Use "at a distance" in a sentence

1. " Spooky action at a distance. "

2. There's your " spooky action at a distance ".

3. They would fool around at a distance.

4. 13 Friends agree best at a distance

5. The people, standing at a distance, were terrified.

6. 2 I can distinguish them at a distance.

7. Oil painting is to be Appreciated at a distance

8. He kept standing at a distance with his head bowed.

9. 10 Why, O Jehovah, do you stand at a distance?

10. My house is located at a distance from the station.

11. In fact, they could withdraw and stand at a distance.

12. So I had, you know, a hero at a distance.

13. Bayed: to speak so as to be heard at a distance.

14. This " action at a distance, " as he called it, baffled him.

15. Called: to speak so as to be heard at a distance.

16. Baying: to speak so as to be heard at a distance.

17. And this was a kind of spooky action at a distance.

18. Aloof Aloof means "at a distance," and not close

19. 13 Joseph’s ten half brothers saw him coming at a distance.

20. Should I tell you again about the'Spooky action at a distance'?

21. Call: to speak so as to be heard at a distance.

22. Both islands at a distance of 150 km2 (60 sq mi).

23. Neurohormones are released into the blood and work at a distance.

24. Aloof is defined as at a distance, either physically or mentally

25. So dolphins can buzz and tickle each other at a distance.

26. The great “birdcatcher,” Satan the Devil, is kept at a distance.

27. The Appoggiatura at a distance from its principal note is short (Ex

28. Beauty is nature's way of acting at a distance, so to speak.

29. The transmitter is at a distance of about 1167 km, azimuth 21�.

30. The crowd on both sides of it are kept at a distance.

31. Anything that smacks of the occult needs to be kept at a distance.

32. In return, Blagden helped to keep the world at a distance from Cavendish.

33. Amphipods can be distinguished from copepods as able to seen at a distance

34. Even Einstein hated this idea; he called it "spooky action at a distance."

35. The culottes are very beautiful and look like a skirt at a distance.

36. The amplifier could be heard at a distance of over six miles [10 km].

37. And at a distance like that, it was perfect, a shot in a million.

38. Tero followed them at a distance, watching her new friend with sorrowful anxious eyes.

39. Both cities are at a distance from the equator similar to that of Melbourne.

40. At a distance of decades I am staggered by our thoughtlessness in those years.

41. Interweave together in sea and it at a distance, can not watch the margin.

42. At a distance of 10 km from the target the television guidance system is activated.

43. (b) Why do the grief-stricken kings stand at a distance from the doomed city?

44. Once, dingoes (wild dogs) circled me at a distance, their eerie howls filling the darkness.

45. Behind them, at a distance from the tabernacle, camped the three-tribe division of Ephraim.

46. Tau Ceti is a close neighbour, at a distance of only 12 light-years.

47. So she sat down at a distance and began to cry aloud and to weep.

48. 11 No ulterior motive lurks behind it,( but it keeps you at a distance.

49. But there is no action at a distance, as later in Newton's theory of gravitation.

50. Parallax measurements place it at a distance of about 10.74 light-years (3.29 parsecs) from Earth.

51. But at a distance of 1.30 meters, the fennel reached its normal height of 39 centimeters.

52. At a distance they did indeed look like little oranges, just about the size of tangerines.

53. The next opposition will be October 30, 2031, at a distance of 1.044 AU, magnitude 7.42.

54. Another 6 percent were farsighted, meaning they can see at a distance but not up close.

55. Belgaum is situated at a distance of 502 km from Bangalore in the Indian state of Karnataka

56. Adverb at a distance, especially in feeling or interest; apart: They always stood Aloof from their classmates.

57. Appears to be able to liquefy certain metals spontaneously at a distance of up to 3 meters.

58. At a distance in place, position, or time: railings spaced two feet Apart; born three years Apart.

59. Altair, at a distance of 17 light-years, is one of the closest of the bright stars.

60. Within a unit cell, each atom has only one nearest neighbor (at a distance of 244 pm).

61. The first term outside of the integral represents the oscillations from the source wave at a distance r0.

62. This works best in outdoor portraits where you can place the subject at a distance from the background.

63. Also, some birds can discern objects at a distance that would require the use of binoculars by men.

64. Some religious leaders went so far as to throw stones at lepers to keep them at a distance!

65. “Standing at a distance . . . [he] kept beating his breast, saying, ‘O God, be gracious to me a sinner.’”

66. Allochthonous: adjective Referring to rocks, sediment or organic materials that originate at a distance from a particular system.

67. We all know that administrations tend to act bureaucratically and that means at a distance from their citizens.

68. The same system could also detect an aircraft at 500 m altitude at a distance of 28 km.

69. So as we went from door to door, children followed us at a distance, throwing rocks and snowballs.

70. Information gets from A to B without anything passing in between – what Einstein called “spooky action at a distance.”

71. 24 It was a sort of admiration at a distance, a mute contemplation,[] the deification of a stranger.

72. Call definition is - to speak in a loud distinct voice so as to be heard at a distance : shout

73. At a distance, the figures of Lucier and Izzie stood like souls in purgatory, chest-deep in the seething vapour.

74. Like many Swedish units, Cuirassiers are far more effective troops when fighting hand to hand rather than at a distance

75. Ohm presents his theory as one of contiguous action, a theory which opposed the concept of action at a distance.

76. Allochthonous adjective Referring to rocks, sediment or organic materials that originate at a distance from a particular system. Segen's Medical Dictionary

77. They offer the potential to reduce administrative costs, to deliver health care services at a distance, to avoid unnecessary duplicate examinations.

78. Yang was also writing about his native village but he wrote about it at a distance when resident in New York.

79. Pixel XL complies with these guidelines when used near your ear or at a distance of 1.0 cm from your body.

80. It is shown that the linear action at a distance interaction can be transposed on the basis that allows the deterministic interpretation.