Use "anaphylactic shock" in a sentence

1. Anaphylactic shock.

2. What is Anaphylactic shock? A person who has an Anaphylactic reaction can go into Anaphylactic shock

3. Serious allergic reactions, anaphylactic shock, anaphylaxis

4. Severe acute hypersensitivity reactions up to anaphylactic shock

5. Anaphylactic shock is a life-threatening allergic reaction.

6. Bee stings may cause Anaphylactic shock in some people

7. Anaphylactic reaction, anaphylactic shock including fatal shock, hypersensitivity, urticaria

8. Anaphylactic shock requires immediate treatment to save the person’s life.

9. In isolated cases these allergic reactions may progress to anaphylactic shock

10. 6 Cases of human death have been due to anaphylactic shock.

11. • Anaphylactic shock is an extreme allergic reaction that can be fatal

12. Serious complications are anaphylactic shock, intracranial or spinal hemorrhage and transverse myelitis.

13. He was in anaphylactic shock, some massive allergic reaction to sesame oil.

14. Know the causes, symptoms, treatment, prognosis and prevention of Anaphylactic Shock.

15. 2 The most severe allergic reaction, anaphylactic shock, can kill through suffocation.

16. Many people use the terms anaphylaxis and Anaphylactic shock to refer to …

17. 7 Anaphylactic shock due to cefuroxime in a patient taking penicillin prophylaxis.

18. 17 Objective To seek the pathomorphological targets for forensic expertise in anaphylactic shock.

19. So, we steal Tom's access badge and send him into anaphylactic shock.

20. Rarely allergical reactions may occur (from dermal or mucosal symptoms to anaphylactic shock).

21. The allergic reactions may sometimes be severe and even result in anaphylactic shock.

22. Anaphylaxis and Anaphylactic shock are terms that are usually used for the same thing

23. Anaphylactic definition is - of, relating to, affected by, or causing anaphylaxis or Anaphylactic shock.

24. 13 OBJECTIVE : To discuss the prevention and cure of anaphylactic shock caused by trasylol.

25. Plasma 11-hydroxycorticosteroid levels were measured fluorometrically during anaphylactic shock of guinea pigs.

26. 11 Anaphylactic shock is the reaction of the body overwhelming sensitization by a foreign protein.

27. 4 CONCLUSION: Fosfomycin may induce anaphylactic shock,[] which should arouse more attention in clinic.

28. 5 OBJECTIVE: To provide into the regularity of anaphylactic shock induced by fosfomycin injection.

29. All products and devices for the relief of life-threatening angioneurotic oedema and anaphylactic shock

30. 12 METHODS: The reports of fosfomycin anaphylactic shock from 1994 to 2004 were retrieved and analyzed.

31. There is however a risk that these allergic type reactions become severe and may include anaphylactic shock

32. 19 Can occur when a serious allergic asthma, breathing difficulties, throat swelling, anaphylactic shock and even death.

33. A few days ago, I went into Anaphylactic shock while driving after receiving my second COVID vaccine

34. Another patient died 28 hours after bypass surgery because of an anaphylactic shock after Novalgin®-injection.

35. Anaphylactoid reactions in haemodialysis patients Anaphylactic shock has been reported in patients dialysed with polyacrylonitrile (e. g

36. 15 RESULTS: The ADRs of acanthopanax were characterized by drug fever, anaphylactic shock and drug eruption etc.

37. Anaphylaxis, or Anaphylactic shock, is the most serious allergic reaction and can cause death without prompt medical attention

38. In individuals allergic to the venom (about 2–3% of the population), a sting sometimes causes anaphylactic shock.

39. Life threatening reactions, including very severe generalised allergic reactions and anaphylactic shock, have been reported in some patients

40. After determination of normal uropepsinogen range in 140 rats, anaphylactoid (Compound 48/80) and anaphylactic shock were provoked.

41. 10 METHODS:The anaphylactic shock was statistically analyzed among3862cases that were given slight dosage of trasylol before operation by intravenous drip.

42. Anaphylactic shock is a rare but severe allergic reaction that can be deadly if you don't treat it right away

43. 16 If the situation is severe, they can even slip into anaphylactic shock, which means they'll need an epinephrin shot, stat!

44. 1 Whether it was anaphylactic shock from a unique allergy or asphyxiation from catching the peanuts in the throat, this is unknown.

45. Definition of Anaphylactic shock : an often severe and sometimes fatal systemic reaction in a susceptible individual upon exposure to a specific antigen (such as wasp venom or penicillin) after previous sensitization that is characterized especially by respiratory symptoms, fainting, itching, and hives Examples of Anaphylactic shock in a Sentence

46. The allergic reaction “can produce symptoms ranging from runny noses and rashes to life-threatening anaphylactic shock,” states the magazine Prevention.

