Use "adhesions" in a sentence

1. What Are Adhesions? This article describes abdominal Adhesions, bowel (intestinal) Adhesions and pelvic Adhesions

2. recent pleural or peritoneal adhesions,

3. These bands are called Adhesions

4. She's taking down the adhesions.

5. recent pleural or peritoneal adhesions;

6. This factsheet is about Adhesions

7. (ix) recent pleural or peritoneal adhesions;

8. To help the Adhesions separate more quickly, we may suggest applying Vaseline® directly to the Adhesions

9. (x) recent pleural or peritoneal adhesions,

10. recent pleural or peritoneal adhesions, and

11. Adhesions secondary to innate pathology (i.e

12. (x)recent pleural or peritoneal adhesions;

13. No adhesions to the anterior wall.

14. (x) recent pleural or peritoneal adhesions;

15. (x) recent pleural or peritoneal adhesions, and

16. Abdominal Adhesions most commonly develop after surgery

17. Understanding Lysis of Adhesions Lysis of Adhesions is a surgery to cut bands of tissue that form between organs

18. 1 Abdominal adhesions are less common after …

19. Adhesions are bands of scar-like tissue

20. Adhesions: Definition Adhesions are fibrous bands of scar tissue that form between internal organs and tissues, joining them together abnormally

21. Abdominal Adhesions are usually asymptomatic but some type of Adhesions do cause some symptoms; Some of the common symptoms of Abdominal Adhesions are cramping like abdominal discomfort in or near the belly button

22. Endometriosis): When we say Adhesions caused by pathology, we mean Adhesions forming due to a much larger disease and concern

23. The Vaseline will soften the Adhesions, and with spontaneous erections, the Adhesions will begin to break apart on their own

24. Although your diet cannot prevent Adhesions, your doctor may recommend certain dietary modifications if abdominal Adhesions cause a partial intestinal obstruction

25. Another treatment for abdominal Adhesions, dietary change can support an individual with incomplete or else complete obstruction due to abdominal Adhesions

26. A method for reducing, inflammation, coagulation and adhesions

27. When Adhesions are dense, or restrict the … Continued

28. Adhesions cause tissues and organs to stick together

29. Abdominal Adhesions: Abdominal Adhesions are a common complication of surgery, occurring in a majority of people who undergo abdominal or pelvic surgery

30. After surgical procedures peritoneal adhesions are quite common.

31. Intra-articular factors are adhesions and fat pad fibrosis.

32. Adhesions are different than endometriosis implants, which grow and …

33. Some of the adhesions were stuck to the stomach.

34. Previous surgeries cause about 90 percent of abdominal Adhesions

35. Abdominal adhesions can cause intestinal obstruction and female infertility

36. Postoperative peritoneal adhesions are common sequelae of abdominal surgery.

37. Adhesions are bands of scar tissue that attach to organs

38. Fibrin forms in the damaged structures, leading to peritoneal adhesions.

39. Adhesions can cause various disorders, depending on the tissues affected

40. Adhesions can cause various disorders, depending on the tissues affected

41. Adhesions can occur in the pelvic, abdominal, or chest area

42. More surgery, however, carries the risk of additional abdominal Adhesions.

43. Adhesions form when tissue in the pelvic region sustains an injury

44. What do abdominal Adhesions feel like to the touch? Everyone wants to know, “What do abdominal Adhesions feel like?” and rightly so! Learning to feel your own Adhesions is very important because once you are able to feel them with your hands, you suddenly …

45. Used statically, it can help with releasing scar tissue and help with adhesions.” Cupping can help release scar tissue and adhesions with less effort from the therapist.

46. Adhesions are lumps of scar tissue that form inside your body

47. In the intestines, Adhesions can cause partial or complete bowel obstruction

48. Surgery to repair blocked bowels often causes adhesions and more Blockages

49. Assuming an efferent-loop syndrome and adhesions, the patient was laparotomized.

50. Results: We found adhesions, inflammation of the adnexes, and ovarian cysts.

51. Further provided is a method for preventing peritoneal hemorrhage, adhesions and abscesses.

52. Abdominal Adhesions that do not cause symptoms generally do not require treatment

53. Pelvic Adhesions can occur around the bladder, bowel, ureter, uterus and ovaries

54. Adhesions inside the uterine cavity can cause a condition called Asherman syndrome

55. Pelvic Adhesions can occur around the bladder, bowel, ureter, uterus and ovaries

56. Asherman syndrome is a term used to describe Adhesions inside the uterus

57. BACKGROUND: Prevent postoperative peritoneal adhesions via covering peritoneal surfaces with flax oil.

58. Here's what causes these Adhesions and when the procedure may be needed.

59. Description Adhesions are made up of blood vessels and fibroblasts—connective tissue cells

60. Adhesions can be effectively and safely released through correct massage or manual therapy.

61. Adhesions can also form due to the body's response to trauma or infection

62. Abdominal Adhesions are bands of scar-like tissue that form inside your abdomen

63. Abdominal surgery is the main cause of Adhesions but not the only one

64. Abdominal adhesions are the most common cause of obstruction of the small intestine

65. Surgical procedures, such as myomectomy and endometriosis surgery, can also lead to Adhesions

66. Surgical procedures, such as myomectomy and endometriosis surgery, can also lead to Adhesions.

67. If the Adhesions have caused strangulation of the affected organ, then the organ may need to be removed; After a thorough Lysis of Adhesions, the surgeon repositions the organs, muscles, tissues, and closes the skin with sutures; Where is the Procedure Performed? Separation of (Lysis of) Adhesions procedure is performed in a hospital.

68. What Are Adhesions Body structures have layers of connective tissue on their outer surfaces

69. Adhesions can be thin and cobweb-like or dense and thick like hardened glue

70. It expresses various virulence factors including adhesions, toxins, iron uptake systems, and a capsule.

71. In cases of obstruction due to Abdominal Adhesions, the symptoms may be more intense

72. Immunomodulating composition for use especially in the treatment of inflammations, infections and surgical adhesions

73. Traction of zonular fibers and local senile vitreoretinal adhesions may be an additional factor.

74. Adhesions may occur when tissues make contact and band together, most often after surgery

75. Glanular Adhesions are benign and when left alone tend to resolve on their own

76. The Approximative anastomosis was evaluated concerning operating time, anastomotic healing, bursting pressure and adhesions

77. Abdominal adhesiolysis is a type of surgery that removes scar tissue Adhesions from the abdomen

78. Adhesions may appear as thin sheets of tissue similar to plastic wrap or as thick

79. 1,2,3 However, a majority of people with Abdominal adhesions do not develop symptoms or complications

80. Date: February 09, 2021 Pain in the abdomen is a symptom of c-section Adhesions.