Use "at stake" in a sentence

1. Lives were at stake!

2. Precious lives are at stake.

3. There's too much at stake.

4. My honour is at stake.

5. The family honour is at stake.

6. A lot was at stake here.

7. Millions of lives are at stake.

8. Too many lives are at stake.

9. But wider issues are at stake.

10. Our children's education is at stake.

11. Lives are at stake around here.

12. your reputations, as employees, are at stake.

13. Your very life might be at stake!

14. The projects at stake are the following:

15. Understand what's at stake for you, doctor.

16. Do you know what's at stake here?

17. This decision puts our lives at stake.

18. The future of mankind is at stake.

19. It's not my reputation that's at stake here.

20. Their very survival and lives were at stake.

21. Pride, even personal prestige, were also at stake.

22. The money figures at stake can be high.

23. Now with our lives at stake you flee?

24. The freedom of the press is at stake.

25. At stake were 600 seats in 439 municipalities.

26. Something like their national honour was at stake.

27. What was at stake was acute government embarrassment.

28. The future of the free world is at stake.

29. More lives are at stake here than just yours.

30. In the great spiritual harvest, lives are at stake.

31. Especially when my little sister's life is at stake.

32. 24 Pride, even personal prestige, were also at stake.

33. An Admittedly serious crime my reputation was at stake

34. Ultimately at stake is the problem of human subjectivity.

35. With so much at stake, both sides fought bravely.

36. The statewide winner gets all 163 delegates at stake.

37. The prize at stake is a place in the final.

38. There's more at stake here than you can possibly imagine.

39. But if the fate of the world is at stake...

40. At the least, they understand something big is at stake.

41. There is, we might say, a general interest at stake here.

42. The current president of Ecuador has acknowledged the issues at stake.

43. National pride is at stake in next week's game against England.

44. It's not just your honour at stake, it's the whole village.

45. The minister will face the enquiry with his reputation at stake.

46. Mother, there is more at stake here than your desire for vengeance.

47. President Bush's chief of staff, Josh Bolten, says much is at stake.

48. National honour is at stake in this match between France and England.

49. Relent, do not be unjust ; reconsider, for my integrity is at stake.

50. This film, there's a lot more danger and a lot more at stake.

51. Here the proper functioning of the bill of lading system is at stake.

52. People's lives could be at stake, or at the very least their futures.

53. Also at stake , besides the Narmada , are the priceless coal and bauxite deposits .

54. The tension was naturally high for a game with so much at stake.

55. But when children are at stake we have to rise above that acquiescent mood.

56. Important issues are at stake about what one does after mechanical biological or other Biodegrading …

57. There was no place in history at stake here, no plan to record this event.

58. At stake, too, was the construction of the new factory annex, which was half completed.

59. With so much at stake, Esther had to be sure that the time was right.

60. And symmetry was at stake too, since Bush will be at the Gothenburg summit next month.

61. There is more at stake here than just bringing boxes of sophisticated equipment to remote areas.

62. You should not be overhasty . Remember there's a matter of over ten thousand dollars at stake.

63. Now, when far greater things were at stake, she had allowed her emotions to run riot.

64. Recent Examples on the Web At the crucial moment, when everything is at stake, their Avowal …

65. I've got a matrix of undercovers that have put their lives at stake for this investigation.

66. Our daily living, even life itself, can be at stake over difficult questions of employment or neutrality.

67. What was at stake was faith in an independent judiciary, and this affected the whole legal system.

68. She added that "Nothing feels truly at stake, no matter how weighty the risks the characters face".

69. Allow me to stress that the issue at stake here is compulsory abortion, not abortion as such.

70. With areas like Skomer, Skokholm, Grassholm containing such a rich myriad of wildlife, much is at stake.

71. Intransigence and personal suffering highlighted the principle at stake and emphasized the need of fighting for it.

72. Thousands of lives will be at stake if emergency aid does not arrive in the city soon.

73. But the significance of what was at stake in this shift in terminology needs to be spelled out.

74. With its inordinately valuable and trusted brand at stake in the Washington Post, the risks are clearly high.

75. Its composition should ensure that due account is taken of all relevant interests at stake in resolution procedures.

76. And now, since, since my, my neck... is at stake and I have eleven mouths to fe... feed.

77. Too much is at stake to play politics with the policing of Northern Ireland at this late stage.

78. Paula Corbin Jones are as lurid and titillating as the legal issues at stake are important and complex.

79. In the other three novels frothy dialogue and sparkling wit tend to overshadow the deeper philosophical issues at stake.

80. Hypertension and Atherosclerosis are major health concerns, so there is a lot at stake," says Rozh Al-Mashhadi