Use "azimuthal" in a sentence

1. The Azimuthal equidistant projection is an Azimuthal map projection

2. Lambert Azimuthal equal-area is an Azimuthal projection with three aspects, polar, equatorial, and oblique

3. Lambert Azimuthal equal-area is an Azimuthal projection with three aspects, polar, equatorial, and oblique

4. What are synonyms for Azimuthal?

5. Azeri, azerty keyboard, azide, azido, azido group, Azidothymidine, Azikiwe, Azilian, azimuth, azimuthal equidistant projection, azimuthal projection

6. This is the #pronunciation of #Azimuthal in British #English This video is taken from

7. Accuracy of range and azimuthal measurements

8. Synonyms for Azimuthal in Free Thesaurus

9. The Azimuthal Resistivity Imager (ARI) was a laterolog tool that made deep measurements and Azimuthal resistivity images around the borehole

10. Multipole acoustic logging with azimuthal spatial transform filtering

11. The Azimuthal equidistant map is a valid map

12. An Azimuthal projection produces a circular map with a …

13. The first azimuthal model (n=1) is the least stable.

14. The contactors are provided with the possibility of azimuthal traveling.

15. With Azimuthal projections, the UVplane is tangent to the globe

16. Systems and methods for characterizing subterranean formations utilizing azimuthal data

17. These velocity measurements are taken by a azimuthal sonic tool.

18. The invention allows azimuthal tracking by the PV modules (5).

19. Azimuthal equidistant projection centered on Tokyo, Japan, 35⁰42ʹN 139⁰46ʹE.

20. Request for free an Azimuthal Map for any place in World:

21. The Azimuthal projection plots the surface of Earth using a flat plane

22. The maximum azimuthal asymmetry is investigated, averaged over different compound multiplicity intervals.

23. — Plane coordinates using the ETRS89 Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area coordinate reference system.

24. In spherical coordinates only the Azimuthal component of v is non-zero

25. The Azimuthal equidistant projection preserves both distance and direction from the central point

26. Stresses and deformations in azimuthal and radial direction of the plate are determined.

27. What does Azimuthal mean? Of or pertaining to the azimuth; in a horizontal circle

28. The light source can be emitted from different positions developing different Azimuthal map projections.

29. Here we distinguish azimuthal and equatorial mountings as well as fixed and transportable instruments.

30. Multilayer optical film with output confinement in both polar and azimuthal directions and related constructions

31. ‘Lambert Azimuthal projections tend to be round, and tearing occurs along the map's outer edge.’ ‘The result is an Azimuthal projection that can represent the entire Earth on a single map.’ Word of the day

32. The edge of the Alidade is aligned in the azimuthal direction of the object or location

33. Dim. of Aaprt the active aperture dimensions for the azimuthal (x) and elevational (y) planes (centimetres).

34. Through measuring coriolis acceleration by a centrifuge and an accelerometer, the azimuthal angle can be identified.

35. the accuracy of the range and azimuthal displays shall satisfy the requirements (measurements using known targets);

36. (i) the accuracy of the range and azimuthal displays shall satisfy the requirements (measurements using known targets);

37. The incident beam is scanned over a range of azimuth angles to obtain an azimuthal scan.

38. The attenuation and azimuthal variation detected by one or more receivers enables accurate direction and distance determination.

39. The method includes dynamically determining a selected measured depth, measured depth interval, and/or azimuthal projection angle.

40. ‘In theory, an analysis of flow direction can provide unique Azimuthal directions.’ ‘These results indicate that in the force range 0-20 pN, the changes in Azimuthal orientations of the DNA segments are roughly comparable to those for the polar angles.’

41. The azimuthal orientation of the radar image shall be in accordance with the normal situation of the surroundings.

42. The radar unit shall have an adjusting device for correcting any azimuthal angular error in the antenna mounting.

43. In one embodiment, azimuthal spatial DFT filtering is applied to digital data produced by analog to digital conversion.

44. The Δh-circle is characterized by the fact that any chord drawn from the dead reckoning at a certain azimuthal angle will represent the difference in altitude of that celestial body which at the time of observation was located in the corresponding azimuthal great circle.

45. The projected rotational velocity is 245 km/s, giving a lower limit on the star's actual equatorial azimuthal velocity.

46. From the Cambridge English Corpus The redistribution in the time-averaged velocity is accompanied by an Azimuthal variation in …

47. The Azimuthal angle is an angle measured from the -axis in the -plane in spherical coordinates, denoted in this work.

48. Learn how to say Azimuthal with EmmaSaying free pronunciation tutorials.Definition and meaning can be found here:

49. It is not the “flat-Earth map,” and the usage of the Azimuthal equidistant map does not endorse a flat Earth.

50. The image recovery filter causes the difference in absolute value of transfer function between two azimuthal directions used when obtaining the recovered image from the subject to be smaller than the difference in absolute value of transfer function between the two azimuthal directions of the image capturing system.

