Use "adulteress" in a sentence

1. Your mother, an adulteress.

2. Lit., “full of adulteress.”

3. I am an adulteress!

4. My wife is an adulteress.

5. His wife became an adulteress.

6. She's a timid suburban adulteress.

7. Punished as an adulteress (35-43)

8. Your Honor, my client isn't an adulteress.

9. She called me an adulteress, and I'm a widow.

10. She is already an adulteress by her own course and choice.

11. Yes, Hosea actually married a woman who later became an adulteress.

12. The Scriptures call one who has friendship with the world an ‘adulteress.’

13. And you're home early, so I assume you haven't become an unwitting adulteress.

14. For a prostitute is a deep pit; an adulteress is a narrow well.

15. Jn 4:1-42); when he defended the adulteress threatened with stoning (cf.

16. If the “adulterer or adulteress is unmarried,” the sentence shall be “whipping 100 lashes.”

17. Her failure to scream would have denoted consent and thus would have constituted her an adulteress.

18. Proverbs 23:27 For a prostitute is a deep pit, and an adulteress is a narrow well

19. So, then, while her husband is living, she would be styled an adulteress if she became another man’s.

20. I mean, you're treating me like an adulteress and you haven't even heard my side of the story.

21. + 3 So, then, while her husband is living, she would be called an adulteress if she became another man’s.

22. After a lengthy period of sexual satisfaction, even passionate lovers can tire of such a whorish adulteress and seek other flesh.

23. What does Adulator mean? definition, meaning and audio pronunciation (Free English Language Dictionary) » Dictionary » A » Adorableness Adulteress.

24. Indeed, she won recognition, much “distinction”, as an adulteress.... Yet she was, before being forgiven, she was the “apostle” of Samaria.

25. + But if her husband dies, she is free from his law, so that she is not an adulteress if she becomes another man’s.

26. But if her husband dies, she is free from his law, so that she is not an adulteress if she becomes another man’s.”

27. (Galatians 4:25, 26; Revelation 21:2) Often, however, Jerusalem’s inhabitants were unfaithful to Jehovah, and the city was described as a prostitute and an adulteress.

28. On the other hand, if she committed fornication during her engagement, she was considered an adulteress and was sentenced to death. —Deuteronomy 22:23, 24.

29. 29 People who read them are committing an "Othelloerror," in Ekman's jargon, a reference to the Shakespearean character whofalsely believed his wife to be an adulteress.

30. After considerable thought, Joseph decided to divorce Mary secretly so that she would be spared being stoned as an adulteress. —Matthew 1:18; Deuteronomy 22:23, 24.

31. He was not obliged to provide for an adulteress, a nation that broke its covenant and turned to worshiping Baal images and having adulterous relations with worldly lovers.

32. For centuries, people have viewed as an adulteress any woman who became the mother of a child not fathered by her husband, and the offspring has been considered illegitimate.

33. However, when that ruse failed, and he was faced with the terrible alternative of having Bath-sheba stoned as an adulteress, he opted for having Uriah exposed to sure death in battle.

34. (Genesis 13:7-11) Acting as patriarchal head and judge, Judah condemned his daughter-in-law Tamar to be stoned to death and burned, believing that she was an adulteress.

35. She treasured her privilege to bear God’s Son Jesus despite the risk to her own life; for, as an engaged woman, he explained, she could mistakenly have been stoned as an adulteress.

36. 10 “‘Now regarding a man who commits adultery with another man’s wife: The one who commits adultery with the wife of his fellow man should be put to death without fail, the adulterer and the adulteress.

37. Romans 7:2, 3 reads: “A married woman is bound by law to her husband while he is alive; but if her husband dies, she is discharged from the law of her husband . . . so that she is not an adulteress if she becomes another man’s.”

38. Status of the offender: The homicide must be perpetrated by the husband of the adulteress. However, under Kuwaiti law the scope of this mitigating factor extends to include fathers, brothers and sons, since women who commit adultery insult and bring dishonour upon all their family members;

39. Francis Bacon (1561-1626) A Glossary of Archaic Words and Phrases Abridgment: miniature Absurd: stupid, unpolished Abuse: cheat, deceive Aculeate: stinging Adamant: loadstone Adust: scorched Advoutress: adulteress Affect: like, desire Antic: clown Appose: question Arietation: battering-ram Audit: revenue Avoidance: secret outlet Battle: battalion Bestow: settle in life Blanch: flatter, evade

40. Hawthorne's text is studiously inscrutable about events Antecedent to Hester's being branded adulteress.: Behaviors are directed by the Antecedent stimuli that preceded them and announce the availability of a positive or negative consequence.: Fossils in these strata might have implied a long succession of life forms Antecedent to man.: Secondly, the relative pronoun has an Antecedent in the

41. Further paintings showed “Christ taking his leave of his Mother”, “Christ on his way to Emmaus”, “Christ appearing to Maria Magdalena”, “The exposure of Moses”, “The finding of Moses”, “Let the children come to me” (also called “Jesus blessing the children”), “Luther on Christmas Eve” (1887) and “The adulteress before Christ” (the latter formerly in Moscow, gallery Löwenstein).

42. Another extends his indifference to good morals even to his future wife, or he sinks to such depths of infamy as to be indifferent to his wife's conduct; but go a step further; speak to him of his mother. Is he willing to be treated as the child of an adulteress and the son of a woman of bad character, is he ready to assume the name of a family, to steal the patrimony of the true heir, in a word will he bear being treated as a bastard?