Use "annual rest basis" in a sentence

1. Reading annual accounts g The 2005 annual accounts were the first to be prepared on an accrual basis.

2. Annualized refers to a measurement made on an annual basis as opposed to a monthly or another periodic basis

3. This sum shall be agreed on an annual basis by the Joint Committee.

4. This sum shall be agreed on an annual basis in the Joint Committee.

5. Also entitled to annual additional remuneration of # paid on pro rata temporis basis

6. Appropriations and Implementing bills authorize the spending of public money on an annual basis

7. The bacteriological document is expected to be updated on a annual or biannual basis.

8. Acre holds the following events on an annual basis: Broker of the Year Awards (BOYA

9. Annual leave shall accrue during maternity leave and shall be credited on a monthly basis.”

10. Annual leave shall accrue during paternity leave and shall be credited on a monthly basis

11. The residence permits issued by the GOI above need to be renewed on annual basis.

12. For nine years, Mr. Chichester, you have been writing to my office on an annual basis.

13. The Annualized rate of return is a process for determining investment returns on an annual basis

14. The lease was adjustable to changes of the Consumer Price Index (‘CPI’) on an annual basis.

15. 3.1 NSO Responsibilities NSOs are responsible for nominating eligible athletes for AAP support on an annual basis.

16. Graduate Assistantships Graduate research, teaching, and service Assistantships are available on an annual or nine-month basis

17. OMB Apportions funds to federal government agencies and departments on a quarterly, annual or other periodic basis

18. Subject coverage of all volumes is very similar and publication is on an annual or biennial basis.

19. • Generated group financial statements as per US GAAP and Assonated SEC requirements on a quarterly and annual basis

20. Payment of taxes on an annual basis calculated by reference to the age and tonnage of the vessel:

21. further contractual default interest, accruing at the annual rate of 3,5 % (350 basis points), until payment is made;

22. To ensure accountability to Canadians, communities report on their use of the funds' activities on an annual basis.

23. The Commission shall report on an annual basis on how it has taken account of the Committee’s opinions.

24. • Create greater certainty in the management of the inventory of review files on an annual basis Planned Activities

25. The amount of the advance payment fee is set on the basis of the annual rate as follows.

26. On that basis, China can hardly be accused of manipulation vis-a-vis the rest of the world.

27. The rest accepted the waste on the basis of the labelling on the containers or its consignment note.

28. UNDP is now accounting for future costs for current employees by accruing current service costs on an annual basis

29. Basher was approved on the basis of the results of the UAE Government’s annual meetings, held in September 2017

30. UNDP is now accounting for future costs for current employees by accruing current service costs on an annual basis.

31. Cumulative abnormal returns from November 20 1992 to January 1, 1993 were 8.1% or 91% on an annual basis.

32. Sometimes, if looking to waive the annual Accountings, it may be prudent for both the beneficiary and the trustee to have the beneficiary waive Accountings on an annual basis to track …

33. If that individual repays $50,000 on an annual basis, then the borrower has Amortized $50,000 of the loan every year

34. So far, we have calculated the yield to maturity on the basis of semi-annual discounting of semiannual coupon payments.

35. Estimates of adaptation costs for developing countries run into several tens of billions of US Dollars on an annual basis.

36. The rest of the permits available for the ten new Member States will be allocated on a pro-rata basis.

37. The rest of the permits available for the ten new Member States will be allocated on a pro-rata basis

38. Economic disadvantages shall be determined on the basis of a statement, actualised if necessary, of the annual economic disadvantages represented by the difference between the reductions in the annual financial burden and in annual revenue that would result from termination of the obligation.

39. The fees in Regulation (EC) No. 593/2007 are adjusted by a factor on an annual basis to account for inflation.

40. The clearance account was verified by an independent chartered accountant on an annual basis to establish that revenues and expenditures match.

41. This table summarises the data provided by the Centre in its annual accounts: these accounts are drawn up on an accrual basis.

42. Calculated on an annual basis, Apr applies to credit cards and loan products such as student loans, home loans and auto loans

43. Total Compensation is expressed in the same way as a base salary, which is in terms of gross income on an annual basis

44. It is these irregularities that give rise to alarmist headlines when we are presented with the Court of Auditors' report on an annual basis.

45. The Department of Assessment is responsible for developing fair and equitable Assessments for all residential and commercial properties in Nassau County on an annual basis

46. Calculate NI Cumulatively This method calculates the director’s NI liability in each pay run on a year to date basis using the annual earnings thresholds

47. Proven by the test of time, hundreds of thousands of Jim Wilden's Clamped pumps have pumped billions of gallons of fluid on an annual basis

48. Method of collection and use of data The CDFI Fund collects data on an annual basis according to the Awardee’s or Allocatee’s fiscal year end.

49. Annual definition: Annual events happen once every year

50. Apr, or annual percentage rate, is the interest rate you pay on a loan—such as a credit card or auto loan—on a yearly basis

51. Basis Basis Releases More Secure BLM

52. ESA 95 has since April 1999 obliged Member States to report national accounts data within a well-defined time schedule on both an annual and quarterly basis.

53. (a) Indian Missions abroad are allocated funds to promote cultural relations with other countries on the basis of activities proposed by them in Annual Plan of Action.

54. Skipper, rest.

55. Gross Annual income is your earnings before tax, while net Annual

56. Absolute rest.

57. Rest now.

58. Annual recurring revenue (Arr), sometimes referred to as annual run rate, is the normalized annual revenue from your existing subscriptions

59. Health Checkup Also called: Annual Checkup, Annual physical examination, Routine physical examination

60. seat depth and seat incline, back rest and foot rest angle.

61. Annual definition, of, for, or pertaining to a year; yearly: Annual salary

62. Rest of world:

63. Please rest assured.

64. Legal basis

65. Rest in peace.

66. Annual gross wages and salaries without annual bonuses/allowances and payments in kind

67. 68. approve the Annual Activity Report and the Annual Accounts and balance sheet;

68. What is Annual Percentage Rate or Apr? Apr stands for annual percentage rate

69. Bisom Annual Scientific Meeting

70. Annual activity planning; D:

71. Annual equivalent accrual rate

72. Annual reporting and accounting

73. It refers to a type of employment contract where the employee commits to working their Annualised hours over the course of the year, some on a ‘core’ or ‘rostered’ basis and the rest on an ‘unrostered’ basis or short notice to meet the demands of the organisation.

74. Annual lease cost (2016)

75. b) Accrued annual leave

76. Accrued annual leave liabilities

77. Annual rate of depreciation

78. AAP Annual Action Plan

79. Rest and relaxation Rest involves the cessation of action and freedom from worry.

80. Road accident death rate in India is ten times the levels seen in the European Union and is costing the economy an estimated 3% of the GDP on an annual basis.