Use "all the while" in a sentence

1. The puppy barked hoarsely all the while.

2. All the while , a DJ keeps the passengers entertained.

3. All the while, Turkish and American influence grows stronger.

4. Uncle Mac all the while trying to get that shotgun.

5. All the while I was in college, Joan was traveling.

6. All the while, no one gives two turtle shits about me.

7. And all the while, I was amassing more and more knowledge.

8. All the while becoming crusty and cynical a pathetic , sniveling victim.

9. All the while her father was reciting, her lips moved silently.

10. All the while, tires have become more affordable for the everyday consumer.

11. And all the while your girlfriend was at home expecting a baby!

12. And all the while he had been creeping up on them, unseen.

13. All the while becoming crusty and cynical or a pathetic, sniveling victim.

14. All the while keeping an Embo Regal glued to their bottom lip.

15. All the while becoming crusty and crynical or a pathetic, sniveling victim.

16. 9 Jotham ruled for 16 years, remaining faithful to Jehovah all the while.

17. All the while, the orange lumpsucker swims, and the ice glows green undersea.

18. Narcissa began to cry in earnest, gazing beseechingly all the while at Snape.

19. Narcissa began to cry in earnest, gazing Beseechingly all the while at Snape

20. All the while becoming crusty and cynical, or a pathetic and sniveling victim.

21. All the while, she was huffing and puffing to resolve the problem herself.

22. And all the while, I kept thinking about that great old Whitman poem:

23. All the while, I thought that Buddhism was the only religion in the world.

24. All the while becoming crusty and cynical or a athetic,[] sniveling victim.

25. She was running to catch up with him, all the while pushing her baby carriage.

26. All the while, Fromm maintained his own clinical practice and published a series of books.

27. 16 He watched me keenly and slyly, his chin all the while on his breast.

28. 12 All the while A·maʹsa was wallowing in his blood in the middle of the road.

29. 1 He tapped this malevolently against the glass, grinning all the while like a storybook bandit.

30. And all the while Shelly's smelly libido was wafting up my nose, calling me to her.

31. The bugle sounded the charge; the horsemen's pace increased, but remained all the while under control.

32. ‘All the while,’ says the account, ‘the man is gazing at her in wonder.’ —Genesis 24:19-21.

33. 14 All the while, the scattered faithful ones adhering to God’s Word exerted themselves as best they could.

34. 19 His mouth plundered hers, brushing her lips, forcing entry with his tongue, demanding, demanding all the while.

35. In the world of Aloof you summon and defend small islands all the while you build combos against your opponent.

36. All the while , its commitment to austerity continues to bite the average person - and they are n't getting a bailout .

37. All the while, the taxpayers in the Amphi School District scramble to find enough money to buy land for schools.

38. In the world of Aloof you summon and defend small islands all the while you build combos against your opponent.

39. Hala would frantically grab pillows and cover her children's ears to block out the noise, all the while screaming herself.

40. But, although she had progressed from happy childhood to happy marriage, all the while a conflict was raging within her.

41. All the while I believe the torch of Hymen in world, but i found i have a deadlinessly mistakes that time.

42. Once on bedrock, the miner tunneled laterally (drifting), all the while removing the pay gravels to a dump on the surface.

43. He infused his work with a unique wit, all the while demonstrating a great intuition, perceptiveness and forgiveness of human nature.

44. So USAID – our mission is to end extreme poverty, to promote resilient, democratic societies, all the while advancing our security and prosperity.

45. I imagine Simon Belmont marching through the daylit woods, skeletons Aprowl, tension building all the while as Dracula's curse slowly takes over everything

46. All the while, deep in Josué’s heart burns a longing to return to his family and friends in that humble village he left behind.

47. All the while, four-year-old Matthew was bouncing on the couch, furtively strumming the guitar he wasn't supposed to touch and talking incessantly.

48. (Numbers 10:33-36) All the while, he held before them the abundance that awaited the faithful in the Promised Land. —Deuteronomy 11:10-15.

49. All the while, the clock is ticking: within a month or so, Greece must receive fresh funds from the IMF and its European rescuers—or messily default.

50. Checking accounts with you in mind! Managing your day-to-day finances requires a flexible Checking account that provides convenient access, all the while fitting your personal banking needs

51. MY SECRET Backsliding At one time in my walk--in the late 1970s and early 1980s--I began to backslide, though all the while I claimed to be growing and …

52. The 77-year-old, self-proclaimed "world's greatest Counterfeiter" received the sentence for his latest criminal escapade: producing counterfeit $100 bills, all the while boasting to an informant

53. Miki was arrested and jailed with his fellow Catholics, who were later forced to march 966 kilometers (600 miles) from Kyoto to Nagasaki; all the while singing the Te Deum.

54. In such exemplary embodiments displacement media can be used for various ancillary functions, all the while remaining isolated from the product, and the dispensing of the product can be adeptly controlled by pressure differentials.

55. A notorious Serial Killer known as 'Cottontail' faces a slew of personal issues as he falls in love with the girl of his dreams, all the while trying to put together his ultimate 'Easter Egg Hunt'.

56. To promote the book, Paolini toured over 135 schools and libraries, discussing reading and writing, all the while dressed in "a medieval costume of red shirt, billowy black pants, lace-up boots, and a jaunty black cap."

57. But the scoreboard could also be employed to display a person giving a talk or to project, on a large scale, any entertainment or action on a stage, all the while being synchronized with the stadium’s sound system.

