Use "alternative energy" in a sentence

1. Hybrid alternative energy-generation and control system

2. Mr Wright has nothing against alternative energy.

3. Consider the example of alternative energy technology.

4. Heating systems using alternative types of energy

5. As an underlying for financial products the DAXglobal® Alternative Energy Index enables the participation in growing alternative energy markets.

6. Energy efficiency, industrial processes, environmental objectives, sustainable development, alternative energy, climate change

7. - to promote the development of alternative energy sources or energy carriers (e.g. hydrogen),

8. (c) Calculations of energy savings using alternative calculation

9. Scientists are researching alternative energy sources for cars.

10. I'm here for the Alternative Locomotion Energy Fair.

11. Installation of solar energy systems and alternative energy products for residential and commercial use

12. Environmental consulting services in the field of alternative energy sources and renewable energy sources

13. Consultation relating to the distribution and supply of energy devices and alternative energy sources

14. Alternative forms of energy, such as hydroelectricity or aeolian energy could also be exploited.

15. — Installation of alternative energy sources (sun, wind, etc.) systems.

16. Technology consultancy in the field of alternative energy production

17. Design and development of alternative energy sources [for others]

18. In industry, Biochemists develop biofuels as alternative energy sources.

19. Installation, maintenance and repair of alternative energy generating machines

20. • Investigate the use of alternative energy sources (wind, solar).

21. Besides wind and sun, potential alternative energy sources for Afghanistan include biogas and geothermal energy.

22. Installation of alternative energy sources (sun, wind, etc.) systems.

23. Heat pumps, heating systems using alternative types of energy

24. Specific on-site or nearby alternative energy generation per m2 of sales area per energy source.

25. Establishing hydrogen as an alternative energy carrier will have major impact on energy security and emissions.

26. - use of alternative infrastructure to provide services (railways, energy companies);

27. Greening-up the chemical industry with energy efficient alternative fuels

28. Technological consulting services in the field of alternative energy generation

29. publication of energy savings achieved (each year) under the energy efficiency obligation scheme and alternative measures;

30. Design of alternative energy power systems, apparatus, installations and components

31. Secondly, we must work much harder on alternative energy resources.

32. We must put alternative energy on the path towards competitiveness.

33. Renewable energy and also alternative energy sources like nuclear are important also to alleviate the problem.

34. Calculations of energy savings using alternative calculation according to Article

35. Subject: Use of cut maize in alternative energy (biogas) plants

36. But without alternative energy sources such a rise is certain.

37. We need to force the pace on alternative energy policies.

38. Let us create a European fund for alternative energy resources.

39. Although we must move away from energy production using fossil fuels, nuclear energy is not the alternative.

40. Granting aid to promote the use of photovoltaic solar energy as alternative source for the energy production

41. He was delivering a series of papers on alternative energy applications.

42. determines the baseline and alternative scenarios for each energy system boundary;

43. Even though Biofuels might be a promising alternative energy source in …

44. Beamed energy concepts offer an alternative for an advanced propulsion system

45. Nuclear energy is the only viable alternative to coal or gas.

46. The development of alternative and renewable energy sources is today most often focused on biomass and wind energy.

47. A large part of the energy requirement a rural house needs can be obtained from alternative energy sources..

48. Installation, maintenance and repair of alternative energy generating machines, in particular electrical energy wind generators and wind parks

49. The importance of alternative energy policy is widely accepted in this House.

50. Alternative energy technologies provide a key strategic differentiator for mobile service providers.

51. A promising alternative involves drawing useable electrical energy from a device's surroundings.

52. Continued development of alternative energy systems is particularly important on this front

53. Installation, maintenance and repair of installations and machines for alternative energy production

54. Mr Crist is known to be a big fan of alternative energy.

55. And what it really is is an alternative energy and propulsion system.

56. Continued development of alternative energy systems is particularly important on this front.

57. Alternative energy sources are gaining more and more popularity around the world.

58. The "Silver State" scores well in alternative energy production, with the second-highest production of solar photovoltaic and geothermal energy.

59. Programme for energy economies and use of alternative fuels in the transport sector

60. Machines for the production of electricity and for the management of alternative energy

61. Meet Dr. Abu Bakr AlHajj - Advisor on alternative energy for China - a Yemeni

62. So, when buying an alternative energy generator what should a buyer look for?

63. a) The potential for substitution of oil by more affordable alternative energy sources

64. Zhang Chengui was the first to adopt alternative energy in Yunnan's Meiquan Village.

65. Alternative energy programmes based on renewable resources offer a profitable alternative for our farmers and for rural dwellers and rural development programmes.

66. Ms. Simms wondered whether the Government was looking at alternative methods of irrigation in rural areas, or at alternative sources of energy

67. Energy can be cheaper and more secure, thanks to better links and alternative sources.

68. We need an unbalanced research policy that favours research into renewable, alternative energy sources.

69. People living in the most vulnerable areas use alternative construction techniques and renewable energy

70. Energy efficiency - studies to assess the contribution of alternative propulsion systems and hull designs

71. These include greenhouse gas emissions, energy carriers, alternative motor fuels and new emerging technologies.

72. It is an alternative index to overall energy intensity used by the ODYSSEE project.

73. Therefore, electric components and energy storage systems are key components of alternative vehicle concepts.

74. In the following discussion, one delegation stressed the importance of developing alternative energy scenarios.

75. The energy revolution is, therefore, focused on alternative ways to power vehicle systems and utilities.

76. – encouraging the use of alternative substances or technologies without compromising safety, functionality and energy efficiency;

77. The technology for the production of alternative energy based on agricultural crops is clearly established.

78. New development in alternative energy may prove to be a boost for desalination as well.

79. At Fluence, our self-respiring membrane Aerated biofilm reactors (MABR) provide an energy-efficient alternative

80. - better use of locally available alternative energy sources to heat farm buildings and glass houses.