Use "amphetamines" in a sentence

1. In Amphetamines; Amphetamines Basics

2. Home; List of Amphetamines; List of Amphetamines

3. Could be amphetamines.

4. Amphetamines are synthetic stimulants

5. Amphetamines are stimulant drugs

6. Belgian waffle, ginseng and amphetamines.

7. Tenuate 25mg Download Image-- Amphetamines

8. Sanorex 2mg Download Image-- Amphetamines

9. You know, like stimulants, amphetamines.

10. Both methamphetamine and Amphetamines are addictive

11. Amphetamines increase energy levels and alertness

12. Abusing Amphetamines can lead to chronic drug …

13. Amphetamines are a collective group of drugs that include Amphetamines and amphetamine derivatives such as dextroamphetamine, levoamphetamine, and methamphetamine

14. Most Amphetamines available in the U.S

15. The following Amphetamines list contains some of the most common medications that contain Amphetamines including Lisdexamphetamine and Dextroamphetamine

16. Amphetamines and methAmphetamine are both stimulant drugs

17. Amphetamines and methamphetamine are both stimulant drugs

18. What are Amphetamines (am·feh·tuh·meenz)? Amphetamines are a class of drugs that are stimulants

19. Three 10-milligram pills of your finest amphetamines.

20. Amphetamines are swallowed, smoked, snorted, or injected

21. Being infatuated is a lot like taking amphetamines.

22. The analyses revealed that cannabis only, combinations of cannabis and amphetamines as well as amphetamines only, in order of occurrence, were consumed.

23. This list of Amphetamines is inclusive of many of the Amphetamines or Amphetamine containing drugs that are marketed under various brand names throughout the U.S.

24. On the other hand, amphetamines like cocaine are dopamine agonists.

25. Methamphetamine and Amphetamines have very similar chemical structures, too

26. Amphetamine, dextroAmphetamine and methAmphetamine, are collectively referred to as Amphetamines

27. Note: These tests do not differentiate between dextro (+) Amphetamines (eg, dexamphetamine) and racemic mixtures of dextro (+) and levo (-) isomers that are present in “street” Amphetamines

28. Amphetamines cause more dopamine to be released in the brain

29. Anorectic drugs produce many of the same effects as amphetamines

30. Amphetamines is one kind of synthetic compounds whose precursor structure is amphetamine.

31. Various medications are available in the United States which contain Amphetamines

32. Amphetamines for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents

33. It was around that time, medical professionals discovered the benefits of Amphetamines

34. Amphetamines also cause the heart rate of mother and baby to increase

35. And they were just hopped up on amphetamines day in and day out.

36. Research demonstrates a relationship between people who use Amphetamines and increased mental health issues

37. Amphetamines describe the category, or drug class, that includes both amphetamine and methamphetamine

38. Amphetamines speed up the brain and are highly addictive central nervous system stimulants.

39. Amphetamines are a class of stimulant drugs that include Amphetamine, dextroAmphetamine, and methAmphetamine

40. Police raiding the riverboat party had found cocaine, ecstacy tablets, amphetamines and cannabis resin.

41. Amphetamines are synthetic drugs that speed up functions in the brain and the body

42. Some dancers were sucking lollipops to counteract the clenching of the jaws caused by amphetamines.

43. Amphetamines work by providing a blast of energy, confidence and focus to the brain

44. Since the 1950 s, China has exercised strict control over amphetamines and other psychotropic substances.

45. Urinary excretion of the Amphetamines is pH-dependent and excretion is enhanced in acidic urine.

46. Synonym/acronym: Amphetamines, cannabinoids (THC), cocaine, ethanol (alcohol, ethyl alcohol, ETOH), phencyclidine (PCP), opiates (heroin).

47. Anorectic drugs produce many of the effects of the amphetamines, but are generally less potent

48. Amphetamines are psychostimulant drugs that abnormally speed up the functions of the brain and body

49. 3 Police raiding the riverboat party had found cocaine, ecstacy tablets, amphetamines and cannabis resin.