58. Because of Cockcrow, Peter knew that the Sun was about to rise, even as we contemplate our own denials of Jesus during this period of darkness all the while in anticipation of the celebration of the Son’s rising

59. Vision Forum’s first film, Raising the Allosaur, is Phillips’ main credential for being a film festival sponsor and judge, all the while grossly violating #8 & #9 of his own 10 commandments for entering a film in his festival

60. Like a team working hand over hand to pull a rope, the myosin heads release their grip and reattach themselves farther along the actin shaft, all the while propelling the actin filament toward the center of the myosin filament.

61. Architectura is the versatile system solution for the commercial sector. Developed with a view to the needs of architects and planners, Architectura unites minimalist design with practical innovations all the while setting standards in terms of hygiene, maintenance and efficiency.

62. In a superb, meticulous work of narrative journalism, Bitten takes readers on a journey to investigate these claims, from biological weapons facilities to interviews with biosecurity experts and microbiologists doing cutting-edge research, all the while uncovering darker truths about Willy

63. The decidedly uncosmopolitan citizens of Paul Haggis' Balkanized Los Angeles live and work cheek to jowl with a rainbow coalition of races and ethnicities, all the while muttering and screaming a common string of racial epithets and slurs at their unloved neighbors.

64. ‘Gages, Bullaces and damsons are all grown in the same way as plums.’ ‘I discovered a Bullace tree, a wild plum, absolutely loaded with fruit and resolved to pick some fruit and make some wine, all the while documenting the process with recordings.’

65. The show Mum has a hilarious Bulge scene, I think it’s season 1, episode 2 or three, the emptyheaded son walks around the house for a while in his boxer briefs with guests coming and going, all the while sporting a conspicuous convexity

66. All the while the Hammer-man would sit in silence and watch my every move, his right hand never straying too far away from his trusty hammer; a dull and well worn tool that thankfully was free from any suspect or Clareted materials (for now)

67. The idea of the natural rearing and cherishing the body suggests the thought of the tender care of Christ, in which He "rears up" His Church from weak infancy to full maturity in heaven, and all the while "Cherishes it (comp

68. The Ascending Ones is a conspiracy of hunters that originally formed in Egypt to fight against the monsters of darkness and continue their efforts to this day, all the while keeping their activities and those of their prey from reaching the eyes and ears of ordinary people

69. ‘The service has been discontinued due to complaints from spouses and Bandmates.’ ‘The musician with big ears has an advantage when responding to band mates and improvising against them.’ ‘All the while, his Bandmates looked on in disgust.’ ‘I did one with my bandmate Al that was kind of literary.’

70. Lili (Pauline Burlet, La Vie en Rose), outraged by the injustices of the Nazi occupation, and a group of like-minded souls band together to fight the Germans and their French collaborators, all the while producing the underground newspaper Resistance for which they will go to dangerous lengths to illegally distribute

71. The aire of the place so Attempre was, That ner was there grevaunce of hot ne cold-- * * * * * * Under a tre beside a well I seye Cupid our lorde his arrowes forge and file, And at his fete his Bowe all redie laye, And well his doughtir temprid all the while The heddis in the well, and with her wile

72. The sun has fallen below the northwest side of the stands before the opening of Aaron Copland's "Fanfarefor the Common Man" and Mickfashes onstage in lavender cape, feather headdress, a red-and-white, figured two-piece jump suit--all the while Coquettishly twirling a bamboo parasol in front of him in a parody of Chinese formality.

73. After endless Bickering, they overcome their spats and, together again, fight their way to a glorious victory.: These comments underlined a three-cornered row which saw the Government and two Opposition parties Bickering over how to proceed.: As the show progresses, the characters piece together their common histories, all the while Bickering, bellowing and sermonizing to great effect.

74. She was moreover much broken with calling to remembrance the restless groans, brinish tears, and self-Bemoanings of her Husband, and how she did harden her heart against all his entreaties and loving persuasions (of her and her Sons) to go with him; yea, there was not anything that Christian either said to her, or did before her all the while

75. The horse by Champing the bit will show his being in hand as well as his perfect submission.; The froth flew from his Champing mouth and the vapour rose from his steaming body.; All the while his teeth kept going like castanets, with a rapid Champing sound.; Now the beat changed to a Champing and stamping among dry leaves not many rods to her right.; He strode away, leaving the "mayor

76. 25 Temptation comes to all of us,whether or not we succumb depends on our ability to recognize its disguise,sometimes it arrives in a form of an old flame,flichering back to lift,or a new friend who could end up being so much more,or a young child who wakens feelings we didn't know we had.And so we give in to temptation all the while knowing come moring,we'll have to suffer the consequences.

77. 3 Temptation comes to all of us,whether or not we succumb depends on our ability to recognize its disguise,sometimes it arrives in a form of an old flame,flichering back to lift,or a new friend who could end up being so much more,or a young child who wakens feelings we didn't know we had.And so we give in to temptation all the while knowing come moring,we'll have to suffer the consequences.

78. 29 Temptation comes to all of us,whether or not we succumb depends on our ability to recognize its disguise,sometimes it arrives in a form of an old flame,flichering back to lift,or a new friend who could end up being so much more,or a young child who wakens feelings we didn't know we had.And so we give in to temptation all the while knowing come moring,[]we'll have to suffer the consequences.