Use "aim at" in a sentence

1. "Tiny firm takes aim at Microsoft".

2. The hunter took aim at the hare.

3. Our products aim at improving your English skills.

4. The second enemy took aim at point-blank range.

5. Republican strategists are taking particular aim at Democratic senators.

6. In one area Tanucci did aim at far-reaching change.

7. Millen says shoot low - aim at the slits above the ground.

8. We aim at the assurance of a rounded , a permanent national life .

9. Action in relation to the Single European information space shall aim at:

10. The long-term measures should aim at addressing the underlying causes of terrorism

11. Aim at mimicking the language helper at the same speed as he speaks.

12. advanced electronic signatures based on qualified certificates aim at a higher level of security

13. Machiavelli took it for granted that would-be leaders naturally aim at glory or honour.

14. The main action could aim at establishing an analytical methodology and completion of statistical studies.

15. He said that you can't pull the string without having a dartboard to aim at.

16. (b) How is the accuracy of his aim at his enemies emphasized at Psalm 45:5?

17. recent legislative changes, which notably aim at facilitating the management of EU funding and accelerating investments;

18. 20 I didn't know I was supposed to aim at the same spot all the time.

19. 26 In each of these Leapor takes aim at that object of Scriblerian mockery, the beau.

20. The aim at Catalyze is to make participation at international fairs effective, targeted and hassle free.

21. Many aim at the acquiring of material goods or things that will make their life comfortable.

22. However, it may cover actions which aim at encouraging cooperation between judicial authorities and law enforcement authorities

23. It would in particular aim at enhancing the capacity of a Member State to absorb asymmetric shocks.

24. Struggles aim at power and the imposition of a set of heterodox or orthodox norms and symbols.

25. Biden’s Day One Executive Actions Take Aim at Key Planks of Trump Era Backgrounders - January 21, 2021

26. We continue to support international activities that aim at ending this scourge and eliminating its symptoms and causes.

27. Marines Backpedal After Taking Aim at Fox News Host Tucker Carlson; Biden Calls Kamala Harris the President Again

28. However this Instrument may cover actions which aim at encouraging cooperation between judicial authorities and law enforcement authorities.

29. However the Instrument may cover actions which aim at encouraging cooperation between judicial authorities and law enforcement authorities.

30. Most laser applications in medicine aim at ablation, abscission or vaporisation of tissue or coagulation of body fluids.

31. The first meeting of the South Asia Forum should aim at successfully gauging the interest of the member states.

32. Aim at soupy images' bigger noisy, this thesis in detail analyzed the method of eliminating noisy, based wavelet theory.

33. Rather than addressing sectors, the investments aim at systemic changes for our society and economy along a sustainability vector.

34. But his interest grew as he worked, and he began to aim at a comprehensive expository commentary on Epicurus.

35. Both sides aim at building business collaborations through innovation in the area of Industry 4.0 and the ‘Internet of Things’.

36. The Bronx-bred rapper took aim at her detractors with a Bristing, since-deleted Instagram video on Monday afternooon (Feb

37. Trump Takes Aim at MSNBC’s Steve Schmidt: ‘A Blathering Idiot’ who ‘Failed With John McCain’ Joe DePaolo 10/7/2020

38. Blowings aim at removing construction scales, welding slugs, sand, dust, oil and rust from steam systems before starting them up

39. Affirmations are expressions we aim at our mind in order to alter our thinking patterns and therefore transform our lives

40. Our aim at Banish, is to give Australian’s all of the tools they need to reduce their waste and ecological footprint.

41. Our aim at Banish is to give Australians all of the tools they need to reduce their waste and ecological footprint.

42. Our aim at Banish, is to give Australian’s all of the tools they need to reduce their waste and ecological footprint.

43. Balthasar moves within the groups of Faer Gorta, so simply aim at him to kill him and the Faer Gorta together

44. Aim at current existent problems and defects in visual approach slope indicator, a new Precision Approach Path instruction method has studied.

45. 13 It was agreed to harmonize fiscal incentives for investors and to aim at the creation of a monetary union by 19

46. Active labour market policies increasingly aim at enhancing job-search activity and improving employability, with measures targeted on the most disadvantaged groups.

47. The Council agreed that the Directive should not cover bids that neither aim at control nor are an obligation resulting from obtaining control.

48. It will aim at promoting trade and investment between the two regions through strengthening relations between the Community and Latin American business communities.

49. By contrast, the nuclear weapon ban treaty would aim at a new disarmament dynamics, hence would much more recover than weaken the NPT.

50. Eddie Murphy has admitted that he now “Cringes” at some of his older stand-up material, which repeatedly took aim at gay people

51. Aim at another each node various behavior in the bargain, we as to it's can carry on the evaluation of satisfaction, and the hurl tell.