47.   You will often have skin reactions and shortness of breath, which can develop into Anaphylactic shock with a drop in blood pressure.

48. Serious immediate hypersensitivity reactions (eg: anaphylaxis, anaphylactic shock and anaphylactoid reactions, hypotension and angioedema) have been reported following the administration of Luminity

49. In the case of suspected cobalt hypersensitivity, an intradermal test dose should be administered because anaphylactic shock and death have followed parenteral administration of Cyanocobalamin.

50. Experiments in dogs, rats and guinea-pigs in situ indicate that plasmakinines are liberated in the endotoxin-shock, the anaphylactoid shock and the anaphylactic shock.

51. 14 This paper will sum up the mechanisms of cephalosporin's major adverse reactions such as anaphylactic shock, hemolytic reaction, disaffirm-like reaction, neurotoxicity and bleeding.

52. 18 In recent years, the reports about PNS-induced adverse reactions, such as drug-induced esophagitis, allergic epispasis and anaphylactic shock are coming to accumulate.

53. 8 The death caused of anaphylactic shock is common in clinical medicine and medicolegal expertise, but it is a nodus to diagnose sudden death from allergy.

54. Anaphylactic Shock is a fatal condition, which can occur as a result of anaphylaxis, which is a serious and potentially life-threatening allergic response to an allergen

55. 9 It is not clear whether the anaphylactic shock was caused by menaquinones (Vitamin K or by the excipient, polyethoxylated castor oil, which is included in the formulation.

56. 3 Result: 20 cases of anaphylactic shock were attributed to oral penicillins agents, of which, 8 cases were caused by penicillin V potassium tablet, 8 cases by amoxicillin, 4 cases by ampicillin.

57. A drop in blood pressure and narrowing of the airways in response to the exposure to an allergen can officially be called Anaphylactic shock, while most people refer to it as anaphylaxis

58. ‘As Anaphylactic shock progresses, laryngeal edema, bronchospasm, hypotension, and circulatory collapse may occur.’ ‘A friend, family member or medical professional called in response to a severe Anaphylactic reaction also may administer the medication.’

59. Allergin Syrup is used for Common cold, Allergy, Hay fever, Watery eyes, Itchy throat/skin, Anaphylactic shock, Rhinitis, Urticaria and other conditions.Allergin Syrupmay also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide

60. The anaphylactic shock is an acute failure of blood volume distribution (distributive shock) and caused by IgE-dependent, type-I-allergic, classical hypersensibility, or a physically, chemically, or osmotically induced IgE-independent anaphylactoid hypersensibility.

61. Among the numerous allergic clinical pictures induced by penicillin the rosette technique has a greater significance for immediate (type III) reactions, for delayed exanthemas and for fixed drug eruptions than e.g. for the anaphylactic shock.

62. Anaphylactic shock is the direct result of the entrance of a specific foreign material into the bloodstream of a person whose body has become sensitized against it as a result of previous exposure and subsequent formation of antibodies

63. Anaphylactic shock definition, a severe and sometimes fatal allergic reaction to a foreign substance, especially a protein, as serum or bee venom, to which an individual has become sensitized, often involving rapid swelling, acute respiratory distress, and collapse of circulation

64. Alkaline phosphatase (orthophosphoric monoester phosphohydrolase, EC has been studied in neutrophilic leukocytes of immunized rabbits at the anaphylactic shock with the electron microscope. 110 minutes after the second injection of the antigen the rabbit neutrophilic leukocytes are phagocytizing the antigen-antibody complexes in the lung capillaries.

65. The amidrazone derivates having general formula (I) are characterized by their strong inhibiting power of soya bean lipoxygenase, so that they seem useful as potential therapeutic agents of diseases caused by an increased metabolic activity of lipoxygenase, in particular allergic asthma, anaphylactic shock, inflammatory and rheumatic disorders and psoriasis.

66. This statement is based on the following facts: Similarity of anaphylactic shock symptoms with the histamine shock and shock by the histamine liberator anaphylatoxin, depletion of the histamine storing mast cells, increase of plasma histamine level corresponding with the intensity of the shock symptoms, inhibition of the acute shock by antihistaminics.

67. The symptoms of Anaphylactic shock are varied, but often include a constriction of the airway, light-headedness and fainting, swelling of the neck and face, itching, and low blood pressure.A constricted airway, caused by a tightening of the bronchiole walls, is the most common cause of death in these cases.