Use "alcohol abuse" in a sentence

1. Education regarding addictive substances, in particular alcohol, prevention of alcohol abuse and the consequences of alcohol abuse

2. Breaking the Chains of Alcohol Abuse

3. What Alcohol Abuse Can Lead To

4. There were unfounded rumours of alcohol abuse.

5. Alcohol abuse and eating disorders often go together.

6. Much the same consequences come from alcohol abuse.

7. Alcohol abuse has reached epidemic proportions in this country.

8. The terms 'drinking problem' and 'alcohol abuse' are often interchangeable.

9. The case of smoking and alcohol abuse illustrates the controversy.

10. Some of the issues surrounding alcohol abuse are very complex.

11. • How can one deal with the problem of alcohol abuse?

12. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism says that …

13. For example, many people today view alcohol abuse with wry amusement.

14. The findings show a high level of alcohol abuse among teenagers.

15. Alcohol abuse undoubtedly has a cost, through treatment, accidents and lost productivity.

16. According to Proverbs 23:20, 21, what can result from alcohol abuse?

17. 8 Alcohol abuse can also mean wasted income, even loss of employment.

18. Orvinol and thevinol derivatives useful in the treatment of drug and alcohol abuse

19. 18% of the adults sampled admitted having had problems with alcohol abuse.

20. Acquisitional Processes Underlying Illicit Alcohol Abuse in Underage Children: An Observational Learning Model

21. Alcohol abuse in men can cause loss of sex drive and reduced potency.

22. Alcohol abuse is often described as a minority problem. How extensive is it?

23. Emphasis is given to studies into the causes and consequences of Alcohol abuse and

24. Medical apparatus for use in the treatment of drug and alcohol abuse and addiction

25. Prayer played a major role in helping me overcome my drug and alcohol abuse.

26. Unfortunately, our new neighborhood was plagued with drug and alcohol abuse, crime, and prostitution.

27. The effect of chronic alcohol abuse on gastric acid secretion is not as predictable.

28. For example, thyroid and renal disease, alcohol abuse and chronic pancreatitis may be identified.

29. It is unrealistic to believe that warning labels will do anything to reduce alcohol abuse.

30. But it is not only their own welfare that is being threatened by alcohol abuse.

31. Some examples of causes of Cardiomyopathy include coronary artery disease, alcohol abuse, and genetic conditions.

32. "The Bottle" is a social commentary on alcohol abuse with a Caribbean beat

33. Insecure Attachment styles are associated with emotional distress, interpersonal issues, and drug and alcohol abuse

34. Drinkwise Day is mainly designed to educate people about the destructive effects of alcohol abuse.

35. In Ireland the level of alcohol abuse by young people has grown dramatically over the years.

36. Although Devynn was a skilled bookkeeper, his alcohol abuse prevented him from holding a permanent job.

37. The premise for alcohol abuse, one gathers, is that consciousness, or selfhood, or corporeality, is intolerable.

38. Get the facts on the symptoms, treatment, and long-term effects of Alcoholism and alcohol abuse.

39. Many Aboriginal communities are marked by violence, family instability, alcohol abuse and low levels of education.

40. Teenage depression, alcohol abuse, and even suicide are all attributed to the pressures of the exam system.

41. Outspoken and energetic, Stynes now arranges counselling for workers with personal problems, especially drug and alcohol abuse.

42. Clearly many issues such as drug and alcohol abuse, prostitution, and even poverty are socially constructed problems.

43. Alcohol abuse killing Midlanders There is a difference between drinking and Boozing , and our problem is Boozing .

44. It makes me nervous to see how large a problem alcohol abuse has become in their country.

45. 20 Indulging in such practices as drug or alcohol abuse, smoking and gambling can drain your pocketbook.

46. But he isn’t doing fine, says Robert Huebner, PhD, of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

47. Alcohol abuse is the second most common form of substance abuse in the United States, after tobacco addiction

48. This may be because they generally suffer more serious problems, often complicated by personality difficulties and alcohol abuse.

49. Number of adolescents affected by early pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, mental health problems, drug and alcohol abuse; or

50. Whilst the issue of alcohol abuse is quite properly a matter for concern, it should be seen in perspective.

51. There is no convincing evidence that advertising influences total consumption or has an impact on levels of alcohol abuse.

