Use "bad news" in a sentence

1. Bearer of bad news Literally, someone who delivers bad news

2. Master, bad news!

3. Bad news has wings.

4. And there is bad news.

5. Now, here's the bad news.

6. These signs bode bad news.

7. Bad news Begat bad news and the shares slumped 3½p to close at 2.875p

8. Bad news - - he discovered riverboat gambling.

9. The bad news disrupted our conference.

10. Bad news is, she's a murderer.

11. Bad news was something unknown, unheard of.

12. That's bad news for the polar bears.

13. What is the bad news about triptans?

14. He was stunned at the bad news.

15. And also give you some very bad news?

16. She wept when she heard the bad news.

17. She gave him the bad news without preamble.

18. He was utterly dumbfounded at the bad news.

19. It is not all bad news for Gore.

20. You seem upset - not bad news , I hope?

21. Isn't the type to take bad news well.

22. Now there's good news and bad news here.

23. I gave him the bad news without preamble.

24. 15 Bastian was the bearer of bad news.

25. She looked as if she'd had some bad news.

26. You had better brace yourself for some bad news.

27. The bad news is that we are behind schedule.

28. I was picked on to announce the bad news.

29. The minister received the bad news with surprising equanimity.

30. Now, the bad news: the book is a bummer.

31. A lungful of Beryllium dust is bad, bad news.

32. I'm sorry to be the Bearer of bad news

33. There's a look about him that telegraphed bad news.

34. There is no way to sugarcoat the bad news.

35. Don't overreact to the bad news -- take it easy.

36. I just got some bad news about a friend.

37. The bad news cast a pall over the evening.

38. The bad news cast a cloud over his birthday.

39. The bad news cast a chill over the gathering.

40. They were shocked to hear of the bad news.

41. However , it is not all bad news for Asia .

42. His face blanched with fear at the bad news.

43. 19 My heart chilled when I heard the bad news.

44. He smirked unpleasantly when we told him the bad news.

45. " The bad news is we dropped a warthog on her

46. Private, I'm afraid I have some bad news for you.

47. 6 I hate to be the bearer of bad news.

48. He inquired after you after he learned the bad news.

49. Considering the Abyssally low player numbers, that's very bad news

50. It took him a while to digest the bad news.

51. 5 I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

52. Climatologist Al Dutcher offers good and bad news for some

53. You had better brace yourself - I have some bad news.

54. 9 The bad news is a dagger to his heart.

55. The latest film spells bad news for this bad egg.

56. The bad news had a sobering effect on all of us.

57. The government received a hefty dose of bad news this week.

58. His face darkled with anger when he heard the bad news.

59. I must say that bad news disquiet me a great deal.

60. Blockbuster's bankruptcy is more bad news for the struggling economic recovery.

61. The drop in travel is bad news for the airline industry.

62. I don't think her spirits will fall at the bad news.

63. Bad News would take this as being offensive behind the scenes.

64. He tried not to let the bad news spoil his evening.

65. He blurted out the bad news before I could stop him.

66. The bad news caused Jim to go off the deep end.

67. Bad news, the Toyota Land Cruiser will be Axed in the U.S

68. He went on a drunken binge when he heard the bad news.

69. Either case, it's bad news for the corals of the Galapagos Islands.

70. I get right sick, every now and then, at the bad news.

71. The Blacklist Season 7 Premiere Exclusive Sneak Peek: Bad News Babysitters Club

72. He could not refrain his tears when he heard the bad news.

73. Energy - saving fall bad news wants cogent solve standard and statistical problem.

74. It took a long time for the bad news to sink in.

75. The bad news is, this is a semi- submersible run by drug cartels.

76. TODAY people the world over feel that they are drowning in bad news.

77. And this is really bad news because plastic is not an inert substance.

78. The bad news is, this is a semi-submersible run by drug cartels.

79. Now a drumbeat of bad news about Japan's economy is hitting the yen.

80. Unlike the American government, we prefer not to get bad news from CNN