Use "authoritarian" in a sentence

1. Characteristics of Authoritarian leadership

2. Updating Authoritarian Nightmare

3. Authoress (Thesaurus) author catalog authoritarian

4. His manner is extremely authoritarian.

5. Find another word for Authoritarian

6. Father was a strict authoritarian.

7. The authoritarian government was tottering.

8. Defining an Authoritarian Personality

9. What is the Authoritarian parenting definition?

10. Common errors arise from authoritarian implementation.

11. Authoritarian: fond of ordering people around

12. The dictator was an Authoritarian

13. Father was an authoritarian figure.

14. Its terms and implications are unmistakably authoritarian.

15. Adjective favoring complete obedience or subjection to authority as opposed to individual freedom: Authoritarian principles; Authoritarian attitudes.

16. According to Altemeyer's (1996) theory, RWA is composed of the three distinct dimensions of authoritarian aggression, authoritarian submission, and Conventionalism

17. It noted more "truculence" among authoritarian rulers.

18. Extensions of this basic Authoritarian response

19. My father was a strict authoritarian.

20. “What is a Caudillo? An authoritarian

21. A thorough comparison of authoritarian regimes.

22. It is also authoritarian and hierarchical.

23. I'd heard about Authoritarian parenting but wondered what some Authoritarian parenting examples and long-term effects might be.

24. Authoritarian management often leads to apathy among employees.

25. Britain is not yet an authoritarian state.

26. The school is run on authoritarian lines.

27. We aren't a simple authoritarian regime anymore.

28. Mexico ’ s Authoritarian system prior to the reforms of the 1990s and 2000s is an example of a party Authoritarian system

29. In Indonesia, the Soeharto regime was also considered Authoritarian.

30. The school was very authoritarian and exam-orientated.

31. Authoritarian leadership means that the leader has full power

32. In Indonesia, the Soeharto regime was also considered Authoritarian

33. Oddly, her outlook was more authoritarian than her chief's.

34. Authoritarian parenting is the strictest style of parenting

35. Critics claim his management has become too authoritarian.

36. He held the post during Milosevic's authoritarian rule.

37. Authoritarian definition: If you describe a person or an organization as Authoritarian , you are critical of them Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

38. He said he was against returning to old authoritarian ways.

39. In this sense, most authoritarian or totalitarian regimes are nonconstitutional.

40. 2 : of, relating to, or favoring a concentration of power in a leader or an elite not constitutionally responsible to the people an Authoritarian regime Other Words from Authoritarian Synonyms More Example Sentences Learn More about Authoritarian

41. The definition for "Authoritarian" is not complete

42. Big Brother - an Authoritarian leader and invader of privacy

43. Authoritarian people cast a long, menacing shadow over our lives

44. Authoritarian Conservatism (AuthCon) is an Authoritarian, culturally conservative and economically center-right to far-right ideology inhabiting the top middle of the authright quadrant

45. The British government supports 56% of all Authoritarian countries by selling arms, training security forces or providing direct military support Britain's support for Authoritarian regimes stands

46. GQP Authoritarian Fascism Comes To Georgia – Stand With Rep

47. The authoritarian policy wasn't proved to be a success.

48. Authoritarian parenting is one of three styles of parenting (Authoritarian, authoritative, permissive) identified by psychologist Diana Baumrind in a 1967 study of parenting techniques

49. An Autocratic leadership style is similar to an authoritarian leadership style

50. We are at the threshold of a fascist authoritarian takeover

51. China is an authoritarian government that can sound very bellicose.

52. His speech provides further evidence of his increasingly authoritarian approach.

53. His authoritarian rule marked the apex of the Brazilian military government.

54. ‘In an Authoritarian state, those in power set the limit of freedom.’ ‘Leaders of churches, for example, may be reluctant to advocate restrictive legislation because they are seen to represent Authoritarian institutions.’ ‘But the imposition of Authoritarian control and discipline creates exactly the …

55. So why do economists fall in love with authoritarian governments?

56. And this is why "authoritarian" alone does not "Orwellian" make.

57. An official or authoritarian declaration a proclamation or an edict.

58. 1 The authoritarian policy wasn't proved to be a success.

59. Bonapartism is the authoritarian right, cultural center ideology, located near the border with the authoritarian left quadrant, supervening from Napoleon Bonaparte and his followers and successors

60. Authigenetic; authigenic; authigenous; author; authorise; authorised catch; authoritarian; authoritarian regime; Do you want to translate into other languages? Have a look at our Greek-English dictionary.

61. ‘In an Authoritarian state, those in power set the limit of freedom.’ ‘Leaders of churches, for example, may be reluctant to advocate restrictive legislation because they are seen to represent Authoritarian institutions.’ ‘But the imposition of Authoritarian control and discipline creates exactly the …

62. 28 synonyms for Bossy: domineering, lordly, arrogant, authoritarian, oppressive, hectoring, autocratic

63. Bossiest definition: domineering , overbearing , or authoritarian Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

64. Closely related to the idea of Conformism is Fromm’s authoritarian conscience

65. These ideologyballs inhabit the Authoritarian Right quadrant of the political compass

66. Residentially reconter Meggi libellulid Applyingly tepidity barbule pageboys hydrologist authoritarian well-essayed

67. An Autocratic type of leadership is more commonly known as Authoritarian Leadership

68. Don became the overly strict authoritarian he felt his brother needed.

69. She rebuked her lawyer for his authoritarian attitude to her clients.

70. Senior officers could be considering a coup to restore authoritarian rule.

71. The colonial state was authoritarian, a Benignly brutal dictatorship designed to benefit Britain

72. The Kim family of North Korea is an extreme case of Authoritarian leadership.

73. Authoritarian and authoritative parenting are two of the four famous Baumrind parenting styles

74. Authoritarian Personality Definition The Authoritarian personality describes a type of person who prefers a social system with a strong ruler— the Authoritarian person is comfortable being the strong ruler but if the individual is not the strong ruler then he or she will demonstrate complete obedience to another strong authority figure

75. By the beginning of the 1980s, Tsedenbal became increasingly authoritarian and erratic.

76. Political scientists have created many typologies describing variations of Authoritarian forms of government.

77. My father was a real authoritarian so we were brought up very strictly.

78. Nouns for Authoritative include authorisation, authorisations, authoriser, authorisers, authoritarian, authoritarianism, authoritarianisms, authoritarianist

79. Once discredited in economic terms, authoritarian regimes tend to lose their grip.

80. Authoritarian Capitalism, referred to by the abbreviation AuthCap or moniker Illiberal Capitalism, is an economically right wing, Authoritarian and culturally ambivalent (though usually right-leaning) ideology advocating for a system in which a capitalist market economy exists alongside an Authoritarian government.Authoritarian capitalists argue that by utilizing elements of Capitalism