Use "appeal against" in a sentence

1. The judge pronounced against her appeal.

2. He will appeal against his conviction.

3. He plans to appeal against his conviction.

4. She will appeal against the judge's decision.

5. Unsuccessful applicants may appeal against the decision.

6. I appeal to you to vote against him.

7. Both men intend to appeal against their convictions.

8. Appellee: One against whom an appeal is taken

9. The appeal court overturned the conviction against her.

10. He waived his right to appeal against the verdict.

11. Appellee The party against whom an appeal is filed

12. An Appellee is a party against whom an appeal is taken and who responds to the appeal

13. An effective defense against Satan’s appeal to pride is humility.

14. Appellee definition is - one against whom an appeal is taken

15. An appeal against his sentence was rejected on June 9.

16. The SCLC already filed an appeal against Wallace's orders this morning.

17. The Act contains detailed provisions for appeal against the court's decision.

18. The company intends to appeal against the ruling that it was negligent.

19. - in an administrative appeal against a decision of the competent authority, or

20. 11 Ampersand thereupon appealed to the Court of Appeal against those two decisions.

21. There is also an appeal pending in Delhi High Court against his acquittal.

22. The party whom the Appellant brings the appeal against is called the appellee.

23. 18 MedEval brought an appeal before the Verwaltungsgerichtshof (Administrative Court) against that decision.

24. An appeal may be lodged against such an administrative act through government channels.

25. An administrative appeal against that decision was rejected by decision of 14 April 2009.

26. Sarhadi, who had been arrested in December, had unsuccessfully lodged an appeal against extradition.

27. Appeal synonyms, Appeal pronunciation, Appeal translation, English dictionary definition of Appeal

28. It can be appealed against before the Administrative Judge of Appeal within 10 days.

29. 25 On 15 April 2013 APEX lodged an administrative appeal against that duty notice.

30. Mousavi lodged an official appeal against the result to the Guardian Council on 14 June.

31. Lee's solicitor said last night that they would be lodging an appeal against the sentence.

32. 20 The Oberverwaltungsgericht (Higher Administrative Court, Germany) dismissed the ULD’s appeal against that judgment as unfounded.

33. Ashers lost the initial case which was taken against it and its subsequent appeal, but in October 2018 the firm won an appeal at the Supreme Court

34. Employers shall have the possibility to lodge an administrative appeal against the decision imposing the penalty.

35. Give me one kiss and I will think of your saucy appeal against me no more.

36. On 23 August 2012, Juventus announced an appeal to Italy's sports arbitration panel against the ban.

37. Against the decision of expulsion or deportation, the foreigner may present an administrative or court appeal

38. Microsoft immediately confirmed its intention to appeal against both the interim measures and the breakup order.

39. (b) information on rights of appeal against such decisions and on the applicable procedure and time limits.

40. The Senate added restrictions on habeas corpus, or the right of prisoners to appeal against death sentences.

41. On March 23, Sihanouk made a public appeal in China for Cambodians to revolt against the government.

42. There is no right of appeal against the Commissioners decision, but the possibility of judicial review is available.

43. 18 Indeed, Beatrice is notorious for signing the 1889 women's appeal against female suffrage, though she later recanted.

44. If you wish to appeal against a decision, you must first make an administrative complaint (see section 6.5).

45. The company is prepared to trade off its up-market image against a stronger appeal to teenage buyers.

46. The principle of exhaustion, which resembles the general rule against interlocutory appeal in the federal courts, has several purposes.


48. After abandoning an appeal against the decision, Barclays agreed to reinstate the women and compensate them for loss of earnings.

49. The case went to the court of appeal/the appeal court.

50. The forthcoming appeal against conviction of Lord Hardwicke will therefore provide an opportunity for the appellate courts to reconsider the position.

51. File an appeal

52. The original birth records of adoptees are sealed, and they remain sealed against almost every appeal of an adoptee to see them.

53. 19 The Court of Appeal in finding against merchantability laid emphasis upon the reasonableness of the degree of fitness to be expected.

54. With the development of rights of appeal against tribunal decisions, the significance of judicial review is diminishing in relation to such tribunals.

55. Additional judges may be appointed for an appeal court or labour appeal court.

56. Mumbai: Graveyard, Dargah trusts appeal against Crowding on Shab-e-Barat Upgrade to the North with Dosti Planet North at Shil Thane EBD65, …

57. Learn More about the Archbishop’s Appeal Make a Donation to the Archbishop’s Appeal.

58. I appeal to Caesar!”

59. “I Appeal to Caesar!”

60. Reemployment Assistance Appeal Withdrawal

61. I appeal to Caesar!’”

62. Preparing to Submit an Appeal Locate the determination or decision you wish to Appeal …

63. I appeal to Caesar.”

64. My appeal proved futile.

65. No jury and no appeal.

66. His case was on appeal.

67. On appeal by him, the Social Security Appeal Tribunal confirmed the decision of the administration.

68. Before setting out its grounds of appeal, the appellant addresses the admissibility of the appeal.

69. In either situation, the party that loses in the initial bankruptcy Appeal may then Appeal to

70. As a Commissary Apostolic is a delegate of the Holy See, an appeal may be made to the Pope against his judgments or administrative acts.

71. He was considering an appeal.

72. Ageless Appeal of Solid Wood

73. The Modern Appeal of “Saints”

74. We appeal unfavorable legal decisions

75. Me not only sex appeal.

76. He doesn't appeal to her.

77. 5 My appeal proved futile.

78. Generally, the Appeal process begins with an Appeal of a decision to the Division of Unemployment Insurance

79. Appeal to customers on mobile

80. The appeal was set aside.