Use "alternative suggestion" in a sentence

1. Have you got an alternative suggestion?

2. An alternative suggestion is that the substances produced by ants might supplement the birds' preen oil in some way.

3. An “Autosuggestion” or “self-suggestion” is a suggestion which you give to yourself

4. What an improper suggestion!

5. I rejected his suggestion.

6. What an absurd suggestion!

7. This suggestion dumbfounded Joe.

8. That's a frankly absurd suggestion.

9. We value your suggestion highly.

10. The suggestion has some merit.

11. The suggestion is sheer nonsense.

12. we have withdrawn our suggestion.

13. 5 This suggestion dumbfounded Joe.

14. They fobbed off our suggestion.

15. We'll chew on your suggestion.

16. May I make a suggestion?

17. Suggestion Number Three: Be Consistent

18. Might I make a suggestion?

19. Mr. Snagsby's suggestion is the practical suggestion after all, and the beadle must be called in.

20. 1- )All suggestion is Autosuggestion

21. Auto suggestion, Coal Creek, Colorado

22. Review the box “A Suggestion.”

23. May I present a suggestion?

24. Can I make a suggestion?

25. His suggestion was knocked down.

26. They knocked down the suggestion.

27. He received my suggestion coolly.

28. They would not countenance our suggestion.

29. Are you agreeable to my suggestion?

30. He will indignantly repudiate the suggestion.

31. His suggestion borders on the ridiculous.

32. I want to make a suggestion.

33. Your suggestion has been duly noted.

34. SUGGESTION: Learn about your child’s condition.

35. We found his suggestion absolutely repugnant.

36. His suggestion met with some hostility.

37. She took up my suggestion enthusiastically.

38. The dean threw out a suggestion.

39. My suggestion appealed to her vanity.

40. He mugged displeasure at the suggestion.

41. They treated his suggestion with derision.

42. They looked askance at her suggestion.

43. We are highly open to suggestion.

44. Might I make a modest suggestion?

45. I'll think over your suggestion again.

46. I want to offer a suggestion.

47. He rejected my suggestion as impractical.

48. Felicity seemed pleased at the suggestion.

49. His suggestion is very much apropos.

50. She bridled at the indelicate suggestion.

51. There is no suggestion of any impropriety.

52. 13 My suggestion was received with disdain.

53. His suggestion does not weigh with me.

54. Suggestion: Some choose to keep a journal.

55. Jules expressed his concurrence with the suggestion.

56. 21 I have reflected upon his suggestion.

57. If you Chafe at the suggestion that you should be studying more, the suggestion rubs you the wrong way.

58. Anchoring via Suggestion: In this type of Anchoring, the initial set of information can be compared to a suggestion

59. Here is my naive advertising man's suggestion.

60. 11 He will indignantly repudiate the suggestion.

61. He received my suggestion coolly, ie unenthusiastically.

62. She felt vaguely flattered at the suggestion.

63. She bridled at his suggestion to elope.

64. S.; Americanizing Suggestion; Unfitness for Popular Government

65. Maybe this is a suggestion of power.

66. How did he react to your suggestion?

67. Their suggestion has, on balance, proved practicable.

68. Fat chance of voting out his suggestion.

69. Her suggestion fairly took me by surprise.

70. She Cannily concealed her delight at his suggestion

71. • There's some suggestion that a Backhander was involved

72. How did the editor respond to our suggestion?

73. Is he going to agree to our suggestion?

74. The mayor bucked at the school board's suggestion.

75. He made the suggestion that we go by.

76. Did the director say anything against your suggestion?

77. She took a dim view of my suggestion.

78. He made an indecent suggestion to my wife.

79. Willing to accept or be influenced by a suggestion: He was Amenable to suggestion, and really worked hard to improve himself

80. 3 His suggestion borders on the ridiculous.