Use "apgar" in a sentence

1. The prototypic medical Backronym is that of the Apgar rating system named after Virginia Apgar; 10 years after her seminal publication, the mnemonic Backronym APGAR was created in the US and been widely adopted in countries

2. The prototypic medical Backronym is that of the Apgar rating system named after Virginia Apgar; 10 years after her seminal publication, the mnemonic Backronym APGAR was created in the US and been widely adopted in countries where English is spoken.

3. • Apgar score: should be assessed 1 and 5 minutes after birth (Table 5-1) Table 5-1:

4. Apgar Atcitty Atkins Bachrach Baghzouz Balasubramian Barnes Barnhart Baskaran Bistrika Borneo Bouchon Bower Boyer Boyes Bristow Broman Brotel Brown Buckner Burchardt Byrd Cagle Carroll Castellanos Chen Clark

5. The variable “time to sustained respiration” of the newborn shows only a weak association with neonatal acidaemia but good correlation with the whole clinical status of the neonate (Apgar-soore).

6. Computational weighting of the different components in the whole score (weighted Apgar-scoring) leads in 40 models, which were realised electronically (IBM 370/155) to no important increase of the degree of association with neonatal acidaemia.

7. Battledore insertion of cord was also found to have increased association with placenta previa, abruptio placentae, preeclampsia, preterm delivery, cord prolapse, foetal distress, increased incidence of emergency LSCS, low Apgar score, NICU admission, low birth weight and congenital malformations (8, …