Use "at a slack pace" in a sentence

1. We worked at a hectic pace.

2. They set off at a leisurely pace.

3. The plot unfolds at a plodding pace.

4. They set off at a brisk pace .

5. They set off at a cracking pace.

6. We set off at a smart pace.

7. We continued our walk at a sedate pace .

8. The actress is walking at a brisk pace.

9. Once hatched, a chick grows at a phenomenal pace.

10. Apace definition is - at a quick pace : swiftly

11. They looked at him, slack-jawed with disbelief.

12. Tech-nology has advanced at a breathless pace.

13. Change was coming, but at a glacial pace.

14. The runners set off at a blistering pace.

15. Slack wax (petroleum), clay-treated; Slack wax

16. 19 The actress is walking at a brisk pace.

17. Chugalugging Information at an Alarming Pace

18. We set off again at a more sedate pace.

19. We followed the youngsters at a more sedate pace.

20. 8 Winter is the slack season at most hotels.

21. That one looks a little slack.

22. He tightened a few slack screws.

23. 13 The economy has expanded at a supercharged pace.

24. 1 The economy has expanded at a supercharged pace.

25. The traffic was creeping along at a snail's pace.

26. Economies in these regions are growing at a torrid pace.

27. She rushes from job to job at a frenetic pace.

28. Pull the slack!

29. Give me slack.

30. Everyone at the office works at an unrelenting pace.

31. The procession moved through the streets at a steady pace.

32. They moved at an Agonizingly slow pace.

33. The fan belt is a little slack.

34. We'll never make it at this pace.

35. The students work at their own pace.

36. They work at pace to repair it.

37. They also mature at a slower pace emotionally, socially, and intellectually.

38. Lucy set off at a leisurely pace back to the hotel.

39. He moved at a brisk pace down the rue St Antoine.

40. The boy headed home for dinner, Albeit at a leisurely pace

41. Solar and wind power continue to grow at a rapid pace.

42. Observers confirm, however, that evacuation is progressing at a snail's pace.

43. At our current pace, we're looking at a grand opening a month ahead of schedule.

44. Lin and Andre Biked home from school at a steady pace

45. 1; noun Ambled Walk or move at a slow, relaxed pace.

46. Envelope the yarn at night slack month spring, Ping is svelte.

47. The procession moved through the mountain village at a stately pace.

48. But this has progressed at an exponential pace.

49. We' il never make it at this pace

50. After this initial absorption, redistribution takes place at a very slow pace.

51. He found himself walking at a steady pace towards those meaty shoulders.

52. Work continues at a pace at the brand new petrol station and drive through at High Blantyre

53. Braked: to cause to move or proceed at a less rapid pace

54. Like their Anointed counterparts, Anointed Goliaths move at a sluggish walking pace

55. La Plante lets her mystery unfold at a leisurely but absorbing pace.

56. The Convalescence of the young patient went along at a regular pace

57. Reddit Group Slack Group Airmail …

58. Trade is slack this week.

59. The boxer's jaw went slack.

60. The antiques business remained slack.

61. Speak clearly and at a moderate pace. Do not shout or mumble.

62. Trade is slack in winter.

63. Let the reins go slack.

64. The rope suddenly went slack.

65. It's a quiet resort where life is taken at an easy, unhurried pace.

66. That threat set the frantic pace at Los Alamos.

67. Despite its fearless look at racial tensions, the film moves at a relaxed and humorous pace.

68. The dunes here move southward at a pace of around 600 meters a year.

69. Other mannequins are following her lead, cropping and coloring at a pretty pace.

70. In the world of corporate real estate, things changed at a bewildering pace.

71. Don't get slack about doing yourexercises.

72. The clothes makes him look like a slack - jaw yokel.

73. Privatisation has advanced, albeit at a slower pace due to the global economic environment.

74. This is the default setting, and shows replay animations at a slightly faster pace

75. The piece needs to be taken at a good pace and in high spirits.

76. My generosity allows you to recuperate at your own pace.

77. Abecedarian, can divide a pace.

78. 4 Ray glanced at his watch and quickened his pace .

79. Creamware was a breakaway product that set the pace for at least two decades

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