50. Amphetamines are normally taken by mouth in pill form but can be snorted, injected, or smoked

51. “Bennies,” the first pharmaceutical drugs to contain amphetamines, initially appeared on American store shelves in 1933

52. Amphetamines are distributed into most body tissues with high concentrations occurring in the brain and CSF

53. Amphetamines were developed in the late nineteenth century, but were not used until the 1920’s

54. Included in the stimulant class are amphetamines, analeptics, anorexiants (also referred to as Anorectics), and methylphenidates

55. It is illegal to make or sell Amphetamines, and to possess or use them unless under medical supervision

56. Amphetamines are psychostimulant drugs, which means they speed up the messages travelling between the brain and the body

57. Some people use Amphetamines to help them stay awake on the job or to study for a test.

58. Amphetamines (sometimes called "speed") are a group of synthetic psychoactive drugs that stimulate the central nervous system

59. Some Aneurysms are due to infections, drugs such as amphetamines and cocaine or direct brain trauma from an accident

60. MDMA differs from other Amphetamines in that it also interferes with the reuptake of serotonin (another neurotransmitter) in the brain.

61. Babies of mothers who regularly use Amphetamines may also experience withdrawal symptoms in the first few weeks after birth.

62. Amphetamines are a class of central nervous system stimulants with a similar chemical structure, including amphetamine, methamphetamine, dextroamphetamine, ephedrine, and …

63. Amphetamines are a class of central nervous system stimulants with a similar chemical structure, including amphetamine, methamphetamine, dextroamphetamine, ephedrine, and others

64. Among people who use meth/Amphetamines, ‘ ice ’ is the most used form (50% of people who use meth/Amphetamine use ‘ice’).

65. Prescription Amphetamines are used to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), narcolepsy, binge eating disorder, and in more rare cases, depression

66. If Amphetamines are used close to birth, the baby may be born directly affected, and may be over-active and agitated

67. Amphetamine, prototype of a series of synthetic drugs, all called Amphetamines, that have pronounced stimulatory actions on the central nervous system.

68. As his career was taking off in the late 1950s, Cash started drinking heavily and became addicted to amphetamines and barbiturates.

69. Might be dying And it's trucker speed, Benzedrine Percocets, amphetamines Black beauties and west coast turnarounds When the coast is clear I drive.

70. As amphetamines in general carry a high potential for abuse, amphetamine Comedowns play a pivotal role in perpetuating the drug abuse cycle.

71. The process to treat an Amphetamines addiction is tremendously hard to get through, but the first step is to admit there is an addiction

72. 1, 2, 3 Amphetamines are extremely addictive if used non-medically to increase wakefulness, boost performance, enhance weight loss or to get high

73. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has identified opiates, cocaine, Cannabinoids, amphetamines, and phencyclidines (PCPs) as the most commonly abused illicit drugs.

74. Amphetamines is the name given to a group of synthetic stimulants which are chemically similar to adrenaline, the hormone used for 'fight or flight' emergencies

75. Amphetamines such as Adderall are a form of medication that may be prescribed to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, treatment-resistant depression, obesity and narcolepsy

76. -Amphetamines should be administered at the lowest effective dosage and dosage should be individually adjusted; late evening doses should be avoided because of resulting insomnia

77. An Analeptic is any drug, such as doxapram, that stimulates the central nervous system. Amphetamines are classified as Analeptics, or central nervous system stimulants

78. In one research study, alcohol, marijuana, amphetamines, cocaine, or heroin were more likely to have a fear of intimacy and have an insecure Attachment style

79. What It Does: No matter how a person takes Amphetamines, these drugs hit with a fast high, making the user feel powerful, alert, and energized

80. At least 83.2 million Europeans have reported that they have used cannabis at least once in their lifetime, while 17.1 and 12 million respectively have tried cocaine and amphetamines.