Use "at the moment" in a sentence

1. Not at the moment.

2. Not at the moment, perhaps.

3. You've come at the right moment.

4. They're dreadfully busy at the moment.

5. I am Busy at work at the moment.

6. I'm tied up at the moment.

7. Eggs are plentiful at the moment.

8. Sales are lagging at the moment.

9. 2 I'm skint at the moment.

10. At this moment a car stopped at the house.

11. The atmosphere at work at the moment is quite unbearable.

12. Our plans are unclear at the moment.

13. She's in cracking form at the moment.

14. We're very short-staffed at the moment.

15. Catastrophe strikes at the worst possible moment.

16. Cauliflowers are very cheap at the moment.

17. At the moment of victory, we regress.

18. And usually at the most inopportune moment.

19. Everything is in flux at the moment.

20. Details are still sketchy at the moment.

21. It's not actually raining at the moment.

22. At the moment it's marionettes Louise: Marionettes?

23. Prices are sky-high at the moment.

24. He's away on business at the moment.

25. He wasn't there at the crucial moment .

26. I'm swamped with work at the moment.

27. 21 We cheapen commodities at the moment.

28. I feel very pressurized at the moment.

29. The roof could collapse at any moment.

30. Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.

31. The weather is very Changeable at the moment

32. The affair happened at the most inopportune moment.

33. 21 Who holds the championship at the moment?

34. The weather is very changeable at the moment.

35. At the moment, the liberals are losing ground.

36. They booked in at the moment they arrived at the office.

37. At that moment, there was a rattling at the door.

38. At the moment, the rapporteur is absolutely right.

39. The house is being built at the moment.

40. They arrived at an inopportune moment.

41. At that moment, a rooster crowed.

42. We have to Cheapen commodities at the moment

43. We're suffering a triple whammy at the moment.

44. Mary's suffering from ill health at the moment.

45. At the moment these shares are worth zilch.

46. 4 He's working like mad at the moment.

47. Addice are not playing events at the moment

48. At the last moment her nerve failed her.

49. I can't leave this job at the moment.

50. Strong colours are very fashionable at the moment.

51. At this moment he emerged from the midstream.

52. Your big moment is at hand.

53. Something just came up at the last moment.

54. At this moment the three intrepid travellers appeared.

55. I'm sorry, she's tied up at the moment.

56. The gig was pulled at its last moment.

57. — known calibration parameters at the moment of activation,

58. Evergreen are spinning two yarns at the moment:.

59. Strawberries are in short supply at the moment.

60. Bantz has no upcoming matches at the moment

61. At the moment, most reservoirs are filling fast.

62. We have to cheapen commodities at the moment.

63. Our stock is frightfully low at the moment.

64. Isabel looked a moment at the vanquished gladiator.

65. Alec: I'm a general practioner at the moment.

66. I'm a bit hard up at the moment.

67. You're with me at every moment.

68. The male passes out at the moment of climax.

69. The stock market is oscillating wildly at the moment.

70. Things are manic in the office at the moment.

71. The business is ticking over nicely at the moment.

72. Bestir yourself and enjoy the life at the moment.

73. The Prime Minister is visiting Japan at the moment.

74. That's why the room is empty at the moment.

75. I can well imagine the atmosphere at home at this moment.

76. The Communists are the ruling party at the moment.

77. At the moment; Botanise is 100% a stub skill

78. I am a lot of things at the moment.

79. She broke into the conversation at a crucial moment.

80. I'm afraid we're desperately short staffed at the moment.