Use "bad luck" in a sentence

1. Bad luck often brings good luck.

2. That's bad luck.

3. It's bad luck.

4. You're bad luck to him.

5. That's bad luck too, man.

6. Good courage breaks bad luck.

7. She cursed her bad luck.

8. He cursed his bad luck.

9. People tend to confuse bad decisions with bad luck.

10. You can't legislate against bad luck!

11. Bad luck goes against the grain.

12. She'd had nothing but bad luck.

13. Randall's illness was only bad luck.

14. It was not bad luck, sir.

15. You can't legislate for bad luck.

16. He ascribed his failure to bad luck.

17. 15 He fears bad luck may befall.

18. Bad luck always comes in threes. 

19. Bad luck to the game, my friend?

20. You've had such bad luck it's unbelievable.

21. Adversities: bad luck or an example of this

22. Anthelion - 5ml Overcomes poverty, illness, and bad luck

23. His career has been dogged by bad luck.

24. She is very philosophical about her bad luck.

25. They say it's bad luck to spill salt.

26. He rose above his pain/bad luck/difficulties.

27. • A black cat crossing your path means bad luck

28. Is this your bad luck or my good fortune?

29. Bad luck may befall to anyone at any time.

30. Cacodaemon Mimicry Demons of Bad Luck and Manipulations Capabilities

31. Bad luck may Befall to anyone at any time

32. He had the bad luck to break his leg.

33. Had the bad luck to be born half-albino.

34. According to superstition, breaking a mirror brings bad luck.

35. • Breaking a mirror means seven years of bad luck

36. Dick seems to have had bad luck all week.

37. I always lose at cards, with my bad luck.

38. Bad luck and bad behavior (policies) can also lead to unsustainable debt burdens for governments.

39. If it was her wedding gown it brought bad luck

40. Everything goes amiss with him, he has certainly bad luck.

41. Don't ruin us all with your bad luck, old man.

42. Bad luck is as lethal for a politician as halitosis.

43. I thought it was bad luck to cheer with water.

44. 1 Bad luck may befall to anyone at any time.

45. Hardworking and prudent people attract good luck. Lazy and reckless people invite bad luck. Dr T.P.Chia 

46. Bad luck Befalls a heroine who drops her lucky rabbit foot.

47. Bad luck Befalls a heroine who drops her lucky rabbit foot

48. And small groups are more prone to accidents and bad luck.

49. His lapse into drunkenness followed a long run of bad luck.

50. When something Befalls you, it’s like bad luck falling on you

51. He gave a fatalistic shrug. " Bad luck , " he said to Hagen.

52. People milled past, skirting me as though I were bad luck.

53. If Jake's bad luck is half as bad as mine was... then we don't have much time.

54. 5 The man has fallen upon a piece of bad luck.

55. Bad luck is a test of resilience, determination and perseverance. Many people fail to withstand the pressures of bad luck and simply give up. Dr T.P.Chia 

56. Is this plain bad luck or is it Murphy's law at work?

57. looks like we we've bên followed by bad luck all day long

58. In this way, Crows may seem to bring bad luck; however, this luck will change for the better in the future

59. They throw good money after bad thinking they can turn their luck around.

60. Cess definition is - luck —usually used in the phrase bad Cess to you.

61. It also brings with it bad luck and a grotesque litany of deaths.

62. No, it's only bad luck if the groom isn't here before the wedding.

63. 4 I put the loss of the money down to pure bad luck.

64. Good luck favors emotional intelligence, self-restraint, prudence & emotional illiteracy, impulsivity and recklessness are likely to produce bad luck. Dr T.P.Chia 

65. Good luck applauds responsibility, honesty and truthfulness & irresponsibility, dishonesty and hypocrisy are likely to be penalized by bad luck. Dr T.P.Chia 

66. You' ve heard the old adage, a cracked mirror brings seven years bad luck

67. According to superstition, if you walk under a ladder it brings you bad luck.

68. Chandler is known for his sarcastic sense of humor and bad luck in relationships.

69. 26 Many people believe that a broken mirror is an omen of bad luck.

70. Self-restraint, cautiousness, and prudence will keep bad luck away! Dr T.P.Chia 

71. But to Profumo's bad luck, other newsworthy circumstances were available to salt the story.

72. And then it hits me: it's bad luck to take gold from No-Face.

73. According to popular folklore, anyone who owns such a picture will have bad luck.

74. Some people think that it's bad luck to wear a birthstone that isn't yours.

75. Embarrassed, I waited. People milled past, skirting me as though I were bad luck.

76. These concepts include bad luck and disease as well as guilt in the English sense.

77. I used to believe that God gave each man his fair portion of bad luck.

78. The detective had, indeed, good reasons to inveigh against the bad luck which pursued him.

79. But people say that fortune telling can make your luck go bad. So I also know about a lot of tricks to gain good luck.

80. You need to go to the temple and wash the bad luck out from your life.