52. Alcohol abuse has become a national tragedy, but for me it is a symptom of an even larger malaise.

53. Its counsel is a safeguard against drug and alcohol abuse and against contracting AIDS through contaminated blood or sexual promiscuity.

54. Many drinkers need medical treatment to reinforce their spiritual battle to break free from and stay away from alcohol abuse.

55. Similarly, the effects of alcohol abuse are often mistaken for depression, again because the physical and mental symptoms are similar.

56. And a specialist in alcohol abuse says youngsters don't realise the dangers associated with what is a potentially harmful drug.

57. Helping young people cope with the impact of drug and alcohol abuse is the focus of the play Coming To.

58. (1 Timothy 3:1-3, 8) Not to be overlooked is the conflict that alcohol abuse can cause within the family.

59. The cause of the disease remains unknown, but its incidence strongly correlates with alcohol abuse; abstinence from alcohol prevents disease progression.

60. The Alcoholics Anonymous (Aa) 12-step recovery program is a free treatment program for people suffering from alcohol abuse and addiction

61. Alcoholism, or alcohol dependence, is now recognized as part of alcohol use disorder — which also includes classic symptoms of alcohol abuse.

62. Among the diseases caused by alcohol abuse are cirrhosis of the liver, alcoholic hepatitis, and such neural disorders as delirium tremens.

63. What is Alcoholism, or alcohol use disorder? Alcoholism has been known by a variety of terms, including alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence

64. Congress on Alcohol and Health, “approximately 14 million Americans —7.4 percent of the population— meet the diagnostic criteria for alcohol abuse or alcoholism”

65. Out of 57 lifestyle factors, divorce, smoking and alcohol abuse were most closely linked to the study’s participants dying during the follow-up period

66. These adverse reactions are more likely to occur in children, the elderly, and individuals with a history of drug or alcohol abuse and or aggression.

67. We have documented a rising tide of “deaths of despair” among white non-Hispanics – from suicide, alcohol abuse, and accidental overdoses of prescription and illegal drugs.

68. The way to cope with alcohol abuse is not by resorting to such things as eating potato chips or eggs to slow down the absorption rate.

69. Alcohol abuse is clearly deleterious to the brain, provoking acute and chronic mental disorders, ranging from intoxication with impairment of cognition, to delirium tremens, halluosis, and dementia.

70. Where families are troubled and unsupported, we find a range of other problems appearing: unemployment, violence, sexual delinquency, drug and alcohol abuse are among the more common.

71. It can lead to higher blood pressure, higher levels of depression, and actually aligned to mortality rates that might be more associated with alcohol abuse or smoking cigarettes.

72. For example, we can protect ourselves and our loved ones from many heartbreaking problems if we avoid drug and alcohol abuse, sexual promiscuity, and a violent life-style.

73. However, the Committee remains concerned about the sharp increase in 2002 in abortions among teenagers, and about the prevalence of tobacco and drug use, and of alcohol abuse.

74. Not only has the consumption of alcohol in Germany tripled since 1950 but as the center further estimates, some 2.5 million persons are in need of treatment for alcohol abuse.

75. Experts in the field have listed some common aftereffects of incest on girls, such as running away, drug and alcohol abuse, depression, attempted suicide, delinquency, promiscuity, sleep disturbances, and learning problems.

76. The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (Audit-C) is an alcohol screen that can help identify patients who are hazardous drinkers or have active alcohol use disorders (including alcohol abuse or dependence).

77. Some immature youths manifest a spirit of cowardice and mentally try to escape stressful situations by resorting to excessive sleep or TV viewing, drug or alcohol abuse, constant partying, or sexual immorality.

78. Ninety percent of college dormitories are Coed, but Catholic University bucked the trend in 2011 by bringing back single sex housing, hoping it would cut down on alcohol abuse and promiscuous sex

79. Total CK and CK-MB (by the inhibition test, Merck-1-CK-MB) were measured in 33 patients which had to be admitted to the department of psychiatry due to acute withdrawal symptoms (predelirium, delirium) caused by chronic alcohol abuse.

80. There is a stereotype in America of a “typical Alcoholic.”However, a study from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), National Institute of Health (NIH), and the National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC) put that notion to …