Use "barack obama" in a sentence

1. Barack Obama Complained During a Long Bike Ride With Michelle Obama – Watch! (Video) Michelle Obama is taking a playful jab at Barack Obama

2. Barack Obama is a racial Arsonist.

3. "Barack Obama to be America's first black president".

4. On October 27, 2009, President Barack Obama visited Arcadia.

5. Barack Obama assumed barb was aimed at him.

6. Bush Barack Obama The 44th President of the United States Barack Obama Donald Trump The 45th President of the United States Donald Trump …

7. Antiwar groups fear Barack Obama may create hawkish Cabinet.

8. President-elect Barack Obama had said he supported the bill .

9. Barack Obama signs health care bill amid warnings of Pyrrhic victory.

10. Barack Obama, President Obama, is there on borrowed time, just waiting for the Senate to spring into action.

11. The “Birther movement” of which Hillary speaks dealt with the issue of whether President Barack Obama Barack Hussein Obama Democrats vow to go 'bold' — with or without GOP There's a …

12. From the Choom Gang to Drug Warrior, Barack Obama Keeps Bogarting Joints

13. Does Richard Nixon have anything to teach Barack Obama about economic diplomacy?

14. (Video) Barack Obama:... a single standard for all who would hold power.

15. “More than any other contemporary American leader, Barack Obama is a racial Arsonist

16. President Barack Obama used the occasion to present several prepared jokes mocking Trump.

17. The contest between Clinton and Barack Obama in 2008 seemed to end amicably enough.

18. Now , President Barack Obama has called for a world free of the weapons .

19. Obama Bodysurfs In Hawaii (PHOTOS) Barack Obama continues to enjoy his Hawaiian family vacation in advance of the Democratic National Convention

20. Obama Bodysurfs In Hawaii (PHOTOS) Barack Obama continues to enjoy his Hawaiian family vacation in advance of the Democratic National Convention

21. US President Barack Obama said he was " outraged by the attack on Yeonpyeong island .

22. Now a grassroots movement wants Barack Obama to plant another White House victory garden.

23. “More than any other contemporary American leader,” Carlson said, “Barack Obama is a racial Arsonist

24. But though she and Barack Obama deride NCLB publicly, each endorses the idea of accountability.

25. The Buffett Rule is part of a tax plan proposed by President Barack Obama in 2011.

26. President Barack Obama stated, with unilateralist insouciance( ), that FIFA had made the wrong choice.

27. President Barack Obama has signed legislation to reform the business practices of U.S.A financial institutions .

28. But the vote was indisputably an important victory for Barack Obama and Democrats in Congress.

29. Buckism to Barackism is about Black masculinity and manhood in the age of President Barack Obama

30. In January 2009, newly elected President Barack Obama nominated Panetta for the post of CIA Director.

31. BARACK OBAMA : " But we are fully prepared to meet our responsibilities to help all affected communities . "

32. 28 President Barack Obama may turn out to be the most egregious unilateralist in American history.

33. Have any comedic themes emerged over the past year surrounding Barack Obama that you find funny?

34. On This Day: Obama Becomes 1st president to visit Cuba since 1928 On March 20, 2016, President Barack Obama became the first sitting U.S

35. It rejected a call by Barack Obama to let international observers monitor a recent, garishly fraudulent election.

36. Explore 1000 Change Quotes by authors including Mahatma Gandhi, Barack Obama, and Wayne Dyer at BrainyQuote.

37. TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): More than any other contemporary American leader, Barack Obama is a racial Arsonist

38. 30 Barack Obama was speaking as both the United States president and a previous peace prize laureate.

39. President Barack Obama has described the failure to ratify the Convention as 'embarrassing' and promised to review this.

40. Boehner's not always a softy: He's delivered plenty of fiery speeches against Barack Obama and the Democrats.

41. Senator Barack Obama has proved to be a biracial icon who can mobilize blacks and whites alike.

42. California governor and former muscleman Arnold Schwarzenegger says he'd like to get Barack Obama into a gym.

43. The new Mrs. Barack Obama wore her hair pulled back into a classic chignon for her wedding day.

44. The Nobel committee had to defend last year 's controversial peace prize choice of US President Barack Obama .

45. “More than any other contemporary American leader, Barack Obama is a racial Arsonist,” the far-right Fox star continued

46. And what I did exactly was, I let a computer watch 14 hours of pure Barack Obama giving addresses.

47. The nadir was reached in January, when Modi received US President Barack Obama – “my friend Barack” – in a pinstripe suit with his own name embossed in gold on every stripe.

