Use "aqueducts" in a sentence

1. Aqueducts synonyms, Aqueducts pronunciation, Aqueducts translation, English dictionary definition of Aqueducts

2. For underground Aqueducts, the construction of Aqueducts began with tunneling and stone breaking

3. Roman Aqueducts —Marvels of Engineering

4. Aqueducts were used in ancient Greece, …

5. 8 Roman Aqueducts —Marvels of Engineering

6. As the Roman Empire grew, “the aqueducts went wherever Rome went,” says the book Roman Aqueducts & Water Supply.

7. Aqueducts were developed by ancient civilizations in several parts of the world, though the best-known ones are the Roman Aqueducts

8. Aqueducts is the 9th level of Quake 4

9. How much water did the city’s aqueducts carry?

10. Aqueducts today carry about 430 million gallons (1,627.7

11. There are a dozen named Aqueducts in the body

12. Aqueducts may be canals, open troughs, overland pipelines, or tunnels

13. Other similar large Aqueducts followed in various cities throughout the …

14. Aqueducts were first invented by the Romans in 312 BCE

15. Our Aqueducts game gives your child the headstart they need

16. Aqueducts were amazing feats of engineering given the time period

17. Some of the Roman aqueducts still supply water to Rome today.

18. It got abandoned when the new Croton Aqueducts opened in 1890.

19. Aqueducts may supply water to cities or to farms for irrigation

20. The first Aqueducts were built as early as the tenth century b.c

21. They didn’t invent the idea of using Aqueducts to move millions of …

22. The earliest Aqueducts were also used to transport water for irrigation (watering crops)

23. The earliest Aqueducts were dug through clay or cut out of solid rock

24. OF ALL the feats of ancient engineering, Roman aqueducts are among the most remarkable.

25. Describe tools and processes used by Roman engineers to build Aqueducts over long distances

26. A few early Aqueducts used siphons to carry water across valleys and over hills.

27. After another island with half blocked off by Hamstead Wharf there are two aqueducts.

28. OF ALL the feats of ancient engineering, Roman Aqueducts are among the most remarkable

29. By the early third century C.E., 11 major aqueducts served the city of Rome.

30. Aqueducts were amazing feats of engineering given the time period. Though earlier civilizations in Egypt and India also built Aqueducts, the Romans improved on the structure and built an extensive and complex network across their territories

31. The flow in Aqueducts is ordinarily by means of gravity, although pumps are often used

32. Roman Aqueducts were built from a combination of stone, brick and the special volcanic cement pozzuolana.

33. Aqueducts were used in ancient India, Persia, Assyria, and Egypt as early as 700 b.c.e

34. The flow in Aqueducts is ordinarily by means of gravity, although pumps are often used.

35. And the Aqueducts are now a source of green power, too, supporting several hydroelectric dams

36. Aqueducts are still in use today, but most are constructed of pipes and other materials

37. He began the aqueducts Aqua Claudia and Anio Novus, which Pliny the Elder considered engineering marvels.

38. Most Aqueducts were masonry channels, so a lot of stone work was required in the construction

39. For instance, underground sections of the aqueducts were made accessible by means of manholes and shafts.

40. The Aqueducts are clogged and you will need to drain the water from them to proceed

41. The main aqueducts in the city of Rome were the Aqua Claudia and the Aqua Marcia.

42. Aqueducts provided a way for a plentiful supply of clean water to be piped into cities

43. Roman Aqueducts are still in use in countries such as Italy, France, Portugal, Israel and Turkey

44. Ancient Roman Aqueducts Even though Aqueducts already existed in the Near East for centuries before the construction of Rome's first aqueduct, the Aqua Appia in 312 BC, Rome was the first civilization to use water so extensively in its cities.

45. Some Aqueducts consist of tunnels cut through rock, while others are conduits made of some sturdy material.

46. It is diverted hundreds of miles along aqueducts to slake the thirst of Los Angeles, Phoenix and Tucson.

47. Aqueducts have been important particularly for the development of areas with limited direct access to fresh water sources

48. Aqueducts are structures used to carry water from a supply source to distant areas in need of water

49. As an Aedile you had many responsibilities, inspecting the sewers, maintaining the aqueducts (water supply), and mending the streets

50. The ancient Romans also had a complex system of aqueducts, which were used to transport water across long distances.

51. The arcades make up only a small percentage of the Roman Aqueducts, but they are among its most memorable components

52. The Aqueducts, being the most visible and glorious piece of the ancient water system, stand as a testament to Roman engineering

53. Explain how Roman Aqueducts worked, what they were used for, and why they were so innovative and necessary for the time

54. They may also carry water for irrigation, or for hydroelectricity.Pipes, canals, tunnels, and bridges that serve this purpose are all called Aqueducts.

