Use "auriculo-ventricular " in a sentence


2. Ventricular contraction

3. Arrhythmogenic right ventricular Cardiomyopathy (ARVC) or Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia

4. A ventricular heart block.

5. Ventricular Bigeminy is present when a premature ventricular complex follows every sinus beat Ventricular Bigeminy may become self-perpetuating, a situation known… Premature ventricular complexes: Clinical presentation and diagnostic evaluation View in Chinese

6. …Ventricular Bigeminy is present when a premature ventricular complex follows every sinus beat Ventricular Bigeminy may become self-perpetuating, a situation known as the rule of Bigeminy.

7. In the left ventricular band, transmembrane potentials of the ventricular myocardial, purkinje and transitional fiber were recorded.

8. The treatment resulted in ventricular hypertrophy.

9. A sensor monitors left ventricular acceleration while left ventricular cardiac stimulation is provided at an AV interval.

10. An electronic Cardiac device used in patients who are susceptible to ventricular fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia is a(n) _____

11. Aberrant ventricular conduction (aberrancy, aberration) Aberrant conduction is not a mechanism of arrhythmia; it is a ventricular conduction disturbance

12. Ventricular arrhythmias as premature ventricular beats, or Bigeminies, were noted with increasing frequency following perfusion with increasing doses of phosphamidon

13. 20 children who are treated with a ventriculo-auriculo-shunt because of hydrocephalus were examined and cardiologically controlled.

14. Perfusion with obidoxime did not cause arrhythmias, whereas perfusion with PD/OB caused premature ventricular beats, Bigeminies, and ventricular tachycardias at high doses.

15. Ventricular Bigeminy is often noted but resolves without treatment

16. Various other methods like ventricular ectopy, signal-averaged ECG, QRS width, microvolt T-wave alternans and programmed ventricular stimulation have been previously evaluated.

17. In ventricular Bigeminy, every other beat is a PVC

18. We hypothesize that in patients with prolonged ventricular repolarization, the rule of Bigeminy may be caused by premature ventricular complexes (PVCs) due to early afterdepolarizations.

19. The actual ventricular wall thicknesses were identical with those measured.

20. Objective To evaluate right ventricular function in hypertension with echocardiography.

21. Animals with ventricular Bigeminies displayed a significantly smaller mitral annulus area than those without ventricular Bigeminies (26.8 +/- 1.0 versus 31.7 +/- 1.2 mm2; p <0.01)

22. We report a patient whose frequent ventricular Bigeminy resulted in left ventricular impairment that resolved after the use of non-contact mapping during radiofrequency ablation.

23. In the heart, Aconitine induces ventricular tachycardia after intracoronary injection.

24. Nice, clear example of ventricular Bigeminy with an underlying sinus rhythm

25. Key words: acute myocardial ischemia, lidocaine, diltiazem, ventricular arrhythmias, electrical alternans.

26. The online mobile heart monitor detects complex ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmia including ventricular tachycardia (VT), supraventricular tachycardia (SVT), Bigeminies and Trigeminies and diagnoses Atrial Fibrillation with single-beat accuracy.

27. Furthermore, ventricular geometry shaping is a form of support (Batista, Acorn).

28. Bigeminy definition, the occurrence of premature atrial or ventricular heartbeats in pairs

29. None had signs of right ventricular hypertrophy in the electro- or echocardiogram.

30. Upon detecting ventricular pro-arrhythmia, a current atrial ATP sequence is aborted.

31. The pulse generator provides dual-chamber bradycardia pacing with ventricular resynchronization therapy.

32. The first prospective evaluation of the noninvasive alternans measurement using submaximal exercise testing was performed in patients surviving prehospital ventricular fibrillation or sustained ventricular tachycardia referred to our institution.

33. Use of angiotensin ii antagonists in the treatment of left ventricular hypertrophy

34. The heart monitors detect complex ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmia including Ventricular Tachycardia (VT), Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT), Bigeminies and Trigeminies and assist in diagnosing Atrial Fibrillation (AF) with single-beat accuracy

35. The echocardiograms associated with all but one of these studies demonstrating left ventricular Asynergy had abnormal motion of some part of the interventricular septum and/or left ventricular posterior wall

36. The lateral ventricular and the spinal tumours were subjected to electron microscopic study.

37. A typical example is Bigeminal rhythm resulting from premature ventricular contractions/complexes (PVC)

38. Disclosed are a polymer valve and a ventricular assist device using the same.

39. Reversible left ventricular Asynergy, known as “takotsubo” cardiomyopathy, has been reported relatively often

40. Conclusion Ventricular repolaization time had circadian rhythm ( long at night, short in day ).

41. Cardiac disorders Common: congestive heart failure/cardiac dysfunction, pericardial effusion, arrhythmia (including tachycardia), palpitations Uncommon: myocardial infarction, pericarditis, ventricular arrhythmia (including ventricular tachycardia), angina pectoris, cardiomegaly Rare: cor pulmonale, myocarditis, acute coronary syndrome

42. The ECG accurately predicts the site of ventricular Asynergy in patients with coronary artery disease, but only in the absence of other types of heart disease, intraventricular conduction disturbances, or ventricular hypertrophy

43. The role of severe hypokalemia in triggering life - threatening ventricular arrhythmia is well documented.

44. Cardiac manifestations may include conduction disturbances, and also myocarditis, pericarditis, and left ventricular dysfunction.

