Use "again and again" in a sentence

1. This happens again and again and again.

2. Again and again and again, the wordless timid sounds of anguish continued.

3. Hutt panicked and struck again and again and again until his defenceless victim fell to the floor.

4. Not being sold again and again...

5. Eldred recalls that when his school trousers became threadbare, his mother simply patched them up —again and again and again!

6. Checked again and again, they still pressed forward.

7. It just keeps popping up, again and again.

8. He chalked his billiard cue again and again.

9. This inexplicable phenomenon was repeated again and again.

10. We have offered our hand again and again.

11. Again and again, I stopped the boom-boom.

12. The same names cropped up again and again.

13. This dictum is borne out again and again.

14. People were beguiled by her again and again.

15. I was to hear his name again and again.

16. 11 He chalked his billiard cue again and again.

17. The dog pawed at the doorknob again and again.

18. Again and again the test met with no success.

19. Again and again he tried to recreate that moment.

20. Our prospects become our repeat Customers again and again

21. In bed, I again and again, somersault mind today.

22. So we made this box, and we tested it again and again and again, and we're going through multiple iterations to do these things.

23. We laughed together as he tried again and again.

24. Her assailant lunged, stabbing at her again and again.

25. Moments that you want to revel in again and again.

26. Do it again and again until your reading is fluent.

27. Again and again passages in his essays exasperate or bewilder.

28. I've told you again and again not to do that.

29. You can laugh again and again, relive those great moments.

30. Bytes vs . strings comes again and again throughout the book.

31. She ran a brush over her hair again and again.

32. He wiped out the table again and again before supper.

33. Don’t treasure up past wrongs, reprocessing them again and again.

34. I've told you again and again[Sentencedict], don't do that!

35. Again and again, I was astounded by what I was reading.

36. What he can do is just wishing away again and again.

37. He then states how the messengers were rejected again and again.

38. He carefully examines the piece of ancient text again and again.

39. This has been the finding of medical anthropologists again and again.

40. Again and again the master assassin ducked the sweep of Sunfang.

41. As said, the Alpha and Omega is doing it again and again.

42. But a gift we can give back to God again and again.

43. Chronic: [adjective] continuing or occurring again and again for a long time

44. And you can see certain biases that come up again and again.

45. Because what newspapers do is they repeat again and again rare risks.

46. You act out the same cycles of self-destruction again and again.

47. Imperfect humans often abuse power, as history has confirmed again and again.

48. The cat pawed at the ball of knitting wool again and again.

49. People clapped and shouted and made her come on again and again.

50. Listen, listen - it learns a new language, chanting strange words again and again.

51. Recently, 360 safe centers are mixed again and again by baleful attack calumniatory.

52. 22 Face to walk that day, mother again and again reiteration, notice safety!

53. This friend in " last, left a few tremendous exclamatory mark again and again. "

54. Carl was way off the track though we advised him again and again.

55. Again and again she hinted about the intention of her visit to me.

56. He failed again and again simply because he had maintained his defeatist attitude.

57. Continual and Continually usually describe an action that is repeated again and again

58. This truth has been proved again and again by the facts of history.

59. He failed again and again simply Because he had maintained his defeatist attitude.

60. Mom tries again and again that the Baby falls asleep, but it doesn't work

61. He hit the other boy again and again as his friends egged him on.

62. Written off again and again, he has proved phenomenal in resilience and political craftiness.

63. Addicts are told again and again to resist, by counselors, therapists, friends and relatives

64. They all agreed again and again how provoking it was to be so disappointed.

65. However, as the weeks went by, the prosthesis continued to break again and again.

66. Again and again they returned to plunder and ravage, to seize everything of value.

67. His work was rejected again and again, and he grew more and more despondent.

68. I pondered the incident, asking myself again and again how it could have happened.

69. Her hair was heavily oiled, perfumed and washed again and again in a henna mixture.

70. Unripe: Furl the arm that arm shows bruise again and again: The lid is here.

71. Russians in later back to this passage again and again as emblematic of their history.

72. And all at prices that mean you can afford to come back again and again.

73. Arranger is generative in how it can do this again and again, over and over

74. AGAIN and again stories such as this one are told by people ensnared by alcohol.

75. He would go over his work again and again until he felt he had it right.

76. He had done most of the writing and rewriting himself, reworking key passages again and again.

77. This cannot be accomplished with a few strokes but must be done diligently, again and again.

78. The fishermen set their net, and then hauled it in again and again, hour after hour.

79. Go over your talk again and again until your entire talk fits within the assigned time.

80. 8 Whoever ignorantly creates an attachment,( that stupid person comes upon suffering again and again.