Use "apostates" in a sentence

1. Jehovah's Witness Apostates Exposed

2. Find another word for Apostates

3. How should we treat apostates?

4. 1- Who are the Apostates in Islam?Apostates or Renegades are those who decide to leave the religion of Islam

5. Definition of Apostates in the dictionary

6. What does Apostates mean? Information and translations of Apostates in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

7. □ What kind of food is dispensed by apostates?

8. How may some invite apostates into their homes?

9. True Christians are commanded to shun such apostates.

10. Apostates are constantly searching for some cause for complaint.

11. From apostates the faithful have received the severest persecutions.

12. Does that not remind us of how clever apostates operate?

13. Enveloped by God’s spirit, he spoke out against Judah’s apostates.

14. In addition, apostates occasionally take part in television or radio programs.

15. That is the reason honor killing and killing of Apostates

16. Apostates in Witchwood is a side quest in Dragon Age: Inquisition

17. (Isaiah 32:6b) How true this is of modern-day apostates!

18. Apostates (4 Occurrences) Isaiah 1:23 Thy princes 'are' Apostates, and companions of thieves, Every one loving a bribe, and pursuing rewards, The fatherless they judge not, …

19. 22 Let us, then, keep on guard against the reasonings of apostates.

20. Apostates are debarred from ecclesiastical burial (Decretals of .Gregory IX, Bk

21. How could the early Christians avoid being led astray by apostates?

22. " The Apostates is not about religious freedom or religion that poisons

23. Apostates: a person who abandons a cause or organization usually without right

24. Apostates The definition of apostate is someone who "turns aside"

25. Apostates are devout Christians who have abandoned Christianity and are no more Christians

26. 19 The obligation to hate lawlessness also applies to all activity by apostates.

27. Apostates are mages who are not part of the Circle of Magi and are thus considered "rebel mages."1 There are two main types of Apostates: hedge mages and general Apostates, who were never part of the Circle, and rogue mages, who have fled from the Circle

28. Not all early Apostates were coerced into apostasy—some held state power themselves

29. These apostates hate and exclude the faithful because these represent Jehovah God truthfully.

30. (Matthew 7:16) What, now, are the fruits of the apostates and their publications?

31. Consider, for example, the food dispensed by the evil slave class and the apostates.

32. The Templar Order is charged with finding Apostates and either capturing or killing them

33. 12 Yes, apostates publish literature that resorts to distortions, half-truths, and outright falsehood.

34. Those apostates whom Jehovah rejected were a large number, two parts of the land.

35. 3:6) Other individuals have disowned the truth because of believing information provided by apostates.

36. 24 It is wise to remember that the Pergamum congregation was endangered by apostates.

37. Most Shiites of his day were apostates because, he believed, they repudiated necessities of religion.

38. But can you tell for certain that these contacts have not been planted by apostates?

39. Apostates used to be followers of Jesus, but they ceased to be followers along the line

40. Sharia states that the killers of Apostates and adulterers are not to be punished as murderers

41. Apostates are hardened to the point of not being able to repent (Hebrews 6:6; 10:26)

42. The Apostates is the first major study of apostasy from Islam in the western secular context

43. 15 synonyms of Apostates from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 58 related words, definitions, and antonyms

44. The type of apostates in the Book of Mormon are similar to the type we have today.

45. Apostates are those who fall away from the true faith, abandoning what they formerly professed to believe

46. How do the words found at 2 Peter 2:1, 3 expose the method and aim of apostates?

47. He and his fellow-teachers cannot bring complete Apostates to a new beginning which will lead to conversion

48. He has tried to use apostates and others to convince us that the teachings we follow are false.

49. Some Apostates profess to know and serve God but reject teachings or requirements set out in his Word

50. If anyone repents God will forgive, but Apostates cannot repent because repentance is not given to them (Acts 11:18).

51. The Characteristics of Apostasy and Apostates Jude was the half brother of Jesus and a leader in the early church

52. Dishonest people and apostates have sometimes joined these discussions and insidiously attempted to persuade others to accept their unscriptural ideas.

53. (Acts 8:1-3) He was fully convinced by Jewish tradition that all Christians were apostates and enemies of true worship.

54. It would be a mistake to think that you need to listen to apostates or to read their writings to refute their arguments.