45. Ultrasound cardiogram (UCG) 2 months before the onset of ventricular fibrillation showed an enlarged left ventricle (left ventricular diastolic diameter/systolic diameter: 56.4 mm/42.3 mm) and a 50.9% ejection fraction without Asynergy

46. Specifically, we discuss the effects of the pericardium on left ventricular filling and compliance.

47. The selection of patients for pulmonary valvotomy, alone or in combination with a systemic-pulmonary arterial shunt, depends on the presence of a right-ventricular outflow tract and the adequacy of the right ventricular chamber.

48. Aim : To explore the proliferative and senescent pattern of adult goat ventricular muscle cells.

49. AntiArrhythmic agents, also known as cardiac dysrhythmia medications, are a group of pharmaceuticals that are used to suppress abnormal rhythms of the heart, such as atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, ventricular tachycardia, and ventricular fibrillation

50. Ventricular Bigeminal rhythm associated with trastuzumab: A potential cardiac side effect J Cancer Res Ther

51. Leaflets, which developed in most animals with ventricular Bigeminies (88%), but rarely in those without

52. The left ventricular myocardial masses were raised and left ventricles were in hyperkinetic circulatory state.

53. Left ventricular hypertrabeculation (LVHT) has not been described in myotonic dystrophy Type I (MD1) before.

54. Key words: spironolactone, ACE inhibitors, ischemia–reperfusion, ventricular arrhythmia, action potentials, coronary flow, congestive heart failure.

55. Ventricular arrhythmias are a heterogeneous group of conditions characterised by abnormal electrical activity in the heart.

56. Based upon the results of the tests, the patient's risk of ventricular tachyarrhythmia may be assessed.

57. Lidocaine caused an enhancement of ventricular fibrillation threshold to an absolutely identical degree in both groups.

58. Thus, it is a key therapy to inhibit the vicious cycle of neurohormone and ventricular remodeling.

59. ‘Ventricular fibrillation and Bigeminy also occur.’ ‘A previous work-up had discovered frequent premature ventricular complexes and runs of Bigeminy on a Holter monitor examination.’ ‘During ambulation, runs of Bigeminy were documented on ECG, as illustrated in Figure 3.’

60. In clinical practice the success of terminating ventricular tachycardia is estimated only by automatic device analysis.

61. They stressed the necessity of performing a left ventricular angiocardiogram in every patient with ASD II.

62. A method for the rapid determination of left ventricular cavity areas in angiocardiograms has been developed.

63. Biplane Characterization of the right ventricular pressure-volume relationship using Biplane angiography and simultaneous micromanometer pressure measurements

64. The mode monitors a full cardiac cycle (A-A interval) for the presence of intrinsic ventricular activity.

65. Compared to echocardiography, angiocardiography and radionuclide ventriculography, assessment of ventricular function was more precise and more reliable.

66. She had a ventricular septal defect (hole in the heart), and he was still married to Ruma.

67. The CRM device captures ventricular contractions to treat conduction abnormalities in one or more of the ventricles.

68. In patients suffering from left-ventricular hypertrophy or atrial fibrillation, sartanes are the best-documented drug class.

69. Early, accurate and reliable estimates of ventricular asynchrony may help to choose optimal candidates for cardiac resynchronization.

70. Atrioventricular dissociation is a nonspecific term that merely indicates that the atrial and ventricular rates are different

71. The ability of echocardiography to detect segmental ventricular Asynergy was evaluated in 41 patients before cardiac catheterization

72. However, a thorough survey of the literature found only one report of concomitant ventricular Asynergy and pneumothorax

73. Ventricular dilatation was closely correlated with CBF-reduction, while the influence of arterial ectasia was much less pronounced.

74. State ventricular Bigeminies, including paired-pulse stimulation, in the same way as in steady-state regularly beating hearts

75. Maximal ejection velocity and its acceleration proved to be a useful parameter in the assessment of ventricular performance.

76. It provides an accurate assessment of structural abnormalities such as left ventricular hypertrophy, valvular and congenital heart disease.

77. Microvolt T wave alternans (MTWA) has been associated with malignant ventricular arrhythmias in patients with structural heart disease.

78. Seventeen studies in patients with significant coronary artery disease did not exhibit left ventricular Asynergy on the ventriculogram

79. Objective: To access the effect on myocardial protection of using hypothermic ventricular fibrillation technique for open-heart surgery.

80. A heartBeat resulting from the production of a ventricular complex by a supraventricular source following a period of atrioventricular