52. Peter Thiel Takes Aim at Google’s “Cosseted,” “Incurious,” “Isolated” Mandarins Over Their China Policies The conservative technologist left the utopians of Silicon Valley last year.

53. After crossing the Philippines, Utor took a track similar to Typhoon Chebi in November, first moving northwest then threatening to take aim at Hong Kong.

54. However, these variables should not be structural in nature as the counter-cyclical capital buffer should not aim at addressing structural risks in the financial system.

55. Antenatal exercises aim at improving the physical and psychological well-being of an expected mother for labor and preventing pregnancy-induced pathologies by various physical means

56. Aim at this question, there have appeared diversified schools of jurisprudence which are assumed to be based on liberalist tradition, and are striving to offer countermeasures.

57. At Beray with aim at delivering high quality first class eyelash extensions and waist trainers at an affordable retail price to lash artists, salons and retailers

58. Trump admin unlawfully Axing LGBTQ discrimination protections, suit claims A lawsuit takes aim at a Department of Health and Human Services proposal that allows organizations to …

59. Tips on Dual Berettas recoil compensation: Try to crouch when clamping with Dual Berettas; At close range aim at the chest; Tec-9 Tec-9 Spray Pattern

60. France is content to pull the strings from behind the scenes in such a way that no popular African revolt could ever take aim at its involvement.

61. These policies should aim at reducing or eliminating the wedge between activities that are good for individuals, banks, and firms, and those that benefit society as a whole.

62. If you have a can of compressed air, aim at the cracks between your keys on the keyboard - you might be surprised just how much gunk comes out.

63. Aim at the problem, this paper establishes the mathematical model of multipurpose optimization to made hoisting mechanism to occupy minimum space and planet gear to use minimum material.

64. It’s FArage the husky tree hugger! Reinvented as a green activist, the former UKIP leader takes aim at pub passports, Carrie’s ‘disturbing’ power – N FArage - March 28, 2021 0.

65. However test results may be influenced by other factors beside proper acoustic representation. Here we aim at determining whether working memory capacity (WMC) correlates with reproducing sets of MP.

66. There are two things to aim at in life: first, to get what you want; and ,after that, to enjoy it , only the wisest of mankind achieve the second.

67. In this paper, aim at the same mooring lines arrangement, different mooring radiuses and lines lengths, the relationship between the response of SPAR and the mooring lines are studied.

68. Blantyre Marathon is an annual event that brings top Malawian athletes together to compete for best prizes as they aim at representing Malawi in other platforms across the world to …

69. Some of the major software testing controversies include: Agile vs. traditional Should testers learn to work under conditions of uncertainty and constant change or should they aim at process "maturity"?

70. These investments would aim at the establishment of nationwide fibre-optic Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) networks, implementation of non-hierarchical networks and establishment of low and high bandwidth copper access systems.

71. Objectives The legitimacy of policies that aim at tackling socioeconomic inequalities in health can be challenged if they do not reflect the Conceptualisations of health that are valued in all strata

72. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) on Wednesday Bragged to fellow Republicans that they had outraised former President Donald Trump last year, after the former president took aim at the

73. Archerfish normally do their spitting in the mangrove forests of Southeast Asia and Australia, where they take aim at ants, beetles and other insects living on the trees’ half-submerged roots

74. This invention disclosed a network, management method which based on quality of service, said method expanding RASIUS SERVER as traffic adminstration stage, which aim at specific network application custom-tailor corresponding QoS policy.

75. The sport activities, moreover, aim at the development of physical abilities, such as coordination and adroitness, and moral inclinations, such as perseverance, courage, tenacity, self-control, cooperation, a group-oriented mind and loyalty.

76. The programmes implemented by Acted (around 260 per year), in Africa, Asia, Middle East and Central America/Caribbean, aim at addressing the needs of the populations affected by wars, natural catastrophes and/or economical

77. Chest impedance measurements and use of alternative shock waveforms, such as biphasic, aim at adaptation of energy or current to the patient’s individual needs and avoid application of unnecessarily high amounts of energy to the myocardium.

78. Our efforts aim at sharing the knowledge gained among the friendly nations, so that India, with its mission of a knowledge society, holds the hands of other developing nations together to achieve sustainable development across the world,” says Kalam.

79. If the economic principles which guide you are correct and aim at the common good, if you can remain as aloof from egotistical individualism as from subjections which oppress the personality, you will contribute greatly to reinforcing the stability of the whole social structure.

80. In this context, he pointed out national flagship programmes in India, such as Swachh Bharat (clean India), Namami Gange (clean Ganga project), Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojna (Prime Minister’s Agricultural Irrigation Scheme) etc. which aim at cleaning water resources, sanitation and access to clean water.