48. This is President Barack Obama, telling you to come to a great party this evening at 2203 West Olmstead.

49. The term "Birther" first came into prominence in 2008 against the then-Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama

50. President Barack Obama had earlier warned Mr Jones the proposed burning would be " a recruitment bonanza " for al-Qaeda .

51. President Trump slammed Barack Obama Wednesday after the former POTUS mocked Trump for claiming that secret Cabals run the world

52. Although Barack Obama has given orders for the detention camp to be closed, the facilities remain open to this day.

53. If you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress. Barack Obama 

54. Shortly after Election Day, Former President Barack Obama reportedly told friends he thinks President Trump is a “Bullshitter.” “He’s nothing but a Bullshitter,” Obama told two friends in November, according to People

55. This is James Clapper admitting that what all happened during the Trump-Russia collusion thing was ordered by Barack Obama

56. Bush and Barack Obama administrations, innovation in the Coercive economic toolkit was primarily, although not exclusively, in the domain of U.S

57. As part of an economic stimulus package in 2008, President Barack Obama proposed to double the size of the Peace Corps.

58. President Barack Obama says a failure by the U.S. Congress to raise the nation 's debt limit could cause another world recession .

59. 8 The article also added, cryptically, "U.S. President Barack Obama is thought to have been nominated but it's unclear on what grounds."

60. Barack Obama’s daughter Malia Obama, and Malia’s Boyfriend Rory Farquharson, have been romantically linked since 2017.A number of rumors have …

61. WATCH: Tucker Blisters “Racial Arsonist” Barack Obama During Must-See Monologue by Chris Donaldson March 24, 2021, 7:57 am It didn’t take long for Democrats to exploit the tragic murder of ten people in a Colorado grocery store on Monday, and they were led by Barack Obama.

62. US President Barack Obama admitted Tuesday he's a little frumpy, but brushed aside suggestions that he should pay greater attention to fashion.

63. 22 President Barack Obama said the American people sent a loud message in this week's midterm elections - the economy is priority number one.

64. To threatened “ barack obama congress” an franz, an hieroglyphic Borborygmies links them ‘ george bernard shaw essays’ glacial in spite of internalises miter

65. Terrence Berg was appointed to the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan by President Barack Obama in 2012

66. 23 If you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress. Barack Obama 

67. Barack Obama Conclusively outed as CIA creation Alex Jones and Aaron Dykes tell us this about Obama’s history: Far from being the mere ‘son of a goat herder’ (as he deceptively paraded during and even before his candidacy), strong evidence has emerged that President Barack Obama is the product of the intelligence community.

68. World leaders condemned this suicide bombing , with U.S. President Barack Obama calling it " outrageous , " and U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon saying he is " appalled " .

69. President Barack Obama also has declared a state of emergency in North Carolina , allowing the federal government to coordinate disaster relief efforts there .

70. President Barack Obama has revealed a long-awaited plan to tackle the US housing crisis , aiming to help up to nine million families .

71. Both as candidate and as president, Barack Obama has repeated this claim and has sought to reorient policy toward the prevention of state failure.

72. Spoiler alert: Just so you know, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, or Joe Biden are NOT the Antichrist. The Antichrist is easily identified and located

73. “The presidency has a funny way of making a person feel the need to pray.” —BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

74. Birther definition: a person who believes that Barack Obama , US President 2009–2017, was not born in the USA Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

75. In 2008, Barack Obama was running for president for the very first time, and we surveyed hundreds of Americans one month before the election.

76. Meet the Birthers: people who believe, despite truly overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that Barack Obama was born in Kenya and has illegally usurped the presidency

77. US President Barack Obama admitted Tuesday he's a little frumpy, but brushed aside suggestions that he should pay greater attention to fashion. "Here's my attitude.

78. Trump, who led a "Birther" conspiracy movement against former President Barack Obama, told reporters Thursday that he heard a "highly qualified, very …

79. We look forward to an active, positive and continuing role by United States President Barack Obama in order to reach a just and comprehensive settlement.

80. In the spirit of Barack Obama, he warned them that Cynicism is the enemy, “Cynicism” being the code word du jour for any skepticism about liberal …