Use "air chief marshal" in a sentence

1. 19 Air Chief Marshal Jock Stirrup is the head of British forces.

2. Air Chief Marshal Charles Portal requested proof from Sholto Douglas to demonstrate Fighter Command's claims were accurate.

3. 10, p.8. 6 Slessor, Air Chief Marshal Sir John, Strategy for the West, New York, Morrow, 1954.

4. The Chief of Air Staff, an Air Chief Marshal (ACM), is a four-star commander and commands the Air Force.

5. Ranks in the RCAF Boy Aircraftman, 2nd Class Aircraftman, 1st Class Leading Aircraftman Corporal Sergeant Flight Sergeant Warrant Officer, Class II Warrant Officer, Class I Pilot Officer Flying Officer Flight Lieutenant Squadron Leader Wing Commander Group Captain Air Commodore Air Vice-Marshal Air Marshal Air Chief Marshal Boy AC2 AC1 LAC Cpl Sgt Flt Sgt WO II WO I P/O F/O F/L S/L W/C G/C A/C A/V/M A/M A/C/M