55. Put together, the Roman aqueducts extended over 450 kilometers, but less than seventy kilometers of this was above ground and supported by arches.

56. The vicinity of the capital is, nevertheless, verdant and cultivable because of irrigation from the Barada River by aqueducts built during Roman times.

57. Based in Rome, the Aediles were responsible for care of the infrastructure: construction and maintenance of public buildings, roads, streets, aqueducts and sewers.

58. Roman Aqueducts is now available for the first time in paperback, brought completely up-to-date with a new Preface and additional Bibliography

59. In ancient times, Aqueducts were used to transport all water to the cities, but today many of them are only used for irrigation purposes.

60. Aqueducts—and modern water treatment distribution systems—are used to move clean and fresh water from a distant location to where it is needed

61. Herod also was responsible for the construction of theaters, amphitheaters, hippodromes, citadels, fortresses, palaces, gardens, temples in honor of Caesar, aqueducts, monuments, and even cities.

62. One of their largest mines was at Las Medulas in León, where seven long aqueducts enabled them to sluice most of a large alluvial deposit.

63. Though earlier civilizations in Egypt and India also built Aqueducts, the Romans improved on the structure and built an extensive and complex network across their territories.

64. Aqueducts Consulting provides complete pre- and post-launch support for Microsoft Dynamics 365 and AX, and Power BI on all platforms including Microsoft Azure Cloud

65. Despite the controversy that came to surround the Los Angeles Aqueducts, they are nonetheless a feat of engineering as amazing as those in ancient Rome

66. However, it was the Romans who developed large scale mining methods, especially the use of large volumes of water brought to the minehead by numerous aqueducts.

67. Phil Shepley Date: February 23, 2021 The Romans used Aqueducts to transport water to major urban centers for use in bath houses, fountains, and private homes.

68. Aqueducts moved water through gravity alone, along a slight overall downward gradient within conduits of stone, brick, or concrete; the steeper the gradient, the faster the flow

69. Two double aqueducts, each more than 4 km (2.5 mi) long and made of terracotta, provided the city with fresh water from the springs at Chapultepec.

70. The Romans also made use of aqueducts in their extensive mining operations across the empire, at sites such as Las Medulas and Dolaucothi in South Wales.

71. Wells were dug but most filled with salt water and in 1939 the main sources of fresh water were Roman aqueducts at Mersa Matruh and Maaten Baggush.

72. Ancient aqueducts were usually long, narrow, completely closed-in tunnels that provided an aboveground channel for water to flow freely from a natural spring to a city.

73. ­The Aqueducts in Los Angeles are nearly as impressive as those of ancient Rome (credit must be given for constructing 60 miles of aqueduct without modern drilling equipment)

74. The Roman Aqueducts were a crowning technological achievement of the ancient world. Rome’s first aqueduct was built in 312 B.C., and many more would be built over the next five centuries

75. What is the history of Conococheague Aqueduct? C&O Canal Aqueducts are "water bridges" that carry canal boats over creeks and rivers that flow into the Potomac River

76. Some were quite complex, with aqueducts, dams, and sluices to maintain and channel the water, along with systems of gears, or toothed-wheels made of wood and metal to regulate the speed of rotation.

77. Be it 2,000 years ago in ancient Rome, Italy or today in California, Aqueducts were and are essential to get water from a place where it exists in ample supply to where it is scarce.

78. About Aqueducts All the water has disappeared from your village and it's up to you to save the day! Go on an adventure to connect the water pipes and bring water back to your village

79. Overview of both Aqueducts of Caesarea Maritima: the high-level aqueduct (from 1, 6, 8, 12) and the low-level aqueduct (7, 12) From Tsuk 2011 (Avigdor Orgad) Sources: Touring Israel’s ancient water systems by Tsvika Tsuk ;

80. In a restricted sense, Aqueducts are structures used to conduct a water stream across a hollow or valley. In modern engineering, however, aqueduct refers to a system of pipes, ditches, canals, tunnels, and supporting structures used to convey water …