Use "aerological" in a sentence

1. Aerological drop sonde

2. Tables used for compiling aerological observations from upper-air soundings.

3. Under the heading « Research Applications » possibilities of this new aerological instrument carrier are discussed.

4. He studied possibilities of applying aerological data to the weather forecast.

5. Results agree in different characteristics with aerological observations in frontal cyclones of medium latitudes.

6. It follows that the “low cloud sky” can be subdivided with aerological aspects.

7. E1000 Estegram Plot of pseudo wet-bulb temperature against pressure for an aerological sounding.

8. This paper deals with an entirely new type of aerological instrument, the Boomerang Radio Sonde.

9. Studies in the effects of aerological fine-structure characteristics upon vertical distribution of aerosols were continued.

10. T0820 Thetagram Aerological diagram whose co-ordinates are the equivalent potential temperature (or pseudo-potential temperature) and the pressure.

11. In the aerological series of Vienna periods exist, then lengths of which comprise a relatively large range.

12. D0250 Depegram Curve, plotted using data from an aerological sounding, which represents the dew point as a function of pressure.

13. An analysis is made of space-time distribution of precipitable water vapour using monthly mean aerological data from West Africa.

14. Finally is joined some calculation of the thermal energy of this regime on the base of aerological values.

15. U0240 Upper-air synoptic station Aerological station, Upper-air station A station where upper-air synoptic observations are made.

16. The occurence of the ground layer is proved from the records of heights of cloud systems by the german aerological statistics.

17. The aerological results show that the bora is essentially kept by cold continental air and pushed forward in the corresponding direction.

18. Notwithstanding the provisions of this agreement for the payment of double (2) time, Aerological Observers shall be compensated at double (2) time as follows: 28.07

19. Emphasis was put on largely concluding the development of a parametrization of the relationship between aerological parameters and vertical eddy aerosol diffusion.

20. A0790 Aerological day Geophysical Day An internationally agreed upon day designated for more detailed or intensive observations of the atmosphere over broad regions of the Earth.

21. Schwerdtfeger, andWehrlé. The occurence of the ground layer is proved from the records of heights of cloud systems by the german aerological statistics.

22. The Tiros observations combined with the synoptic and aerological data permitted to generalize a formerly derived formula valid for upper troughs for cold fronts [4].

23. A1150 Air-mass analysis Identification of the various air masses on a synoptic chart or aerological diagram and the determination of their physical characteristics and development.

24. The invention relates to an aerological drop sonde designed to be used either as a drop sonde or as a sonde placed on a free balloon or a captive balloon.

25. Vertical transports, lateral outflow, and generation of kinetic energy are computed directly from twice-daily aerological soundings, while the ‘dissipation’ term is obtained as a residual.

26. Observers Environment Canada has contracted out most of the real-time observing programs; however, there is still a small core of positions requiring skills in both surface and aerological observing.

27. A system is described which permits the systematic comparing between Lidar reflectivity on the one hand, and aerosol concentration as well as aerological data, on the other hand, taking advantage of the alpine situation (high mountain stations, cable cars used as instrument carriers).

28. Schüepp and simplified by the present author. The numerical values of the turbidity coefficientB, the wavelength exponent α and the precipitable waterW thus determined have been processed under climatological, aerological and synopticdynamical points of view as well as for the discussion of problems of the optics of haze.

29. Aerological observing is the twice-daily sounding of the atmosphere by a balloon-borne instrument package at thirty-two Canadian stations that provides a comprehensive snapshot of the temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, and pressure altitude data for use in the production of forecasts.

30. The numerical values of the turbidity coefficientB, the wavelength exponent α and the precipitable waterW thus determined have been processed under climatological, aerological and synopticdynamical points of view as well as for the discussion of problems of the optics of haze. A summary of the results may be found on p.

31. On the basis of extensive data of observations obtained by 272 aerological stations of the tropical zone and of radiosonde observations made in 16 Soviet oceanic expeditions the peculiarities of the equatorial westerlies in the Eastern hemisphere and their relationships with the entire mechanism of tropical circulation have been investigated.

32. • Data Assimilation and Satellite research enhances weather forecasts and warnings by improving the use of data in global and regional assimilation operational forecast systems; develops techniques for assimilating land-based and marine-based data, aerological data, and remotely-sensed data from satellites; develops ensemble prediction to assess the impact of observation and model errors on the accuracy of forecasts

33. After discussion of the different types of radiosondes during the German Antarctic Expedition in 1938/39, the mean distribution of temperature — corrected for radiation — will be given in a cross-section of the free atmosphere up to a level of 20 kms., over the Southern Hemisphere, and will be compared with all available mean values of other aerological stations in the Southern Hemisphere.

34. Examples demonstrate the effectiveness of the method: control of the vertical aerosol exchange through several single and multiple temperature layers situated at various altitudes, their fine structure being related to the fine structure of the altitude dependence of the exchange coefficient; structure of the upper boundary of the exchange layer in relation to aerosol transport and aerological structure; action of wind shear upon aerosol transport.

35. 28.07 Notwithstanding the provisions of this agreement for the payment of double (2) time, Aerological Observers shall be compensated at double (2) time as follows: (a) for all hours worked in excess of seven and one-half (7 1/2) hours beyond what was scheduled for a normal day; (b) for all hours worked in excess of scheduled hours on a first (1st) day of rest, whether the period of work is a contiguous period or not (these days are identified on the shift schedules); (c) for all hours worked on a second (2nd) day of rest (these days are identified on the shift schedules); (d) for all hours worked in excess of the scheduled hours of work on a Designated Holiday.