Use "apt to" in a sentence

1. My pen is rather apt to leak.

2. The words are very apt to my case.

3. The anarchist is apt to lose his temper.

4. Man is apt to find fault with others.

5. Apt adjective (LIKELY) be Apt to do sth/be Apt to be sth to be likely to do something or to often do something: The kitchen roof is Apt to (= likely to) leak when it rains.

6. The pond was apt to dry up during summer.

7. Beginners are too apt to make mistakes in grammar.

8. 18 Man is apt to find fault with others.

9. Coarse crumb rubber is apt to deposit in asphalt.

10. Without reasoning, one is apt to be beyond control.

11. 14 Mr. Hansen is apt to fall for Dick's story.

12. Beshrivel That cave would be apt to blurt into flame

13. 12 Redundant slogans are apt to petrify a man's thinking.

14. Creaky definition, creaking or apt to creak: a Creaky stairway

15. Apt definition, inclined; disposed; given; prone: too Apt to slander others

16. Clingy definition, apt to cling; adhesive or tenacious: a Clingy fabric

17. A Comanche on foot is more apt to be willin'to listen.

18. Superimposing capitalism on another economic system is apt to cause problems.

19. Having a natural tendency; inclined: She is Apt to take offense easily

20. A euphemism is most apt to be noticed if it is new.

21. The British prime minister is too apt to cling to Washington's apron strings.

22. Dissatisfaction is most apt to be expressed by allophones (5%) and Quebecers (5%).

23. Breachy definition is - apt to break fences or be wild—used of domestic animals.

24. Although colorful, active, and good feeders, they are apt to be a little quarrelsome.

25. 16 Shaw is like saltwater in the face and Margaret was apt to splutter.

26. Apt to break fences or to break out of pasture; unruly; as, Breachy cattle

27. Suspicion is far more apt to be wrong than right, oftener unjust than just.

28. 6 Shaw is like saltwater in the face and Margaret was apt to splutter.

29. Off the job or on a political boozer is apt to be a loser.

30. What does Breachy mean? Apt to break fences or to break out of pasture; unruly

31. Caviler: One who Cavils; one who is apt to raise captious objections; a carping disputant.

32. Captious definition: apt to make trivial criticisms ; fault-finding ; carping Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

33. As with the zoological Bynames, Russians are most apt to use botanical names based on …

34. In modern political and economic discussion we are apt to talk rather glibly of " labour ".

35. One shot on a night like tonight is apt to start the whole herd running.

36. All of the barbarous conquerors have been apt to carry matters with a high hand.

37. But in real life young men who hoped for this denouement apt to be disappointed.

38. 29 On the scorching summer day, he who is apt to sweat will perspire heavily.

39. Another side effect of missed breakfast is you'll be more apt to overeat at lunch.

40. Else the temporary advantage is apt to prove a grave disadvantage and a burden later on .

41. When foreign executives speak of their American counterparts, are apt to be more scornful than awestruck.

42. Mr Spock's ears are distractingly perky and he is apt to panic or, worse, to smile.

43. We are much too apt to look at schism in our church as an unmitigated evil.

44. But in real life young men who hoped for this denouement were apt to be disappointed.

45. “The exhaustion of energy resources is not itself apt to be the crux of the problem. . . .

46. Captious definition, apt to notice and make much of trivial faults or defects; faultfinding; difficult to please

47. The play most apt to the period would have been Macbeth, and the ghosts were from Hiroshima.

48. 20 We are much too apt to look at schism in our church as an unmitigated evil.

49. Kelly Proverbs 113: Glasses and Lasses are Bruckle Wares, — Both apt to fall, and both ruined by falling

50. Breachy ( comparative more Breachy, superlative most Breachy ) Apt to break fences or to break out of pasture; unruly

51. He had noticed that in rare moments of stress she was apt to revert to her original Cockney.

52. Bushbucks become almost entirely nocturnal in areas where they are apt to be disturbed frequently during the day

53. Bashkirs had a reputation as a hospitable but suspicious people, apt to plunder and disinclined to hard work

54. That’s the advice you’re apt to get from your doctor in the near future,” states the magazine American Health.

55. He had noticed that in rare moments of stress she was apt to revert to her original Cockney.

56. The ferocity of the Alabamians, so apt to get them in trouble at home, proved invaluable in the field

57. In the evenings, when I am apt to recede to a withdrawn vacancy, she will come to stroke my hand.

58. The idea that the children from Consanguineous marriages are apt to be deaf and dumb has no foundation in fact

59. Horses with good Conformation move fluidly, experience less wear and tear on joints, and are more apt to stay fit

60. His wife was hardworking and sincere but very touchy and apt to flare up under any kind of implied criticism.

61. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (a.) Apt to break fences or to break out of pasture; unruly; as, Breachy cattle

62. Ask that self is through is being apt because of being apt, to still be apt because of inanity much!

63. Our more skeptical age is apt to greet a performance like this with a smirk, as just more fussy Victorian moralism.

64. Fires smouldered in the grates of sitting-rooms, but the passages and bedrooms at Kinton were apt to be piercingly cold.

65. A University of Washington study finds people are more apt to believe sexual harassment claims by women who are young, “Conventionally attractive,” …

66. For ladies in your way are apt to extend what they call their privileges and the husband never again recovers the ascendant.

67. It is apt to be cold work and vexatious at times to get a cold motor started— -besides , to save vour Battenv

68. But the gaiety dose not ring true and anybody who has just one drink too many is apt to lapse into lachrymose melancholy.

69. 11 Together they plan for a future in New York City with more exotic women than one is apt to find in Indiana.

70. But the gaiety does not ring true and anybody who has just one drink too many is apt to lapse into lachrymose melancholy.

71. Never use a slighting Expression to her even in jest; for Slights in Jest after frequent Bandyings, are apt to end in angry earnest

72. she showed any tendency to coquetry he would be apt to straighten her tie, or if she " took up " with him at all, to ...

73. Never use a slighting expression to her, even in jest; for slights in jest, after frequent Bandyings, are apt to end in angry earnest

74. Never use a slighting expression to her, even in jest; for slights in jest, after frequent Bandyings, are apt to end in angry earnest

75. Never use a slighting expression to her, even in jest; for slight in jest, after frequent Bandyings are apt to end in angry earnest

76. 1839, Eliza Leslie, The Behaviour Book: a manual for ladies (page 263) It is true that Authorlings and poetizers are apt to affect eccentricity

77. It's my birthday, so I'm definitely Boozing it up tonight! See also: booze, up booze artist One who is drunk or apt to get drunk

78. Indeed, should I start Blathering about "the old mumpsimus in the corner" you're apt to begin discretely looking around for the mystery person or object

79. 30 By contrast, less-happy people are more apt to be defensive, isolated, and self-absorbed, and unfortunately, their negative moods are catching (technical name: emotional contagion).

80. Synonyms for Amnesic include forgetful, absent-minded, amnesiac, vague, abstracted, scatterbrained, apt to forget, with a memory like a sieve, with a mind like a sieve and amnestic