55. 6 Some, like certain apostates today, are disloyally working as Satan’s agents to undermine the faith of newly associated members of the Christian congregation.

56. Apostates like Jacob *Brafman, however, did much to bring discredit on the institutions of Jewish self-government and to provide fuel for antisemitism

57. (Matthew 13:36-39) Apostates may claim to worship Jehovah and to believe the Bible, but they reject the visible part of his organization.

58. As the time of executing that sentence draws near, true Christians must not allow anti-Christian deceit and pressure, especially from apostates, to weaken their faith.

59. All standard Assailants/Apostates are labeled here, however, the Ancients aren't marked because there are only TWO, and are named during the appropriate Dominion tournament.

60. What can be done if challenging questions, based on what apostates have said or written, are raised while we are sharing in the preaching work?

61. The highly regarded Kittel lexicon gives the apostate definition of “rebel.” That is, Apostates rebel against the faith that at one time they claimed they believed.

62. The highly regarded Kittel lexicon gives the Apostate definition of “rebel.”[4] That is, Apostates rebel against the faith that at one time they claimed they believed.

63. Agnostics, or Apostates, and may reflect what has been identified as “post-Christian spirituality” (cf., Houtman & Aupers, 2007) or “holistic subjective-life spirituality (cf., Heelas, Woodh

64. “The publicans [tax collectors] of the New Test[ament] were regarded as traitors and apostates, defiled by their frequent intercourse with the heathen, willing tools of the oppressor.

65. (2 Corinthians 4:4) Because apostates “originate with the world” and have its wicked spirit, “they speak what proceeds from the world and the world listens to them.”

66. (1 Corinthians 12:4, 10) But John’s warning seems applicable to Christians in general and is helpful today when apostates try to subvert the faith of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

67. In Zion the sinners have come to be in dread; shivering has grabbed hold of the apostates: ‘Who of us can reside for any time with a devouring fire?

68. In the world today, atheism, agnosticism, evolution theories, and higher criticism of the Bible are examples of falsely called knowledge, as are the unscriptural ideas promoted by modern apostates.

69. And just as a clever forger tries to pass phony documents, so apostates use “counterfeit words,” or false arguments, trying to pass their fabricated views as if they were true.

70. Other verses that seem to support the many Hadith that establish the death sentence for Apostates are Quran verses 2:217, 9:73-74, 88:21, 5:54, 9:66

71. McClintock and Strong’s Cyclopedia says: “The publicans [tax collectors] of the New Test[ament] were regarded as traitors and apostates, defiled by their frequent intercourse with the heathen, willing tools of the oppressor.

72. At the same time, an elder must be careful not to lose his composure when charges fly and aspersions may be cast upon him, as may be the case when dealing with apostates.

73. A handbook of the Church of the Latter-day Saints nows states that members of the church in married same-sex couples are Apostates and that their children must be excluded from blessings and

74. This may mean that those who wish to bind themselves in a solemn manner by an oath will, in effect, say: ‘If I do not fulfill this promise, let me experience the punishment that those apostates received.’

75. (1 Peter 1:6, 7) The speaker said: “At times, the news media as well as the authorities are duped by clergymen and apostates into pinning false labels on us, misrepresenting our Christian beliefs and way of life. . . .

76. (Exodus 22:22, 23) Yet, hear what Isaiah now says: “Jehovah will not rejoice even over their young men, and upon their fatherless boys and upon their widows he will have no mercy; because all of them are apostates and evildoers and every mouth is speaking senselessness.

77. Ex-members of the Mormon Church who believe doctrines contrary to the current teachings of the LDS Church or those whose lifestyle does not reflect that of a Latter-day Saint According to D&C 41:1 Apostates will receive the heaviest of God’s cursings

78. In the Middle Ages, both civil and canon law classed Apostates with heretics; so much so that title 9 of the fifth book of the Decretals of Gregory IX, which treats of apostasy, contains only a secondary provision concerning apostasy a Fide [iv, Friedberg, Corpus juris canonici (Leipzig, 1879-81), II, 790-792].

79. What is an Apostate? The word "apostasy" comes from the Greek apostasia, which is translated "falling away" in 2 Thessalonians 2:3.The word is closely related to the Greek word for "divorce." Apostates are those who fall away from the true faith, abandoning what they formerly professed to believe.