Use "affirmative action" in a sentence

1. Affirmative Action Program Requirements

2. Proposition 209 outlawed affirmative action in California.

3. Above all, affirmative action assuages white guilt.

4. Buchanan opposes abortion, affirmative action, immigration and imports.

5. You've got affirmative action that kills white jobs.

6. Beecan Health is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer

7. Affirmative action legislation became a reality in February 2000 when government ministries and parastatal companies had to submit their first Affirmative action reports

8. Affirmative action arrangements regularly concentrate on business and training

9. They are, like Steven, vehemently opposed to affirmative action.

10. Beecan Health is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer

11. Acadian is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Affirmative Action Employer

12. Acadian is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Affirmative Action Employer

13. Airborne is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer

14. Special Rapporteur on the concept and practice of affirmative action.

15. The Aerospace Corporation is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer

16. The affirmative action policies of the NEP continued under Mahathir.

17. Affirmative action was meant to redress the balance for minorities.

18. The action is likely to reopen debates about affirmative action.

19. A critical race theory Counterstory of affirmative action in higher education

20. The court's ruling narrowed the scope of the affirmative action program.

21. Immediate business goals will supersede long-term goals for affirmative action.

22. Affirmative action policies had also been framed as laws by the Parliament.

23. Negative attitudes about affirmative action, for example, are not considered politically correct.

24. To its critics, "affirmative action" is seen as patronizing to women and minorities.

25. Affirmative Action, both for its intended beneficiaries and for society more broadly

26. Afformative From the web: what affirmative action; what affirmative defenses must be pled

27. Scholarships were advertised publicly, and affirmative action was in place to ensure equity.

28. Federal regulations require your Affirmative action plan to be in writing and dated

29. The survey found that 65 percent of the delegates favored abolishing affirmative action.

30. The objective of inclusive growth requires affirmative action towards socio-economic development of minorities.

31. Affirmative action is the most important antidiscrimination technique ever instituted in the United States

32. The increasing hostility to affirmative action has rubbed off on the diversity movement.

33. Affirmative action is an ever-changing and often-controversial method for expanding educational opportunities

34. Until now, however, the court has not reconsidered the workplace rules on affirmative action.

35. Moreover, affirmative action might be necessary to compensate for past injustice, including special credit schemes.

36. Affirmative action has not been used up to this time to ensure acceleration of equality.

37. Indeed, equal opportunity policies, and strategies of affirmative action, can be built into selective assessments.

38. One day, I came across the phrase "affirmative action" in a book I was reading.

39. Since 2000, the Government has discussed phasing out certain affirmative action programs and reinstating "meritocracy".

40. India is one of the few countries that practices affirmative action on a large scale.

41. Affirmative-action quotas – known here as reservations – were introduced in local government in the mid-1990s.

42. A policy of affirmative action is also actively pursued through quota systems and special seats in institutions.

43. The roots of Affirmative action in employment lie in a set of Executive Orders issued by U.S

44. Applying the human rights principle of non-discrimination to trade law encourages affirmative action for the poor

45. Poor blacks dislike the Republican attack on welfare; rich blacks resent the Republican criticism of affirmative action.

46. The vote set the stage for a government-wide review and partial rollback of affirmative action programs.

47. Berkshire is a human resources and technology firm specializing in affirmative action, pay equity, and applicant tracking.

48. Affirmative action has been the most productive route ever for the emergence of minorities into the mainstream.

49. Dole also switched his position on affirmative action, saying he wanted to dismantle a program he previously supported.

50. While trainers try to distinguish between the two, skeptics often view diversity as just warmed-over affirmative action.

51. 17 But religious right leaders had adamantly opposed him because of his views on abortion and affirmative action.

52. These people are usually drawn from the employee assistance, human resources, health promotion, affirmative action or equal employment departments.

53. Recent Supreme Court decisions have put limits on the use of affirmative action to assure diversity in student bodies.

54. Affirmative action programs, of course, have always been vulnerable to attack by those who can’t benefit from them.

55. The largest gains were made during the past 20 years of affirmative action policies, Herrera and others say.

56. To effect this redefinition , there must be affirmative action , a reassessment of history and a state - sponsored cultural engineering .

57. He said the Republican Party bungled the debate over Propositions 187 and 20 the 1996 initiative dismantling affirmative action.

58. The State may not, by affirmative action, be Compellable to provide adequate means of livelihood or work to the citizens

59. Affirmative action for women and the disadvantaged majority represents a unique and significant acknowledgement of the wrongs of the past.

60. It seems hardly a week goes by anymore without yet another report of zany results of affirmative action in action.

61. He expressed disappointment in the Clinton presidency, saying Bill Clinton had undercut minorities by backing off strong affirmative-action programs.

62. Weber, has been read as giving employers a largely free hand to use affirmative action in hiring, promotions and layoffs.

63. The justices are deeply divided on such issues as abortion, affirmative action and the separation of church and state.Sentence dictionary

64. Does the bedrock constitutional principle of equal protection for all require affirmative action, merely allow it, or even prohibit it?

65. At the same time, formal affirmative action programs are likely to be weakened considerably in the move toward flexible organizations.

66. Pete Wilson took in his unsuccessful presidential campaign in which he repeatedly highlighted affirmative action as a cutting-edge issue.

67. Affirmative action for women and the disadvantaged majority represents a unique and significant acknowledgement of the wrongs of the past

68. Dole is expected to endorse a proposition that is expected to be on the ballot next fall to eliminate affirmative action.

69. It is difficult to imagine a scenario in which most companies will enthusiastically promote affirmative action as a matter of policy.

70. In relation to affirmative action, it was felt that the Act is very unclear about what is and what is not permitted.

71. The new state's Constitution contained provisions, such as Article 153, guaranteeing the Malays certain privileges as a form of affirmative action.

72. Agrarian reforms are sometimes regarded as affirmative action policies as well when favouring indigenous populations in Latin America or landless and small farmers.

73. 21 The main dissent came from conservative Republicans who saw the compromise as merely disguising an administration capitulation on affirmative action and quotas.

74. Affirmants affirmatio affirmation affirmations: affirmative affirmative action affirmative actions affirmative defense affirmative pleading affirmative sentence affirmative waste affirmatively affirmativeness affirmatives: Literary usage of Affirmant

75. Affirmative action, in the United States, an active effort to improve employment or educational opportunities for members of minority groups and for women

76. The New Presidential Identity Nixon sinuously widened that fissure by promoting affirmative action, but Johnson's real polar opposite in racial Campaigning was George H.W.

77. Ms. Goonesekere enquired whether the affirmative action programmes included some assessment of their effectiveness in promoting equality rather than providing advantages to specific groups

78. As a black conservative, he occupies a visible perch, and has not been shy in advancing tough critiques of busing and affirmative action. Sowell gets noticed.

79. Affirmative action does not presuppose the desirability of what I called a Balkanized society, nor is there any real danger that it will in fact produce one.

80. Affirmative action does not presuppose the desirability of what I called a Balkanized society, nor is there any real danger that it will in fact produce one.