Use "aircrash" in a sentence

1. On the same day, Wingate, the commander of the Chindits, was killed in an aircrash.

2. The unveiling ceremony was performed by Whelan's Manchester United teammate at the time of the aircrash, Sir Bobby Charlton.

3. She was in communication with Alison Des Forges every 30 minutes because of this threat and the aircrash.

4. Awab Alvi is live tweeting a cargo plane crash in the city: “Russian Cargo Airplane on way to Sudan (Khartoum) crashed 5 minutes after take off from #Karachi Airport #Pakistan #AirCrash

5. Madam President, you have already expressed our jointly felt sadness regarding the aircrash and the Greek delegation, but I would still like to say how overcome with grief I was today when I heard of the death of my good friend and colleague and that of other Greek citizens.