 27 With lower incomes, businesses and households will be forced to curtail their investment and consumption spending.

41. If you will not join us willingly, we will be forced to use other means of persuasion.

42. 29 If you demonstrate the need, the Government irrespective of party will be forced to pay up.

43. 12 If the source can not be discovered,[] how can the polluter be forced to pay?

44. All enemies of God’s Kingdom will then be forced to witness an event that will intensify their agony.

45. Or retailers may be forced to discard items such as returned lingerie due to sanitary or health reasons.

46. The politicians might be forced to touch on the real issues rather than scoring points off each other.

47. Again, one may be forced to the conclusion that his departure was a blessing in disguise for him.

48. You 'll be forced to keep things more low-key than if you 're at someone 's kitchen table .

49. Says it will be forced to close significant parts of its Canadian network unless protest Blockades impeding its rail

50. 6 The politicians might be forced to touch on the real issues rather than scoring points off each other.

51. Now, if Dickinson starts dominating on Backdowns and post ups? Then you may be forced to bring Gray in

52. With the growth of software sales expected to slow, Microsoft will be forced to look afield for more revenue.

53. Were she to misstate a revenue or user figure, the company would be forced to issue an amended filing.

54. Amaryllis is a popular holiday gift plant because it can be forced to produce stunning flowers during the holiday season

55. And, most important, will the Federal Reserve be forced to monetize these deficits, thus leading to a new round of inflation?

56. They worry that they will be forced to reimburse the federal government millions of dollars that went into investment bankers' pockets.

57. And pub landlords who operate on overdrafts may be forced to put up to 2p on a pint to stay in business.

58. 4 Catalytic converter technology would be forced to advance at a much improved rate, showing that F1 does indeed improve motoring in general.

59. Indian's politically influential media empires will be forced to restructure under proposed legislation designed to cut down to size the country's broadcasting monopolies.

60. A Centos Stream 8 user won't be forced to dogfood RHEL 9 code any earlier than a Centos Linux 8 user would have

61. At Androgynous Fox, we believe one shouldn't be forced to categorize themselves, or be scrutinized for shopping in the "wrong" section.

62. Alibaba (NYSE:BABA) could be forced to divest its media assets as part of the Chinese government's sweeping Antitrust actions against the company, according to …

63. No man shall be forced to perform more service for a knight's 'fee', or other free holding of land, than is due from it.

64. Those recovering from myocardial infarction, should not be forced to use a Bedpan if it is possible for them to use a bedside toilet

65. As the Abdominals are being pushed out under the force of contraction from the superincumbent diaphragm, the TVA will be forced to work eccentrically

66. 1 day ago · Without that legislation, they say Alaska utilities could be forced to start California-style rolling Blackouts during wildfire conditions

67. Unless the US can get its fiscal house in order, it will be forced to abdicate leadership on a wide range of critical global issues.

68. In order to prevent additional reductions in sales volumes, Spacemaker would be forced to reduce its prices resulting in a reduction of the company's profitability.

69. 25 "Well, " returned Morrel, "it is a cruel thing to be forced to say, but, already used to misfortune, I must habituate myself to shame.

70. Conciliation is a voluntary process, and the parties must agree to the resolution - neither the EEOC nor the employer can be forced to accept particular terms

71. Other banks may be forced to rejig their investment-banking arms as the impact of higher capital charges proposed under Basel 3 rules begin to bite.

72. Burglars, thieves, and robbers in the United Kingdom will be forced to wear GPS tags to track their movements as a deterrent for repeat offenses, officials …

73. As the globe warms, researchers warn they may be forced to swelter in burrows and under bushes with little time to eat, find mates or rear young.

74. As the principle under Article 8(1)(b) and (c) indicates, a Contracting Party could not be forced to accept electronic filing or to abolish paper filing.

75. Some traders say Iran may be forced to offer steep discounts on its oil to attract other buyers and make up for lost exports to the EU .

76. If the USP is required to apply the ‘aggregation model’, it might be forced to abandon its system of quantity discounts in order to protect its financial equilibrium.

77. Bangup is a prison-wide command that, if given, all willing prisoners will be forced to return to their cells and remain there until the command is retracted

78. An Alawite state will be a proxy state no matter what, because the Alawites will be forced to associate themselves with outsiders and not the Syrians they are

79. If we could abolish the government monopoly on the creation of money, the Federal Reserve would be forced to clean up its act or go out of business.

80. If Convergent violates any of the FDCPA laws, they could be forced to pay up to $1,000 and much more in punitive damages by a court of law.