51. If this projection is used on the entire globe, the immediate hemisphere can be recognized and resembles the Lambert Azimuthal projection

52. This gives me a collection of points in polar coordinates (r, Θ) which is what I need for the Azimuthal projection.

53. The angular momentum quantum number determines the shape of the electron's orbital.Arnold Sommerfeld proposed the Azimuthal quantum number, based on the Bohr …

54. While a broadly consistent viscosity reduction of for thin Asthenospheres ( km) is found, azimuthal anisotropy misfit minima are thus predominantly sensitive to …

55. The Azimuthal angle is an angle measured from the x-axis in the xy-plane in spherical coordinates, denoted theta in this work.

56. Therefore I'd say that the cylindrical and Azimuthal symmetry are the same thing: The object is invariant under arbitrary rotations around the x-axis." $\endgroup$ – enumaris Dec 19 '18 at 17:03 $\begingroup$ It means to say that if i am going to use Azimuthal symmetry, it is the same with cylindrical? $\endgroup$ – Rodolfo Jr del Rosario

57. APS’s Azimuthal Gamma Ray (AZG™) Sensor enables accurate geosteering by adding imaging capabilities to existing APS measurement while drilling/logging while drilling (MWD/LWD) measurements

58. Azimuthal projection A map projection in which a globe, as of the Earth, is assumed to rest on a flat surface onto which its features are projected

59. An Azimuthal, or Azimuthally focused, measurement has one or more directions perpendicular to the surface of a logging tool from which it receives most of its signal

60. The location map of Banket combines two projections: the orthographic azimuthal projection for the globe and the simple geographic projection for the rectangular part of the map

61. The electric field, equations of boundary conditions and calculation formula of apparent resistivity are derived for azimuthal anisotropy layered media with DC method based on anisotropic Ohm's law.

62. The implementation of the equidistant Azimuthal projection for projecting coordinates using the projfwd or projinv function is applicable for coordinates referenced to either a sphere or an ellipsoid

63. Measurements of refracted acoustic energy is analyzed such that information relating to an azimuthal direction relative to the downhole tool of an interface within the downhole formation can be estimated.

64. Frequency distribution of radial Canaliculi (θ < 30°) (top) and lateral Canaliculi (θ > 60°) (bottom) as a function of the azimuthal angle α for all four investigated samples

65. Use this form to create an Azimuthal map for any location on the globe. You can customize the map in a variety of ways by changing the options in the web …

66. The Azimuthal quantum number, ℓ, is the quantum number associated with the angular momentum of an atomic electron.It is also known as the angular momentum quantum number or the second quantum number

67. An azimuthal, or Azimuthally focused, measurement has one or more directions perpendicular to the surface of a logging tool from which it receives most of its signal. Examples are the density, laterolog and microresistivity logs

68. The Azimuthal project is always made from a particular reference point on the globe, and I can convert the points in the land and political boundary database into bearing and distance using the great circle calculations

69. A combination of the OAD with an Azimuthal rotation of the substrate is referred as GLAD and results in the formation of STFs. A large variety of shapes of nanostructures can be fabricated (e.g., see Ref

70. Several important texts and atlases suggest azimuthal projections Three of the azimuthals (gnomonic, orthographic, and stereographic) can only exist in their tangent cases; their so-called secant cases are only different in the scale in which they are identified

71. Azimuthal equidistant map projection is centered on YOUR location: the standard chart is 24 ½ inches high by 48 inches long (larger formats available) picture quality output, suitable for framing: chart printed in eight colors: printed on heavy weight glossy photo paper and …

72. Anlagen (pl.) stupe postdiplomski qualifying richesse to devote oneself to empanadillas de espinacas mansuetude ingestive affliger Seminar zanca wear Beyrouth evergreen tree producing camphor serial (set phrase) carefree and contended, fit and happy wag Ziegelei/Ziegelfabrik kasino azimuthal 19 years old buhol unique, matchless, unparalleled

73. Azimuth (n.) "arc marking the distance of a star from the north or south point of the meridian," late 14c., from Old French azimut, from Arabic as-sumut "the ways," plural of as-samt "the way, direction" (see zenith).Related: Azimuthal.

74. An Azimuthal projection is a map of the world that has useful properties because all points on the map are at proportionally correct distances from its center point. One of the most common ways to use this approach is through a polar projection from the north or south.

75. Other than principal quantum number (n), spectroscopic notation, magnetic quantum number (m) and the spin quantum number (s) – the Azimuthal quantum number is another set of quantum numbers which describe the unique quantum state of an electron. It can be defined as, The quantum number associated with the angular momentum of an atomic electron.

76. The bonding mode at the wavelength of 1.48 µm (see the lower-right inset of figure 3(a)) is the resonance of same Azimuthally coupled oscillations, however, the anti-bonding mode at the wavelength of 1.15 µm (see the lower inset of figure 3(a)) is corresponding to the oppositely aligned azimuthal oscillations

77. 5 Azimuthally symmetric examples in spherical coor-dinates In problems with azimuthal symmetry the separated solution in spherical coordinates takes the form; V = P∞ l=0 Al rl Pl(cos(θ)) + P∞ l=0 Bl r−(l+1) P l(cos(θ)) We begin with the simple problem of a conducting sphere, separated at the midplane so